Status: Finished c:

It's Love That Keeps Fueling Me


Alex was coming home today. That's all Kellin's brain could process as he hurried around their shared apartment, doing random things to tidy it, in attempt to keep him busy. Alex was going to be home after being on tour with his band for months, and even though he was trying to contain it, Kellin was excited, and he couldn't wait for his boyfriend to get home, so they could just cuddle constantly before one of them had to leave again. His plan was to pick up the house, then wait up for Alex, so he could shower the golden-haired boy in affection. He set to cleaning the kitchen, humming to himself while he worked, a small smile always present on his face.

Alex was excited as well. All throughout the day he was on his feet, bouncing around, annoying the shit out of the rest of his band. He could help it, though, and as they got ready for their last set, he was buzzing in excitement. He made sure Flyzik made this a short set, so he could get home faster.

With a roll of his eyes, Matt said he'd do his best, sending Alex away to go bug someone else. Not finding anything better to do, he decided to go visit some of the fans, hopefully to get his mind off things.

As soon as the fans saw the boy, they went wild, calling him towards them. He walked to a group, his large, signature smile present on his face. He signed some things, having a few decent conversations with the fans. Some people asked him questions, to which he answered somewhat honestly.

"Why're you so happy, Alex?" A voice shouted from a little ways down. His smile seemed to widen impossibly, and he looked over.

"Why? Because tonight is our last concert," he replied. A lot of people let out confused shouts of protest, but Alex held up his hand. "I wasn't done. Tonight's our last concert, so that means I get to go home to my boyfriend," he added, making the crowd aww.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Alex, who is it?" another fan asked.

Alex smiled slightly to himself, looking down and shuffling a little. He patted his pockets in search of his phone, finding it and taking it from his back pocket, unlocking it and scrolling through his photos to find a decent one of him and Kellin. Once succeeding, he showed it to the first few people.

It was an adorable picture. Alex had his face resting against Kellin's forehead, while the smaller male was pressed shyly into his neck, a small smile present on his face, along with a light blush on his cheeks. Alex had a similar smile, except a little wider, showing off the little dimple in his cheek.

The few who saw let out a louder "aww", which made the ones in the back more curious. Alex made his way down the line, showing the fans that could see. Sliding his phone back in his pocket after reaching a stopping point, he continued to converse with some of the fans, until he saw Rian and Zack hurrying towards him. Apologizing with a hasty goodbye, he met them halfway, opening his mouth to ask them something, when they just each just took an arm and dragged him back to the stage.

"What?!" Alex finally burst out when they stopped dragging him, sending them both flustered looks.

"We go on in 15 minutes, you weren't here for sound check," Zack answered angrily, making Alex frown. Zack just glared at him before he could reply, turning and getting his bass, before heading out to the stage. Rian shot Alex an apologetic look, before turning and going out onto the stage too. Alex just frowned more, waiting for Danny to finish adjusting the guitar around his shoulders, before doing his best to get a smile on his face. It didn't take much, as he just thought of going home Kellin, before he was bouncing onto the stage and up to the mic.
It was 10:11, and Alex was due home at 11:25, or so he estimated, and the whole house was cleaned twice, and there were scented candles everywhere, each one a different scent, all of Alex's favorites, so the house smelled like a fruit bomb went off inside. Currently, Kellin sat up in the bed, reading a book, Blink-182 playing softly in the background. He was getting tired, but the dark-haired male was determined to stay awake for his boyfriend's arrival home. Unable to focus on the book, he set it aside, getting out of bed and heading into the kitchen with a frown. Throwing a swift glance at the clock, his frown deepened as he realized he still had another 55 minutes until Alex would be home. Sighing, Kellin turned back to the pantry, where he retrieved the box of cereal he was looking for, setting it on the counter and getting a bowl. He fixed himself a small bowl of cereal, heading back to the bedroom to sit and pout to himself that Alex wasn't home yet.

After finishing his cereal, Kellin put the bowl in the sink after rinsing it, then set about making himself some tea, taking out his phone to scroll through twitter. He saw a new alert, and his eyebrow rose when he realized it was from Alex. Opening it, he could feel himself blush already as the tweet loaded. It was the picture of he and Alex before he'd left for tour, and the caption made Kellin tear up a little.

"I forgot to post this when it was taken, but the fans made me realize just how much i missed my Kellybear. @kellinquinn i love you, boo <33"

Smiling, Kellin resisted the urge to retweet him, deciding on just waiting for when Alex arrived. He fixed his tea, then shuffled lazily back to the bedroom, yawning with a shake of his head. He settled down in the bed, continuing to scroll through twitter until his eyes grew heavy, and he was forced to set his phone to the side, so it wouldn't fall and hit him in the face like it had many times before.

