
To Start

I see them. They're shadow people.

But they don't want to hurt me.

There's the one in particular, he's around a lot. I feel like he's linked with me, and I kind of like it. He's peaceful. I don't feel the bad energy when he's around.

But he feels mine, and that's why he's here.

Maybe its because I'm not tidy. I know I'm a slob. My room isn't clean, my papers are shoved into my books, I don't do the dishes when I should all the time.

Maybe it's because mentally, I'm a mess.

She cheated. She fucked around. She hurt me. And I hate her. But I can't leave. She torments me, she tells me of the others she's loved before me and during me. She tries to get me to fight with her, to say every single fucked up thought that's ever crossed my mind. And I do. And I hate her. But I love her, and I can't leave.

It causes mental chaos.

Shadow people like chaos.

It's actually what attracts them.

They're like indicators, of when your life is a mess. Of when you need to get it all together.

And they don't want to hurt me.

I don't think.