Status: Complete.

Fight or Flight


Sunday, January 12, 2014

"So, you finally told him," Audrey clicked her tongue. She let out a whistle as her and Veronica walked down the aisles of the drug store.

"Yep," Veronica nodded.

"How'd he take it?" Audrey looked up at the aisle signs.

"Not good, I guess," Veronica shrugged. She had gotten over their argument quickly. Matt, on the other hand, was still upset even after she tried to explain everything to him. "He was pissed, I think. He said that I couldn't leave him."

"But he told you he was going on tour," Audrey stated, trying to put the pieces together. "So it's okay for him to leave you for his fans but you can't leave for the country? That's not fair."

"I think he wanted to take me with him," Veronica clarified. "They're going down to Brazil and all of that."

"Then everything should be fine," Audrey reassured her, turning down aisle eight. "He'll be off doing his thing; you'll be off doing your thing. You guys will barely have time to miss each other."

"Hmph," Veronica sighed. She awkwardly stood next to Audrey in the women's hygiene and care aisle. "I can't believe you're pregnant... again."

"I might not even be," Audrey shrugged. Her delicate fingers traced over the numerous boxes of pregnancy tests. "Sometimes it just comes late, but I'm checking anyway."

"Yeah, right," Veronica said, not believing a word from her friend’s mouth.

"I don't know, maybe I am pregnant." The blonde glanced at her friend. She read the back of a pink and blue box. "We've been going at it a lot lately. Nate's just so-"

"Okay!" Veronica put her fingers in her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the rest. "I don't want to know. You two are freaks."

"We're the freaks?" Audrey dropped her mouth, feigning offense. "You agreed to a threesome that one time and you liked it. Please, don’t act like this is new to you."

Veronica opened and closed her mouth like a gasping fish. She nearly choked to death when the couple first came to her, asking if she’d participate. They claimed that Veronica was the only other woman that they trusted to be in the bedroom with them. She agreed because, well, Nathaniel was her best friend and he could practically get her to do anything he wanted. It was a plus that he was attractive, too. Veronica thought their friendship would be awkward after having sex with each other, but it surprisingly wasn’t. Things went right back to normal.

"I thought we agreed to never bring that up again," Veronica said in a hushed tone. Her cheeks flushed as she looked around to make sure that no one had overheard. "You guys are the freaks who initiated it." Veronica had to admit that Audrey and Nate were quite the eccentric couple. They were into that weird sex stuff.

"Okay, but you're getting some too," Audrey teased, wiggling her eyebrows at Veronica. "I know Matt's been putting it down on you."

"I am not talking about this while standing in front of a shelf of pregnancy tests," Veronica hissed.

Audrey shrugged and threw the pink and blue box into the basket with the other items. Veronica couldn't believe how blasé Audrey was with the possibility of being pregnant. If it was her, she knew that she’d be freaking out right about now.

"Anyway," Audrey adverted back to their former conversation, "Matt will get over it. If he can't take the heat, then he's gotta get out of the kitchen."

Veronica rolled her eyes as they headed to the checkout. That was pretty damn close to what her father had told her.


“Why is it so hard to pee on a damn stick?”

Veronica giggled, waiting on the other side of the bathroom door. Audrey had been in the bathroom for the past five minutes, muttering to herself and fumbling with the test.

“I was thinking about breaking the lease on my apartment,” Veronica mentioned just for conversation.

“Yeah?” Audrey grunted and Veronica heard something drop. “Shit.”

“It’s just taking all of my money and I’m not even going to be home,” Veronica told her. She had the benefit of breaking a lease without penalty because she was in the military.

“Where are you going to live when you get back?” Audrey asked.

Veronica shrugged although her friend couldn’t see her. She leaned against the wall. “I don’t know, my parents?”

“Our door is open,” Audrey offered. “If that’s what you really want.”

“Thanks but no thanks,” Veronica refused her friend’s offer. She didn’t want to invade on their privacy no matter how close the three of them were. With another baby possibly on the way, she didn’t want to be in the middle of their growing family. Maybe she would just stay at her apartment. Her parents always took good care of all of her stuff while she was away.

“Okay, I’m done,” Audrey said, flushing the toilet. Veronica heard the running water of the sink.

"So..." Veronica anxiously waited for the blonde's response as she emerged from the bathroom.

Audrey held the thin, white stick in between her index finger and thumb. She grinned from ear to ear. "I'm having another baby!"

The brunette’s jaw dropped in disbelief. "Oh my gosh, that's great!"

The two of them hugged each other tightly, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I'm gonna be a mom... again," Audrey cheered happily. "Alex is gonna have a little sibling."

"I'm gonna have another nephew or niece," Veronica smiled before cocking her head to the side. "Why do you always decide to get pregnant when it's time for us to leave?"

"Well, I don't decide," Audrey corrected her. "I think we just up our sex game before it's time."

"Oh, man," Veronica grimaced. "How far along do you think you are?"

"No clue," Audrey shook her head. "Well, after your birthday so... two months, maybe? I'll have to make a doctor's appointment."

"How do you think Nate's gonna take it?" Veronica questioned curiously. He highly anticipated the birth of his first son, but he'd never mentioned having any more kids.

"How am I gonna take what?" His boyish voice cut in. He stepped into the hallway, setting Alex down onto the floor. The small boy ran off to play with the family dog. He raised his eyebrows, looking between the two women. "Well?"

Audrey silently held up the test, showing it to him. Veronica wondered if this was her cue to leave.

"You're pregnant?" He asked. His blue eyes blinked in surprise.

"Looks like it," His wife squeaked. "The stick's blue."

"Um..." Veronica glanced between her two friends. She didn't want to be caught in the middle of something.

“That’s great!” Nathaniel grinned at his wife, picking her up and giving her a long, romantic kiss. “We’re gonna have another son.”

“Or daughter,” Veronica piped up.

“Or daughter,” He nodded. He gave Audrey another full kiss while Veronica stood there awkwardly glancing down at the floor.

“I think I’m going to go make sure Alex is alright,” Veronica excused herself. Obviously, they needed a moment. Veronica headed to the living room for her nephew, shaking her head. It just seemed like everyone was full of surprises.
♠ ♠ ♠
So....Spring break is over. I go back to school tomorrow (Monday). Then there's 2 more months until the end of junior year. YEEEEEE!

There's like 5 more chapters until the end of this story, and then at the end I'll give you guys choices for a sequel. If I update every day this week, this should be complete by next weekend.

Haylie Jaed
Shadows courtesan