Rose Meets Hunters

Chapter 5

In the middle of the night, I felt Dean move, shifting himself to get a good hold on my body. He picked me up, carrying me to my room I'm sure. I made sure my body stayed limp. I didn not want him to know I was awake and make me walk. I like being carried. There's something about someone carrying you that makes you feel like, for a second, all your worries have gone away.

He set me on my bed and pulled my covers over me. He brushed my hair from my face and didn't move for a few seconds. Then he left my room, closing the door behind him. I curled myself into a ball under the covers and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I grabbed a robe and pulled it on, then stepped out to the the hallway. I walked back to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I dipped my head into Uncle Bobby's study and saw him sitting at his desk, reading a book, and Dean, sitting at a chair in front of the desk, also reading a book. I walked back to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of coffee and walked into the study.

"Sam's waiting in the basement." Uncle Bobby said, not looking up. Dean watched me sit on the window seat, and looked away quickly. I sipped my coffee a few times, looked out the window, saw the rain pouring down, and looked back at Dean.

"Waiting for me?" I asked.

"Training. To kick demon ass." Dean spat. He grabbed his book and walked back to the kitchen. I shrugged and stood up. I drank some more coffee and walked towards the basement door. I opened it and heard grunting coming from below the stairs.

I walked down the stairs and stopped on the last stair. I looked around and smiled at a sweating Sam, beating the crap out of a bag of sand. I set my mug down on the step and pulled my robe closed tighter. I stepped off the last stair and cleared my throat. He looked over at me and looked me up and down.

"You can't work out in that." He walked towards me and grabbed a water from the cooler next to my legs. "It's like a dress. And you will me falling on your butt a lot today." He opened the water and chugged half, then grabbed my shoulder and turned me back to the stairs. "Go change."

I grabbed my mug and went to my room, dropping the mug in the sink on the way. I grabbed a pair of cotton pj shorts and a pair of sweats, and a tank top, with my t shirt over it. I pulled my hair up and brushed my teeth, then walked back down stairs.

He jumped right into teaching me how to throw a punch, kick someone from behind, duck from hits, get out of certain holds, and finally, how to hold a knife to cut someone. He wouldn't teach me how to hold and shoot a gun because he wanted to wait till we could go outside for that, and it was raining outside. So today was out.

After our practice, which turned out to be 3 hours long, we went up stairs. I was stripped down to my sweat pants and tank top. I had a nice sheen of sweat covering my body, and my chest was heaving as we laughed, walking to the kitchen.

I punched Sam in the kidney as we walked into the kitchen, Dean sending us a glare as he sat at the table. I made myself a pbandj and sat next to him. I shoved half the sandwich in my mouth and nodded at Sam as he set a glass of ice water in front of me. I ate the rest of my sandwich, then downed my water, and walked back tot he bathroom to take a shower.

I walked to my room, wrapped in a towel, my hair dripping.

"Uncle Bobby!!!!" I called.


"Can I dye my hair?" I closed my door, leaving a crack in the door.

"What color?"

"Burgundy!" I grabbed a black shirt and a pair of jeans and pulled my clothes on, slipping into my flats.

"What is that?" He asked, his voice closer, almost outside my door.

"Purple red." I said, grabbing a brush and opening my door to him leaning across the hallway. "It's real pretty." I walked back to the bathroom and brushed my hair, looking in the mirror and started to blow dry it. I watch Dean walk past the bathroom, then past it again. Then again. I finished my hair and ran the brush through it one more time, and watched him walk into the door way.

"Hurry up. We have to go." He mumbled.

"Go where?" I set the brush on the back of the toilet and turned to face him. He looked at his feet.

"The drug store. For your hair dye."

I jumped up and down with happiness and ran out the bath room, past him, and out to the car. I climbed into the front seat and buckled up, pulling out my cell phone and looking at my notifications. They were all game notifications. My friends didn't want to talk to me...

I put my phone away and watched Dean get in the car, start it, turn up the music to barely able to hear my own thoughts, and pulled out onto the main road. I watched the trees pass and nodded along to all the songs on the drive to the drug store.

When we got there, we went in and he walked to the makeup aisle. He grabbed a yellow tube of mascara and handed it to me. I walked past him, grabbing the makeup as I passed, and walked to the hair section. I grabbed a box the had the color I wanted after looking at 3 before it, and showed it to Dean. He nodded and watched a girl as she walked by.

"You're gross." I stated when he looked back at me. He raised his eyebrows at me and I looked at the direction the girl had gone in. "You have a girl with you, and you look after other girls. Do you know how to keep it in your pants?"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my shoulder, steering me towards the check out counter. A cute teenage boy rung us up and Dean threw a couple 20 dollar bills on the counter and grabbed the bag. I smiled at the boy and he sent me a wink.

"How are ya?" He asked me, leaning down to look at me.

"I'm good. And yourself?" I leaned against the counter, looking up at him.

"Quite well." He nodded his head at a retreating Dean. "You're boyfriend?"

"Nahw. My brother. Of sorts." I turned my head and looked at Dean, now looking back at me, realizing I wasn't following.

"So I can get your number." The boy leaned closer and I looked back at him.

"You could." I looked at the counter and blushed slightly.

"But you won't." Dean growled.

I turned and looked back at him. "And who are you to say that?"

He looked down at me, glaring seeming like a minor thing with what I was getting from his eyes. He flicked his gaze up to the boy and smiled. "Trust me buddy. She has this really bad foot fungi that makes the whole house stink. Every time she pulls off her shoe. And when she takes a shit. Man. It was like 4 fat greasy men with diarrhea released demons in the toilet. And she can't cook. Only has one good outfit, because she bums it all day. And man. She barely showers once a week!"

The boy looked down at me and dropped his smile.

"Oh you can't seriously believe him!" I said, spinning so I was facing the boy, my back to Dean. "He's lying! I shower every day. I don't have a foot fungi, and I can too cook! How my shit smells, that's kinda true. But I don't know a girl who shits flowers and farts rainbows. I have enough outfits to last me the next year, wearing everything only once. Oh." I swung my leg back and kicked Dean in the chest, sending him back a few steps. "And I can kick ass pretty well." I grabbed the pen from the counter and a card, stating something about a nursery greenhouse, and wrote my number on the back. "If you feel like a boy who wants to have a little fun, text me." I set the pen and card down on the counter and turned to Dean, snatched the bag from his fist, and stormed out of the store, slamming the car door behind me as I got in.


I stormed into the house and tossed my stuff onto the kitchen table.

"How dare you! How dare you, Dean!!" I growled, trying not to yell.

"How dare I? You could get yourself killed! You don't know that kid!" He said, pointing out the window.

"Neither do you! He could be normal! Someone who doesn't know squat diddly about this shit hole, hell life!" I said louder.

"Or he could be a demon." He yelled over me. "What? Am I suppose to let you make plans to go out, and end up getting killed?! I don't fucking think so! No way." He screamed in my face.

"YOU DON'T GET TO MAKE THAT CHOICE!" I stomped up to him. "I'm my own person, and last I checked, Bobby is the closest person to owning me. Not!" I poked my finger into his chest. "YOU!" I slapped my hand on his chest quickly and pushed past him.

Being a man, he grabbed my arm and pulled my ear to his mouth.

"As far as I'm concerned," He whispered to me, "I own you too." He let me go and stormed off into Bobby's office.

I stared after him and shook with anger.

Over. My. Dead. Body.
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xoxo Tina