The Diaries of Harry and Ginny

Harry Potter and GInny Weasley have always had a rocky relationship. And when the War is in full fledge and Voldemort and his followers are scouting the wizarding world, there is a sudden struggle to survive. With a little SNOGGING (Ha, that caught your attention), Harry and GInny find that love isn't always as it seems.......and itsn't nearly as easy.
  1. Crucio
    Life in Number 4 Private Drive was boring. It was frustrating. I needed out...and someone came. I was rescued. But the way I was rescued...well, let's just say I may have wanted to stay at my Uncle's house for a couple more days.
  2. Crucio- Eyes of Ginny
    Same story, from Ginny's perpective. How will she react?
  3. Recovery
    New feelings, recovering from the wound...
  4. What's Wrong With Being Happy?
    What IS wrong with being happy?
  5. Realization After Diagon Alley
    This is a cool chapter! It is really action packed and everything! Harry finds a connection to his past with a little girl who experiences something Harry never dreamed he would see.
  6. When a Dream Ruins a Kiss
    Harry wells in his own misery for Sirius, but someone is there to help him. Ginny. See what happens when her care gets out of hand for Harry.....
  7. Caught in the Act of a Kiss
    This is the total romantic tragedy right here, and I know the title sort of gives it away. However, they get caught in a different way then you'd expect.
  8. Complications
    Can Harry and Ginny cope with the complications of things? And what will Harry do when he finds Ginny in a painful and horrible situation under the mercy of his enemy? THIS IS FULL OF ACTION! YEAH!!!
  9. Take Off My What?
    Okay, you need to read this. Basically, Ginny has to get her wounds mended, and Harry does, but he has to take off her ....... And a tragic event happens that makes the whole experience seem like it never happened.....if you get my drift.
  10. I Can't Remember
    Ginny is having serious problems with her memory loss. Harry spills the beans which makes her absolutely crazy. Harry timidly describes what she couldn't remember.
  11. An Unkown Curse
    Harry gets hit with something that makes life.....well......more difficult.
  12. A Very Snoggy Hogsmeade Trip
    Harry and Ginny show the love for each other! Hermione however is having some difficulty with Ron.
  13. A Whomping Incident
    Harry finds out who injured Ginny on the train....and in the process, injures himself..... big time.
  14. Distracting the Willow
    Ginny finds Harry, but he is not in the situation she would really expect him to be in....
  15. Gone
    Harry recovers from the willow incident and finds that his wound his terrifyingly painful. He has finally realized who cursed him and when he goes to hunt him down, his attacker is gone.
  16. The Quidditch Match
    Who wins the Quidditch game? (pretty straight forward from the chapter title)
  17. I Found You
    Harry and Ginny celebrate the Quidditch match, but something unexpected comes up and there is extreme danger.....and a really big cliff hanger!
  18. The Beginning of Nothing
    Harry's pain relieving potions are wearing away and he and Ginny fight for their lives to survive an attack.......
  19. Where Nothing is Truly Here
    Something extremely unexpected happens to Harry and Ginny. Read and find out........
  20. Nothing Surrounds Us All
    See the pattern in the titles.....? Anyway.....the breakup is still inact, but things just get slightly worse for Harry and Ginny......but not Ginny and Dean. I will try to update this part quickly.......
  21. The End of Nothing
    When will Harry wise up? This is the chapter where Ginny and Harry both loose their minds......
  22. Interupted Bliss
    Harry and Ginny are back!! YAY! But somethihng very mysterious happens to Harry, and Ginny is suddenly scared of him....and of who he is.....
  23. Love Will Save Us All
    The sudden possessions of Harry are scaring Ginny, and she doesn't know what to do about it.....until love comes.
  24. No More Nargles
    The possessions have stopped and Harry and Ginny finally have some private time with each other. But events occur both good and bad and Harry struggles with the simple things like getting along with old friends and resisting beauty.
  25. A New Way to Snog
    Lots of fluff in this chapter! REVIEW PLEASE! This is good for all you fluffy people.....well not literally, obviously.....
  26. Magic Material
    THIS CHAPTER IS THE REPLACEMENT FOR THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER THAT WAS DELETED, "A CRASHED PARTY." This chapter has loads of fluff and I think you will enjoy the cliff hanger!
  27. The Spring Ball
    This is the big chapter where the actual ball happens! Harry and Ginny have the time of their lives during the Ball and share some happy memories!
  28. Fake Smile
    Harry finds that his dreams and premonitions are returning and that something strange is bound to happen soon. The chapter takes to the beginning of the dangerous cycle that will start off the roller coaster ride of the climax of the novel.
  29. Sunstrewn Graves
    Harry visits his parents graves, and discovers some of his ife questions. This is a very deep chapter, but I think you will enjoy it. REVIEW PLEASE! Oh, and of course by the title, you know there is at least something about a broom closet......and we
  30. Warning
    Ginny has some problems with Snape, but Harry lceans it right up in ways that make GInny shiver with delight! But then, something happens, and Harry feels something coming, something he cannot predict. He is forced to wait along with his friends for
  31. Taking a Risk
    Harry is takinga chance with his that might save GInny and Hogwarts.
  32. Brainstorming
    There is a plan in the Great Hall to make a plan to foil the plans of Voldemort who is attempting to break into Hogwarts. The only thing that Harry and his reinactment of the DA have to do is brainstorm.....and mad.
  33. Pranks
    Fred and George are here to help! Watch out Death Eaters! This chapter is mainly about how Fred and George are going to prepare to prank the Death Eaters....
  34. Unspoken Wishes
    Five more hours.....
  35. The Coming Storm
    The battle is only two hours away....What will Harry and Ginny do?
  36. Dementors and Death Eaters
    The battle begins and a hoard of numerous creatures and humans attack the castle. Harry and Ginny run for their lives....
  37. Giants and Vampires
    The Battle is still in forward motion, but can Harry and Ginny survive that which is full of surprises?
  38. Captured
    I woke up drowsy and weird feeling. I wasn’t sure what was happening. And then it all came crashing down and I was up and in the battle once again before Madame Pomfrey could stop me.
  39. A Horribly Familiar Place
    Harry wakes to find himself in an acingly familiar place. Why has Voldemort brought him here of all places?
  40. Portus
    Harry is tied to the very same tombstone that he was tied to two years ago. What does Voldemort have in store for him this time? Meanwhile, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione struggle frantically for a way to get to Harry....
  41. The Nightmare That's Real
    Here is the next chapter finally!!! Harry is stuck in the graveyard, but guess who comes to his rescue?
  42. Just That Weasley Girl and the Dark Lord
    Ginny is alone with Voldemort (with the exception of the unconscious Harry) and she is almost certain that she is not going to make it out alive. What can save her?
  43. Fawkes the Phoenix
    Harry is stuck once again with Voldemort, and now GInny is unconsious. Where are Ron and Hermione? How will he get himself out of this one?
  44. The End of the End
    The conclusion to the battle between Voldemort, Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione.
  45. Here Once More
    Can Harry and GInny have possibly survived the events of the graveyard?
  46. Them I Shall Cast
    This is the end! The last chapter! Here's a bit more for all my readers who want a last little bit of Harry and Ginny.