Status: Complete.

Fight or Flight


Veronica briskly walked from the men’s room to the front register. She was fuming with anger and if it was possible, she was sure that she’d have steam leaving her ears right now. She wondered what was going on as she watched Matt’s hand movements. He was still reasoning with the manager about the situation. The manager of the restaurant turned away from him, trying to ignore him.

“Is there a problem?” She asked Matt when she approached him.

“I’m trying to tell this guy about the fucking waiter and he won’t listen,” Matt explained, nodding in the direction of the manager who was yelling at one of the waitresses.

“Hey,” Veronica yelled to him, slamming her hand on the countertop to get his attention.

“Yes, ma’am?” The startled manager spun around.

“Look,” She took a deep breath. She refrained from reaching over and grabbing him by the collar. “It’s nothing we have against you. We know it’s not your fault, but I’m telling you that I want that waiter, Vincent, fired.”

“Ma’am, if we fired someone every time there was a complaint against them, we’d have no employees,” He said in a patronizing manner.

“No, you’re not understanding,” She snapped. “You tell me why my drink was fizzing when I definitely did not order a soda. We’re not eating or paying for who-knows-what he put into our food.”

“Ma’am, you have to pay for your meals whether you eat them or not,” He said with a careless shrug.

“The hell we don’t,” Veronica argued, slamming her hand down again. “Did I mention that your waiter spent his time harassing me?”

The guests entering and exiting the restaurant gave them disapproving looks at their heated exchanges. The hostess quickly ushered the new guests to their tables, not wanting Veronica to influence the guests’ choice of eatery.

“Do not make me call the police for your disturbance,” The manager tried to threaten her.

She let out a sarcastic laugh, throwing her head back. “Please, be my guest and call them. When they come, I can explain to them that an employee of yours has evidently slipped something into my drink and harassed me. Oh, and by the way, I don’t think you’d want the health department to come investigate either.”

The managed stared at her with wild eyes. He was speechless.

“I suggest you get rid of him before it’s not just me you have to deal with,” She suggested in a dark tone. “And if you don’t, I’m sure I can talk to the owner of this place and tell him all about the employees he has working here.”

“No, no, you don’t have to do that,” He urged, putting his hands up for peace. “This does not have to escalate. I will discharge Vincent immediately. After all, our establishment does not tolerate such behavior by employees.”

“Good,” Veronica snapped, ready to leave.

“Would you like a replacement meal? On the house, of course,” The manager offered before she could walk away.

She turned back to him, shaking her head at the nerve of him to ask her that.

“I don’t think we’ll ever be eating here again.”


“Remind me to never, ever get on your bad side,” Matt said as he pulled into the parking lot of the complex.

“Er, yeah, sorry about that,” Veronica said, looking at him. She didn’t tell him about the part where she nearly choked their waiter. She didn’t want him to think that she was crazy or aggressive just yet. “I think you’ll stay in the good zone.”

He smiled, unbuckling his seatbelt. “I’ll walk you up.”

She unbuckled her seatbelt too, opening the car door for herself. She led the way to the flight of the stairs. He followed her upstairs and to the door of her apartment. She unlocked the door before turning to face him. She would have invited him in, but it was getting late and she thought it was too soon.

“Thanks for dinner,” She said, adverting her eyes down to her boots. Thanking him had almost become a habit. “I mean, not so much of a dinner, but you know.”

They had ended up eating fast food after leaving the Italian restaurant. In-N-Out was the safest bet for fast food. By the time they left the restaurant they were practically starving and too turned off to go to another restaurant. Their dinner date became more of a casual conversation over a burger and fries.

“Ah, it’s alright,” He chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I think going for something simpler was easier anyway.”

“And less expensive,” She pointed out.

“That too,” He nodded. “I still enjoyed your company.”

“Yours too,” She agreed. She was beginning to feel like she had another friend besides her colleagues and Nathaniel.

“I should go,” He said after glancing at his watch. “It’s getting late.”


“Night, Veronica,” He said, taking a step away from her.

“Wait,” She called out. She licked her lips as he turned around. She stepped forward so they were only inches apart. She reached up and cupped her hand over his stubbly cheek. She raised herself on her toes, pressing her lips to his cheek. “Thank you.”

“You don’t always have to thank me,” He murmured once she dropped her hand. He stepped back and winked at her before walking away.

She stood there for a moment, wondering what he meant before pushing the door of her apartment open. She closed the door behind her, leaning against the door with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
How the hell did I get to chapter 15 already? I feel like the story just got started! I mean, well it kinda did haha.

Sorry this is shorter than the last, I just wanted this to have its own chapter before jumping into a new day/scene. Also, I'm sorry if I don't include much conversation or anything. I just like you guys to sometimes make up your own conversations between them rather than writing a whole chapter on them talking about their favorite ice cream or something. SHE KISSED HIS CHEEK!

Thanks for all the comments and everything! I've gotta get some rest because it's 4:35am. I shall be back tomorrow (or later in the day) with another update!

Lovely list of commenters:
Lovely commenters:
Haylie Jaed
Synyster Vengeance