Status: Completed

Love? I'd Rather Fall In Chocolate!

Chapter Seventeen

*~Ryan's POV~*

I really like William. I'm glad I'm finally letting myself out. I can be free. I can talk to William without starting a fight.

I hope we don’t fight at all.

"Okay, you guys, I'm really tired, I'm going to bed. I'll see you two love birds in the morning." She kissed us each on the cheek and headed off to bed. I rested my head on William's shoulder and relaxed.

He put his arm around my waist and rubbed my side. I melted into him.

"Ryan?" he asked quietly.

"Yea?" I mumbled.

"Um, will you be my boyfriend, Ryan?" he asked kind of shyly. I sighed. I didn't know what to do. I only just let me be me again. I don’t know if I'm ready for a boyfriend.

"Can I have a day to think about it? I'm just not sure I'm ready to have a boyfriend yet." I replied.

"Okay, I understand." He said.

"We should probably go to bed. Come on." I said getting up and pulling William with me to my room. "You can stay the night. I don’t mind." I said stripping down to my boxers. William followed suit and we laid down together.

Just before I fell asleep, William said my name.


"Yea?" I asked opening my eyes and turning to face him, but not turning my body, just my head.

"Can I kiss you goodnight?" I smiled.

"Sure." He leaned over and caught my lips in a simple goodnight kiss. When we pulled away, we both smiled. He laid back down behind me and slowly he fell asleep.

All I could think about while trying to fall asleep, was that maybe, I could make a relationship work. Just maybe.

*~William's POV~*

I woke with my arms wrapped around Ryan. I smiled to myself. I laid there for 10 more minutes until Ryan woke up. He rolled over to face me. He smiled.

"Happy 2008." I whispered. Our faces were only inches apart.

"Indeed it is." He quickly closed the gap between up and pecked my lips.

Even though I wanted more than a simple peck, like another make-out session, or an answer yes, I didn't want to push him. I've come to far to screw everything up.

Just then Ryan's door flew open and Riley came running in. Déjà vu? She began to jump up and down flailing her arms wildly.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" she screamed.

"Why?" Ryan asked quite confused.

"It's January first! It's January first!"

"January first?" he thought for a second, then it must have come to him. "Oh my god! It's January first!" he jumped out of bed and ran to his closet, quickly throwing clothes on his body. He then threw a t-shirt at me. "That should fit you." Once he realized I hadn't moved, he turned around to face me. "Come on come on get going! We only have…" he took a quick glance at the clock, thought for a bit, then continued. "28 minutes!"

Without any fuss, I got out of bed and began to dress. As I dressed, I looked at the clock. 28 minutes from now is 11:11. Interesting.

As soon as I was dressed, I was shoved out the door and we all piled into Ryan and Riley's car.

"If you don’t mind me asking….where the fuck are we going and why do we have to be there at 11:11?"

Riley and Ryan looked at each other and smiled excitedly. Ryan turned around in his seat to face me.

"Today is 1.1. and every year on 1.1. Riley and I go to Family Video, at exactly 11:11 and rent a movie called The First. Then we go to the grocery store and buy the first thing that pops in our heads. Then we got home and watch the movie while eating our random food. It's kind of a tradition." He continued to smile.

I began to laugh. "I love it! It sounds like something I would do!"

So at exactly 11:11 we went in and rented The First. At the grocery store Riley got ravioli, Ryan got baby carrots, and I got zebra cakes. We headed home and popped in the movie, enjoying our random foods. I think I like this tradition.
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boo yah bitches.