Status: Completed

Love? I'd Rather Fall In Chocolate!

Chapter Twenty Six

*~Ryan's POV~*

A doctor came out and called my name. What the hell? I looked up.

"You Ryan?" he asked. I nodded. "Come with me, your boyfriend wants you." He said.

I followed him, so many different situations going through my head. But I don’t think anything could have prepared me for what William told me when I got there.

(A/N: I can just hear the sad 'oh my god they're dead' music playing softly in the background. With the prominent piano solo…lmao)

After he told me that his mom had died giving birth, he cried even more. I just held onto him and comforted him. He needed a shoulder to lean on. I knew exactly how it felt to lose a parent. Hopefully he doesn’t go down the same road I did when my parents burned to death.

A nurse walked over.

"Um, I don’t think this could be the best time, but, what are you going to name her?" she asked sweetly.

William looked up. "I don’t know what she wanted to name her. I don’t remember if she told me." He whined.

I thought for a second. I gasped.

"I remember! She told me awhile back. She wanted to name her Meredith. I don’t know a middle name though." I rambled. "What about using your mom's name as a middle name, hun?" I suggested.

*~William's POV~*

"Meredith Lily." I whispered more to myself than for anyone else to hear. I nodded, liking the way it sounded.

"Meredith Lily." Ryan told the nurse, picking up my hand and squeezing it slightly.

The nurse wrote id down, then looked at me sympathetically. "There's something else, very important that I must talk to you about."

I looked at the nurse, a few tears still escaping my eyes. "You, as of right now, are the legal guardian of Meredith. We need to know if you will be keeping her, or giving her up for adoption."

"No, she's mine, I wanna keep her!" I said raising my voice a little, upset that she would even ask the question. She nodded understanding my anger.

"I'm very sorry for your lose, sir." She sympathized again. "Whenever you're ready, you can hold her." She then left the room.

As soon as she closed the door, I collapsed to the floor. Ryan followed, and I buried my head into his chest. After 5 or so minutes, Ryan and I went to the nursery, and each took turns holding my baby sister. As I sat and rocked her, Ryan took my phone and called Kyra and Riley. I guess both of them offered to move in with me. It's not that I wouldn’t enjoy the help, but I just felt like being alone for awhile. Plus, the nurse explained how to change diapers, how to feed her. She gave me a whole packet on new born care, and a number to call if I needed any help.

Ryan ran to my house and got the car seat and he brought some clothes too. We changed her (much to her dismay) and took her home. Ryan wanted to stay, but I told him to go home. He was tired, I was tired, and Meredith was already sleeping. So he went home, I put Meredith in the nursery with the baby monitor on, and went to sleep.

Unfortunately not for long. An hour later, Meredith woke up. I went to the nursery and fed her, then I did my best to burp her, and finally after rocking her for a while she fell back asleep. By now it's 6 in the morning, but I'm still really tired so I crawled back in bed too. The phone rang, but I didn’t answer it, I didn’t feel like talking to anyone about anything.
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