Status: Completed

Love? I'd Rather Fall In Chocolate!

Chapter Thirty Two

*~Ryan's POV~*

I blushed and turned around in his arms. We kissed and when we pulled away, I pulled him close.

"I think you're beautiful too, Hun." I replied whispering.

We went back downstairs and Riley eyed us suspiciously, but didn't say anything. I'm glad she didn't that could be awkward.

I picked Meredith up and she giggled. I spun in a circle a couple times and she laughed more.

My cell phone rang. I passed Mere to William and pulled my phone out of my pocket. The caller ID flashed Andrew.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ryan? Why is your home phone disconnected?"

"Oh. I'm moving in with my boyfriend."

"Oh, how is he doing? He left in quite a rush last time. What happened?"

"His mom went into labor."

"Oh really? Boy or girl?"

"Girl. We named her Meredith."

"Ah, that's cute. So, I know this is short notice, but do you think we could do another photo shoot with you and your boyfriend?"



"Unless you want the baby there, we can't come now, we don't have a babysitter." I had to bring Riley to work soon.

"Why can't the baby stay with the mother?"

"She died giving birth." I replied sadly.

"Oh. Hug him for me."

"OK." He was silent for a second. Probably thinking.

"I just had a fantabulous idea. Come now and bring the baby. We can work her into the pictures. It will be so adorable." I raised my eyebrows at this and told him I'd call him back with an answer.

"Andrew wants us to do a photo shoot right now. With the baby."

"Aww! That would be so cute!" Riley cooed.

William looked a little skeptical, probably because this is only the second time he is leaving the house with the baby.

After a moment of silence, he agreed.

We loaded the baby in William's car and I told Riley I would let her take our car.

When we arrived at the studio, I grabbed Mere out of the back, with her car seat/carrier this time. William carried the diaper bag again.

Cathy, the receptionist, cooed at Mere when we came in. Andrew went all goo goo ga ga too. I'm starting to question his straightness. If he even was in the first place.

*~William's POV~*

After Andrew was done playing with Meredith, he sent us to the dressing rooms. He has a really cute yellow and blue dress for Mere, and a couple different shirts for both Ryan and me. Some where just plain, but other said things like "Proud Father". They were all numbered, so we both put on number one. Then headed out.

We accrual did a lot of posses. Mere was smiling the whole time. My favorite was when both Ryan and I cradled Mere with one arm, then held her between us. We were wearing our "Proud Father" shirt and Mere had on a matching T-shirt that said "Proud Daughter". Andrew was so excited that right after we were done, he plugged his camera into his computer and sent the good pictures to the gay pride magazine. He told us he would call as soon as he heard back from them and also that we would get a check in the mail soon.

We changed into our real clothes and said good bye to Andrew. We were halfway home when Ryan had and idea.

"Let's go out to eat."

I looked back at Mere and she was all smiles. "OK, where should we go?"

"Have you ever been to T.G.I Fridays? They have there really food deep fried green beans." He was getting excited now.

"Deep fried green beans? What will they think of next?"

"Oh, my, god we have to go there." He bounced up and down in his seat before switching lanes and making a left turn.

We were directed to a booth when we got to the restaurant. Riley sat across from me and I sat Mere next to me. The waitress came and we ordered our drinks. I took a bottle from the diaper bag and began to feed Mere. Not long after she finished the waitress returned, gave us out drinks and silver wear, and took our orders. Ryan and I each blew our straw wrappers at each other and laughed. We were lost in conversation, or a stuffed frog in Mere's case, when out meals were delivered. I unwrapped my silverware and there in front of me was the coolest hugest, most awesome fork I have ever seen. It was huge and heavy. The perfect fork.

"Oh em gee! This is the coolest fork I've ever seen!"

"Umm?" Ryan asked with a mouth full of food.

"This fork." I repeated. "Did you see these forks?"

He picked his up and looked at it. "It's really big."

"I know! I love it!"

"So take it."

"Take it?" He nodded then lifted his burger and took a bite. "I don't think I could take it."

After we were done eating and Ryan was rummaging threw his wallet, I slowly pushed my fork into my lap. Then put it in Mere's diaper bag.

On the drive home I pulled my fork out and started to play with it.

"You took it?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"I took it." I looked over at him and as our eyes met, we began to laugh at the same time. "Shh." I hushed after awhile remembering that Mere had fallen asleep.

By the time we got home it was late, so we changed Mere and set her in her crib to sleep. Then Ryan and I stripped to our boxers and feel asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i have made a decision!!!
i am gonna post the rest of it
i think there are about.....8 i think
happy reading!!
if you love, comment please?