Status: Completed

Love? I'd Rather Fall In Chocolate!

Chapter Thirty Seven

*William's POV*

I was just about to climb in my are after work and my cell rang. It was Kyra.

"Hey Kyra. What's up?"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Will can you do a show tonight?"

I thought for a sec. "Yea. Mere will have to come with cause Riley is busy, but I'm sure Ryan won't mind. Why what's going on?"

"Oh my god. There is going to be a talent scout at The Rave and they had an opening in the line up. Oh my god Will, this could be it!"

"Are you serious? Cause if you aren't, you are so dead!"

"I'm not even kidding! It starts at 7 and we play around 8. So you can make it right?"

"Yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Baby you home?" I called into the house before shutting the door behind me. "Hello?" I called again after I got no answer.

"We're upstairs!" I heard. I climbed the stairs and found Ryan playing with Mere in her room.
I sat down next to Ryan and gave him a kiss.

"You would never guess the news that I have."

"There is a show at the Rave tonight and a talent scout is going to be there looking at the bands and Death Grip is going to play."

"Yea....How did you know"

A huge smile covered his face. "Kyra called."

I laughed a little then gave him another kiss.

By the times we got ready it was time to leave. We made sure we had a fully equip diaper bag, then got into the car and started on our way. The Rave was about an hour and a half drive from Kaukauna. So Mere had a long drive ahead of her. Hopefully she could make it.

*~Ryan's POV~*

We arrived at The Rave after only having to stop once to change Mere's diaper. I grabbed Mere's diaper bag and ear protectors out of the backseat while William took her from her car seat.

"Meredith, baby, we've gotta put your ear protectors on." William said picking her up.

"Ah, Dada." She giggled.

I smiled and put them over her ears. She looked at me startled then called me mama again. I just rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead.

"Oh my gosh, she's getting so big!" Kyra called when we arrived inside.

"Hey, William, get your bass set up, we play after them." Mas said pointing to the stage.
William kissed me and Mere goodbye and left for backstage.

I took Mere out into the crowd, in the back, to watch the band.

A little after Death Grip started, Mere got antsy so I sat down at a table with her on my lap. I gave her a toy to play with on the table. My back was facing another table and they were talking loudly to each other. I couldn't help overhear.

"Wow, this band is really good. They could be it." I heard one say.

"Better than any of these other bands. I think they have what it takes." Another replied.

It was at this point that I realized that these people were the talent scouts William was talking about. And they really liked Death Grip.

I was suddenly saddened by the fact that William could leave me. I know this is something he's always talked about, dreamed about even. But he has so many reasons he should stay. I guess it's his choice though. Gosh, he doesn't even know yet. It's his decision to make, I can't make him stay if he doesn't want to.

I stayed where I was in the back until the show, well Death Grip anyway, was over. I will admit, my eyes teared up just at the thoughts of all this.

After Death Grip walked off the stage, I headed backstage with Mere. The talent scouts following me. Though I don't think they noticed. William met me at the entrance to the backstage. We shared a short kiss and he took Mere from me.

"Amazing as always, baby." I told him a hint of sadness still in my voice.
♠ ♠ ♠ yea...
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