Status: Completed

Love? I'd Rather Fall In Chocolate!

Chapter Thirty Three

*~Ryan's POV~*

I woke up in a cold sweat. Again with the nightmares! I thought they were gone! I'd feel bad waking up William when I don't think he could help any. So, I carefully and quietly snuck out of bed and into the room we finally got sort of set up for Riley. She was staying over tonight cause I had work in the morning and she's gonna help Will.

I sat on her bed and gently woke her.

"Ryan? Is something wrong?" I just looked at her like -you know damn well what is wrong-.

"Oh, I thought you were over that dream."

"I thought so to."

She nodded in understanding and pulled the covers back so I could sleep with her.

After she started softly singing the lullaby, I feel asleep again. Grateful that I have a sister like Riley.

*~William's POV~*

I woke, and realizing Ryan was not in my arms, I began to franticly search for him. Then I opened my eyes to see that he wasn't there. I slowly got up from bed and wondered down the hall to Mere's room. She was still sleeping. So he isn't taking care of her. I walked to the next door and slowly opened it. Laying in Riley's bed was Ryan, her arms wrapped around him. Those should be my arms, not hers.

Why did he go to her room in the middle of the night? Did I smell bad? I lifted my arm and sniffed my armpit. Nope, that's not it.

Just then I heard Mere let out a small cry, so I hurried back to her room to pick her up before she woke the other sleeping beauties in the house. I knew both Riley ad Ryan worked this morning, so I have to wait to talk to them till they get home. I don't know why I'm so upset by this, but I am. I'm kinda hurt too.

I feed Mere and kept my emotions under control until they both left for work. I'm not going to cry or anything, I'm just confused. Mere was in her play pen when the phone rang. The caller ID told me that it was Kyra. OH, wow. I haven't talked to them in forever and practices! I've missed all of them since mom...died.

"Kyra, I'm so sorry I've just been so busy that I...forgot." I answered.

"Oh calm down. Will, we all understood, we decided to take a break so you could get things under control."

"Oh, well thanks. You know, Ryan will be home tomorrow, he can watch Mere, should we have practice?"

"Yea, that works great."

"Sweet, umm one o'clock?"

"Perfect. AH! I'm so excited, I've missed you."

"Aww! I missed you too hun."

"Aaron stir the noodles!" She screamed away from the phone. Then spoke into it again. "Sorry to cut this short love, but I'm trying to teach Aaron how to make mac and cheese and if I don't go now he will burn my house down. God, I know we should have done this at his apartment."

I laughed. "OK, love ya."

"Lub you too. See you tomorrow. Bye."


Not long after I hung up with Kyra, I heard an Armor For Sleep song quietly in the distance. I did my best to follow the sound and it lead me to Mere's play pen. I looked inside and discovered Mere sucking on the antennae of Riley's ringing cell phone. Not knowing what else to do, I answered it.

"Hello Riley?"

"Um, no, this is her friend William, can I take a message?"

"Oh William. This effects you also, so i will tell you the news and let you share it. This is the Realtor that is selling Riley and Ryan's house. I have great news, we just received a full cash offer. We sold the house!"

"Oh my god! That's great!"

"Yes it is. So have Riley call me ASAP and I will give her the details."

"OK, that sounds great, thank you so much."

"It was my pleasure William. You have a nice day."

"You too."

Now I was so excited. Riley was for sure going to move in with us. Mere and I hung around the house until Riley and Ryan got home. I let Ryan use my car today so Riley didn't have to pick him up.

I wanted to talk about last night right away, but I knew it would be best to start with the important stuff.

"AHHH!" Riley squealed when I told her the news. Ryan was silent, but he had the hugest smile on her face. "I'm going to call her right now!" She yelled and jumped up from the couch, but I cut her short

"I wanna talk about something."

I paused to pick Mere up form her play pen cause she started to cry.

"Um, this morning. I woke up and Ryan wasn't in bed. So I looked for him and I found him in your room." I motioned to Riley. "I feel like such a child, but why?"

Ryan's cheeks turned a slight red color and Riley looked at him. After awhile she cleared her throat. Ryan's head snapped up at her and she nudged him. Once he spoke it was a low hushed tone and I could hardly hear. "I um, had a nightmare last night."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked hurt slightly more by his answer.

He looked at Riley and she spoke. "I'm the only one that can help him fall asleep again. Um..." She looked to Ryan for approval to speak and he slowly nodded once. She continued, "I have to sing the lullaby out mother used to sing to us, or he can't sleep again."
"Oh." Now I felt slightly stupid for being so hurt. I couldn't of helped him.

"I'm sorry." Ryan whispered to me.

"No, no don't be. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it so personally." I got up and gave him the best hug I could manage with Mere in my arms. But he smiled anyway and hugged me back.

"Can you say Kodak moment?" Riley screamed once again and pulled out a camera form who knows where. I have a feeling that one is going to be a great picture of my new family.
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