Status: Completed

Love? I'd Rather Fall In Chocolate!

Chapter Twenty Nine

*~Ryan's POV~*

I picked up Meredith to quiet her down. Since she just finished eating not long ago, I figured that she needed to be changed. I brought her down by William.

"Hey Baby. where are Mere's diapers?" I asked.

"On the kitchen table. he said opening another box. I rolled my eyes at the weird place to keep them but grabbed a diaper, the wipes and baby powder and went into the living room where there was carpet.

I changed her easily and set her on my lap. I grabbed a rattle that was nearby and shook it in her face a little.

She looked a little shocked then she giggles and tired to grab it. I smiled down at her and I heard Will giggle.

"You made her laugh." He said.

"Yea, it doesn't take much. Babies are easily amused." I told him. He kept opening the boxes, showing me the contents and giggling. I entertained Mere until she started to fall asleep again.

I brought her back upstairs and dragged the last of the boxes out of the room carrying them downstairs.

I opened the last three and they contained a rug, an organizer, and a clock.

"Baby, we need to decorate Meredith's room. Maybe we could use some of this stuff." I said

"Maybe." He said. He paused for a second, thinking. "No frying pans in her room." He said finally. I giggled.

"I wasn't planning on it. I was thinking we could decorate the room to match her crib." I suggested.

"Winnie the Pooh?"

"Yea. I think they have that stuff at home depot."

"When are we going to have time to go? I don't want to take Mere with us, A baby in Home Depot? That's not smart." He said.

"I'll get Riley to watch her. She has almost as much experience as me with little babies."

"I don't know if I wanna leave her here thought."

"She'll be fine, I promise. Riley will take good care of her. If she has any questions, she can call us." I reassured him.

*~William's POV~*

I know, I'm being way to over protective of Mere, but wouldn't you be too? I took a quick glance at the clock.

"Honey, do you know what time it is?"

"Oh." He said realizing it was 10 at night.

"We can go in the morning I promise."


"But I have to work at 2, so we have to be home by then OK?" I told him.


"Hey, I think Scooby Doo is on, you wanna go lay in bed and watch it?"

"Yes!" He said a bit loudly.


"Oops." He smiled.

Ryan took my hand and pulled me off the couch. We stood in each other's arms and kissed for awhile, then headed upstairs.

We stripped to out boxers and after a while we both fell asleep.

*Next Day*

When I woke, Ryan was sitting on the floor in front of my bed, feeding Mere.

"She doesn't wake you."


"When she cries, she doesn't wake you up."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said shyly.

"It's OK. That's why I'm here." I leaned down and kissed him.


"Yea?" I asked.

"You ready to go?" I could hear the excitement in his voice.

I sighed. "Go call Riley. I'll be ready in a bit."

"Yay! Can you take Mere?"

"Sure, I'll wait till after your off the phone."

Not long after Ryan left Mere decided she was done eating so I burped her. Then began to amuse her with my finger.

"Hey good news." Ryan said as he reentered the room.


"Riley called a relater and they are going to have the house on the market by the end of the week."

"Really? That rocks."

"Yea I know. Here I'll take her."

I handed Mere back over to Ryan and began getting dressed. Ten minutes later Riley came all excited to watch Mere.

"I like this one." Ryan said choosing a wallpaper. They had a whole book full of Winnie the Pooh wallpaper in tons of different colors, but the bedding on Mere's crib was a light green and a pale yellow, so we were looking at just those colors. The one Ryan was pointing at had the repeated scene of Pooh and Piglet holding hands waling into the sunset.

"Oh, that's so cute!" I replied

"Oh and you know what we can do? We can put the border in the middle of the wall and put the green above it and the yellow below it."

"Yes." I looked at him. "You should be an interior decorator."

"No thank you, but my heart belongs to editing." We both laughed.

I looked around a bit and quickly gave him a quick peck on the lips then we got the wallpaper, checked out and went home.
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SEE??? i promised!!!
comments would totally rock!!