Status: Complete.

Fight or Flight


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Veronica concentrated on walking while trying not to break her ankles on the paved driveway. She didn't wear heels often unless Audrey made her. Tonight, Audrey was making her wear a tall pair of ankle boots for a night of clubbing. She had even made Veronica wear the neon dress that Val had picked out for her. They planned on having a girls' night out in celebration of Veronica's thirtieth birthday. Her actual birth date fell on Monday, but Saturday was the better day to celebrate.

"I think I left my wallet in my room," Audrey told Veronica as they walked to the front door of her and Nate's house.

Audrey had driven almost all the way across town, only to realize that she had left her wallet at home. Thus, they had to return and postpone their night out until she found it. Audrey unlocked the front door, stepping into the dark foyer. She flipped the light switch so they could see.

"I'm gonna go check upstairs," Audrey said, heading for the staircase.

"Is Nate home?" Veronica asked even though she hadn’t seen any other cars in the driveway. She'd dropped the idea of him and Val a week ago, but it still nagged at the back of her mind.

"I don't know, go check in the living room," Audrey shrugged.

Veronica nodded, her shoes clicking on the polished hardwood floor. She briefly considered taking off her annoying heels until they left again. Knowing Audrey, she would probably be looking for her wallet for a while.

"And don't take off your shoes," Audrey warned, wagging a finger at the black, suede ankle booties on Veronica's feet. "You need to get used to wearing them."

Veronica huffed like a stubborn little kid. She turned the corner and entered the pitch black living room. Clearly Nate wasn't in there, but she felt along the walls for the light switch anyway. She jumped back, startled when the bright lights flickered on by themselves.

"Surprise!" A large group of people jumped out from their hiding spots, screaming at her. The sound of party horns screeched and colorful confetti was thrown in the air.

Veronica stood there for a minute, seemingly unfazed but shocked. The flashes of cameras temporarily blinded her. When she realized it was a surprise birthday party for her, she broke into a grin.

"I hate you guys," She said, smiling sheepishly at all her friends. She wished that she could stop smiling like an idiot, but she couldn't.

"Ta-da!" Audrey sang from behind her. She was obviously in on the whole thing, too.

"You guys did all of this for me?" Veronica asked, feeling somewhat undeserving of such a huge birthday bash.

"No, we did this for the Queen of England." Audrey rolled her eyes. "Of course we did this for you!"

"Wow." Veronica took it all in, looking around the room.

Their normally quiet and organized living room had been transformed. The furniture was pushed against the walls, creating a bigger floor space for the guests. Dance music played over a stereo system for entertainment. Party streamers and a big ‘happy birthday’ sign hung from the ceiling and the walls. She noticed the very obvious army theme. There were camouflage napkins, plates, and cups. Everything was camouflage.

"Here," Audrey said. She presented Veronica with an army green sash with white, cursive writing that read Happy birthday, Veronica on it. She placed it on Veronica's shoulder and across her body. "And here's your crown."

Audrey placed a rhinestone-encrusted tiara on Veronica’s head, pinning it to her hair to stay in place. Veronica couldn't help but feel like a little girl at a princess party.

"There." Audrey snapped a picture of a very unamused Veronica.

"Surprise!" Nathaniel yelled, blowing a noisemaker in Veronica's face. The end of the noisemaker slapped Veronica's nose. "’Bet you weren't expecting a party.”

"I wasn't," She said truthfully. She embraced him in a long hug. "Thanks for all of this."

"No problem, V," He said, kissing her forehead.

"Well, if it isn't Scottie lookin’ smokin' hot," A rough voice said from behind her.

Her chocolate brown eyes lit up. She could recognize that country accent anywhere. She quickly let go of Nate, whipping around to face some of the guys from her deployment team.

"Cherry," She shrieked, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

"I missed you, baby," He said in his charming way.

"I missed you too," She said, kissing his bearded face as he kissed her cheek. She let go of him, moving to the others. "Come here, rookie."

She hugged Sam, who was the new guy on their last deployment. She took notice of how much bigger he'd seem to have gotten in muscle. His youthful face still gave away his young age.

"I'm not a rookie anymore," He whined jokingly, patting her back.

"Good," She winked. "Maybe you'll come with us next time."

She moved on to Brandon. He still had his short, dark buzzcut and even he gained a little more muscle. He was always a muscular guy but she could tell he'd been working out more. She quickly greeted and hugged the rest of the team.

"God, I missed you guys," She gushed, looking at all of them. These were the guys that she would take a bullet for, and she knew they’d do the same for her. It felt so good to be reunited with them again.

"Well, someone else missed you too," Audrey whispered in her ear, nudging her side. She nodded her head in the direction across the room.

Veronica glanced over, locking eyes with hazel ones. His hair was still uncut and parted down the middle. He looked deep in thought as he stared back at her, ready to approach her. Veronica swallowed the lump in her throat. She didn't know what she was going to say to him but she had to think quick.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, well, look who's back! I just realized that everything in this story usually happens on the weekends. Nothing ever happens during the week haha.

Lovely list of commenters:
Haylie Jaed
Synyster Vengeance