& The Reason Is You

The Reckless And The Brave

「 Tony’s POV 」

An hour passed, and just as expected, time flew fast when you’re with Mike Fuentes. He kept on asking me a lot of questions about Blaise, which annoyed the fuck out of me but hey, I didn’t really care. It’s not like Blaise will ever know that he had been asking questions about him.

Revising would never work if it’s with Mike, so I tried to read a book I borrowed from the library. Before I could even open the first page, Mike took it from my hand and flipped the book to where I stopped reading with a bookmark. “Hey, give it back!” I called out but he seemed to space out for a while as he stared at the bookmark.

He then gave it back, along with the bookmark. I immediately took the book harshly from him and then checked where I had left. Thankfully I remembered so I placed the bookmark on the page and turned to him, “Thank God, I remembered,” and then rolled my eyes.

He let out a fake cough and then said, “Is it a good book?”


“That book.”

I looked at the book I was holding – The Reckless And The Brave – and thought for a while. I’ve read this book for countless times already but I really loved it and I couldn’t get enough of it. It was a perfect book so I looked up to him and nodded.

He gave me a huge grin and snatched the book out of my hand and then he said, “Really? Then let me borrow it. I’m bored nowadays.”


And I decided maybe lending him a book might be a good thing, I guess.

It was expected for Mike to get out of the detention room the same time as I did. As we were walking, he kept on talking and I wondered when he will ever shut up. I really need to go home as soon as possible, I couldn’t risk getting caught by my mother. The first time I had detention, I didn’t tell her because I was scared.

But then again, I have a good excuse to why I was late today. I would just tell her that I’ve been staying back at the library. While Mike was talking, I just nodded, pretending I was listening when really, I was actually thinking of the possible things my mother would yell at me.

Before I could even realize it, we were actually walking together to my house and when he pointed that out that was when I actually realized. We weren’t even halfway yet when he said, “Why am I walking you home?”

I turned to him, “Because you wanted to meet my sister,” I assumed.

“Nah,” he answered. “I was actually here because I wanted to tell you somethi – oh yeah! Let’s go, we have to go somewhere!!” and with that, he grabbed my wrist and started to run. I didn’t even know what was going on so I started to run to, afraid he might pull my arm off from my body so I had to shout at him to stop.

And he didn’t because he never listens to me.

“Mike! Let me go!! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
He turned to me with a very huge smile on his face, a smile that managed to make my eyes wide and my heart does cartwheels, I just gulped. He then said, “We’re going somewhere. We’re going to have fun!”

After a few minutes of running and yelling for him to stop, we finally stopped at a house somewhere in my neighborhood, but I didn’t recognize where it was. The house was pretty big and it has a huge garage. And there was Mike’s older brother, Vic and the guy with the dumb hair, Jaime. That was when I realized I was actually at Mike’s house.

Still holding my wrist, he walked to the garage, dragging me along with him. I groaned and rolled my eyes, trying to make him understand that I did not want to be there in the first place.

“Hey, little brother,” Vic called out but then his eyes were nervously looking at me, making me feel uncomfortable. I tried to look away, but it was hard when I literally could feel his gaze burning holes into my head. I suddenly felt conscious.

Jaime looked up from the guitar he was holding and then gave Mike a huge grin and then he turned to me, still grinning. People like Jaime make me feel calm a bit, knowing that he didn’t even care that I was there.

Until Jaime decided to say, “And now you guys are holding hands, eh?”

That was when I noticed Mike was still holding my wrist. I blushed and decided to try and break free from his grasp but he just held my wrist tighter, making my cheeks felt hotter than ever. God dammit, I really didn’t want any of these to happen.

Vic let out a fake cough as he stared at our hands. Was Vic mad that Mike was holding my wrist? I wasn’t sure; I couldn’t really read Vic’s expression. Was he felt uncomfortable that his brother was holding a guy’s hand? Hearing his brother’s signal, Mike immediately let go of my wrist and walked towards the shelf and place my book there.

“So, Tony, what brings you here?” Vic asked. His question made me felt uncomfortable and small, as if he didn’t want me to ever step a foot inside of his house.

“First of all, I didn’t even want to be here in the first place. Your fucking brother drags me here, for your information. Before you could even make me feel guilty for getting inside of you garage, don’t assume that I’m here because I wanted to. No, I don’t fucking want to, thank you,” I replied but obviously that only happened inside my head.

Instead, I just stood there awkwardly, speechless.

“I brought him here,” Mike replied for me. “I wanted to show him something.”

I stared on the ground, unable to look up to them. I could feel Vic was staring at me and I didn’t even know what Jaime was doing. A lot of things instantly came into my mind, what if Mike brought me here to humiliate me?

“Turtle,” he called out.

I only looked up, afraid that my voice might crack when I talk. “Come here,” he said and I did as I was told. He then opened a door and went inside, I only followed. Soon enough, we were inside his house. He walked and I tagged along behind him because I didn’t know what to do. We passed the kitchen and I saw his mother who said, “Michael, are you bringing a friend over?”

It took him for a while before he answered, his face hardened as he said, “Yeah, mom,” and without looking at his mother, he immediately walked upstairs. I sensed that something was wrong with him and his mother but who was I to care?

I stopped in front of the stairs because a) should I follow him or just stay downstairs and b) he considered me as his friend. To me, Mike was nothing but a jerk trying to ruin my life but there he was, thinking of me as a friend.

He must’ve noticed I wasn’t following him so he turned around to me and asked, “What are you doing just standing there? Follow me.”

So I did, and followed him to where I assumed was his room. He had a clean room (for a guy like him). His walls were covered with posters of bands and half naked girls (I just looked away because I was embarrassed) and he had a queen sized black and white bed.

“Well?” I asked, wanting to know why he was bringing me to his room.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he took his wallet and put it in his pocket. “Just getting my wallet. Now let’s go to the cinema.”
Wait, what?
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check out my new story if you haven't.
thanks, love y'all <3