When the bus stopped in front of the little apartment complex, Alex leaped off it ignoring the protests from Matt about his stuff. He told the tour manager that he'd pick it up tomorrow, that Kellin was more important. He noticed the lights still on, and he smiled a little to himself, realizing the older male might've tried to stay awake for him. Unlocking the door slowly, he pushed it open, scanning the area, wondering if his assumptions were correct, if Kellin decided to stay up, or if he was asleep. He chuckled to himself when he realized that Kellin went to bed, leaving every light on, and made his way into the house, shutting the door quietly, before looking around, feeling a smile creep onto his face as he spotted the multiple candles. Going around slowly, he blew them all out, turning off the lights on his way back to the bedroom. Peering into the bedroom, Alex could feel his heart swell as he spotted Kellin's sleeping form. His legs were tangled in the sheets, the work of hours of sleep, reached with about 20 minutes of it, and his arms were up covering his face, a light, soft snore coming from the elder's mouth.

Making his way to the bed, Alex admired his boyfriend's sleeping form, untangling Kellin's legs from the sheets, before clicking off the light and slipping in behind Kellin, hoping to not wake him.
Kellin felt the bed shift, however, and his eyes slowly blinked open as he felt an arm slide around his waist, a warm chest pressing against his back. He felt a warm pair of lips press right behind his ear, a soft "goodnight, baby" whispered to him. He turned his head a little bit, still blinking tiredly, spotting Alex's honey-brown eyes staring back at him, a gentle smile lingering on the younger's lips.
"Lex, you're home," the dark haired boy murmured, his hand going up to brush some of Alex's hair from his forehead gently, making Alex smile wider.

"Of course, Kells, I told you I'd be home today," he replied, his voice just as low, taking Kellin's hand and pressing a soft kiss to it. He watched as Kellin maneuvered around under the blankets, rolling over without pushing them over, so he was facing Alex. He watched the elder link their fingers together, cherishing the soft, smooth touch of Kellin's hands against his own rough, calloused ones. He watched as Kellin pressed himself closer to Alex, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and inhaling sharply.

He watched Kellin like it was the last thing he was ever going to do, and he was going to make sure it lasted either way. He heard Kellin let out a breathy sigh, and rubbed the smaller's hand gently with his thumb. "You alright, Kells?"

"I was trying to wait up for you," he heard Kellin's voice mumble against his neck, then another sigh, making Alex hum in concern, taking his hand away from Kellin's to pull the elder away from his neck.

"You know you don't have to do that," he murmured, bumping his nose against Kellin's, effectively causing the dark haired male to smile and return the action. "Flyzik purposely made sure I got home late, I know it," he added, which made Kellin roll his eyes with a small smile. Alex chuckled a bit. "It was out of our control, you know I would've rather skipped the show and come straight home to you."

At that, Kellin's face lit up again, and he bit his lip a little, trying to make the smile disappear off his face. Alex raised an eyebrow, asking silently what he was thinking about. "But if you hadn't gone to the show, your fans wouldn't have helped you realize just how much you missed me, remember?" Kellin teased gently, leaning in to press their lips together for a mere second, before Alex chuckled and shook his head a little, but kissed Kellin back quickly. "Oh, and, I love you too, Lex," he added after a second, pulling the younger back in for another kiss.

Breaking away, Alex leaned over Kellin, grabbing his phone off the nightstand and clicking on the light, earning a groan from Kellin, who ducked into his neck again. He tapped the camera option, nudging Kellin from his hiding again to make him look up at the camera. He wouldn't budge much, just turning a little and making eye contact with himself on the screen, staying pressed against Alex. Alex, with a small smile, took the picture, immediately uploading it to twitter.

"My poor Kellybear, he tried waiting up for me. Yay for late-night cuddles. @kellinquinn"

Setting his phone back on the table, he turned off the light again and settled back down so he could comfortably cuddle with Kellin, the elder nestled easily into his arms.

He ran his hand up and down Kellin's back gently, rubbing small circles here and there, while he waited for his boyfriend's breathing to slow. Eventually, it did, as Kellin slipped into sleep. Alex stayed awake for a little longer, pressing kisses to his boyfriend's head gently, humming a soft lullaby, to help him get to sleep himself.

"I love you, Kells," he murmured as he shut his eyes, pulling Kellin closer to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh god why do I have a feeling this is really bad.
I don't write in third person ever, but this one needed it or it wouldn't really make sense.
I'm going to go crawl into a corner now, ok.
Sorry about any errors, by the way. I was being really lazy when I edited this so if there's any mistakes just ignore them.