Status: Complete.

Fight or Flight


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"I'm not betting on the Superbowl ever again."

Veronica sat cross-legged on the carpeted floor, silent while her colleagues argued over sports like no tomorrow. Not being much of a football fan, or a fan of any sport for that matter, she didn't contribute to the conversation. Trench and Cherry were currently arguing over the Superbowl game from the week prior. Veronica didn't watch it, so she had no clue what they were talking about.

"So when can I kill them all?" Nathaniel whispered jokingly, leaning over her shoulder.

"Not in my apartment," She answered, laughing. "I have no clue what they’re talking about, but it’s kind of funny and annoying at the same time.”

Veronica cursed whatever possessed her to invite her whole team into her apartment for dinner. She invited them over often if they were around, and each time she regretted her decisions. There was only but so much room for the seven or eight of them huddled in her small living room. The couch was occupied, chairs were pulled out, and the rest occupied the floor. They made her apartment seem much more cramped than it already was.

"You're just mad because Denver lost. Don't be a sore loser, dude."

"Fuck off."

Veronica rolled her eyes at their continuous bickering. They all argued like brothers, really. Tired of their arguing, Veronica stood up, holding her bowl in hand.

"Who wants seconds?" She announced. Food was a sure way to shut them up.


"No, me! Move!"

"I will kill you."

She inwardly groaned at her friends' child-like behavior. She could turn big, intimidating men into begging little boys. Her famous spaghetti was just that good. In fact, all of them had cleared their schedules after work when they found out she was making it for dinner. Spaghetti was always her go-to meal for get-togethers. Sometimes she even made a small pot and took it to work for her colleagues. Everyone always asked her how she made it taste so good. Her spaghetti recipe was a secret, and she'd never told anyone. It was just something that her mother had taught her how to make, and even Veronica's mother was taught by her mother, Veronica's grandmother.

"Guys, calm down," She tried to quiet them. The last thing she needed was her neighbors complaining about the noise. She pulled the top from the pot and grabbed a serving spoon. "Here."

"Thank you," Nate grinned triumphantly as he was the first one served. She scooped a big pile of pasta into his bowl.

"Yeah, yeah," She rolled her eyes playfully and moved on to Cherry. She placed a heap of noodles onto his plate.

"Thanks, baby girl," Cherry said in his charming Texan accent, kissing her cheek.

"You only call me that when you want something," She told him. "Don't just use me for my spaghetti."

He gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "Never!"

"Mhmm," She hummed skeptically, serving the rest of her friends. Finally, they were all served and she was able to get the last bit of pasta for herself. She walked into the living room, where they were fiddling with her television and scrolling through the cable guide. Nathaniel patted the spot on the couch next to him. She thanked him for saving her a seat.

"Just pick a movie," Trench said impatiently.

"Well, thanks for asking," Veronica muttered sarcastically as her friends opened up the cabinet of her entertainment center, looking through the stacks of DVDs. Sometimes she thought they were way too comfortable at her place. "Just go ahead and look through my stuff, no problem."

"No stupid movies, please," Nathaniel piped up. Veronica knew how much he hated those cheesy comedies that tried really hard to make a person laugh.

"Don't break my DVDs!" Veronica hollered as they continued to throw discs around. She grabbed her phone, checking for any new messages. There weren't any from Matt. He, too, was having his own time at the bar with the guys while she was with her guys. She set her phone back down, shoving a forkful of twisted noodles into her mouth.

"Okay, Texas Chainsaw," Cherry suggested, holding up the DVD. "The old version."



"Sounds good."

"Someone, go get some more beers."

Veronica was glad that they were all able to compromise without another argument. She leaned back into her comfy sofa, squished between Nate and the armrest of the couch. Cherry fumbled with the DVD player, muttering under his breath before he finally popped the movie in.

"Now, everyone, be fucking quiet so we can watch the movie," He announced, running a hand through his dark, wavy hair.

Veronica wondered when Cherry was going to get a haircut, if he ever was. He was the only man that got away with not having the standard military haircut. His excuse was that the military just liked him to look like the bad guy. Plus, he always claimed that the women loved his long hair.

The ringing of a cell phone brought Veronica from her daydreams of cutting Cherry's hair. She looked over at Nate, who was pulling his phone from his pocket. She figured it was Audrey.

"Seriously?" Trench looked at him, annoyed.

"Be quiet," Nate shushed his friends, looking down at his phone. "It's Collier."

"What could he possibly be calling for? Don't tell me there's a recall."

"Stunner," Nate answered the call, putting it on speaker.

"I already know you're with the team," Collier's rough voice spoke throughout the quiet room. His tone told the team that the call was serious business. "I don't know if you guys have gotten the message yet, but I always look out for you guys."

"What message?" Nate asked. He hated missing important memos.

"The company's being deployed a couple weeks earlier than planned, Collier informed them. "Say goodbye to your wives and kids, your girlfriends, boyfriend, Harleys, pets, whatever. We're loading off you guys this Friday at zero-six."

Nate cleared his throat, “Yes, Sir.”

Alright, that’s all I’ve got,” He said. “I’ll see you guys.

Nate hung up, still staring down at the screen of his cell phone. The group let out a collection of annoyed groans and frustrated curses. Veronica leaned forward, resting her face in her hands and closing her eyes. Now she had to explain to Matt that she would be leaving two weeks early.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorta rushed but she's leaving early! :O I also realized this is the second time I'm mentioning spaghetti in this story... It's unintentional haha. I really love it and my sister is actually making some right now. I can smell it all the way from my room.

I'm really excited to end this and move onto the sequel! I'll be welcoming CallusedSilk as co-author! If you haven't already subscribed, the sequel is here. The first chapter is already written and we can't wait to post it!
