Status: Complete.

Fight or Flight


Friday, August 9, 2013

Veronica stood in the front against the barrier, pleased to finally experience the band from the crowd. She realized she last saw them almost two years ago, but it was worth the wait and she finally found time to enjoy herself. It was also a smaller, sold-out hometown show. She’d been waiting for them to return to California.

“So this next song, I want to send out to all the men and women in uniform that are protecting our country and our rights.”

The crowd erupted into cheers at his little dedication.

“How many of you are in the military or know someone in the service?” He asked the crowd.

A good number of hands went up, Veronica’s included. Brian began to play the slow riff of the song. She recognized the song as Gunslinger. She was quick to buy all of their albums when she’d returned home.

When Matt glanced into the crowd, she smiled and waved at him. He didn’t acknowledge her, instead uncapping his water bottle and drinking from it. She waved again, trying to catch his attention. She noticed his muscles go rigid in shock and he set his water down onto the stage. He motioned for Brian to stop playing.

Brian stopped, furrowing his eyebrows and walking towards his mic stand. Veronica wondered if he’d recognized her or if he was stopping for another reason. He pushed his shades to the top of his head. She got her answer when he crouched down on the stage right in front of her with his mic in his hand.

“So we meet again, huh?” He asked her through the mic.

The crowd cheered even if they had no clue who he was talking to or what he was talking about. She smiled, staring up at him. The last time she saw him he had a short buzz cut. Now, his golden brown hair was straight and down to his shoulders. He still had those deep dimples from the last time she spoke to him. He looked different from before. She wondered if she looked different to him, too.

Matt pulled a security guard to the side, pointing to her and motioning for her to come onto the stage. Veronica looked surprised. She would have liked to stay in the crowd, but she had no problem watching from the side again. The security guard helped pull her from the crowd. She ignored the looks and comments everyone shouted at her. She thanked the big security guard for helping her and declined his help to get onto the stage. She hopped onto the high stage with ease, using her upper body strength to pull her up. She dusted off the back of her jeans, standing in front of Matt.

“You guys remember Scottie, right?” Matt asked, turning to his band mates.

Veronica turned, waving at Brian, Zacky, and Johnny. She looked towards the drum kit expecting to see Mike, but instead she saw a much younger boy sitting behind it. She waved at him anyway.

“Scottie here, kept her promise,” Matt told the crowd, throwing an arm over her shoulder. He kept her close to his large frame. “We went over to Iraq a couple years ago to play for the troops and she was there. Actually, she kept us from getting shot and all that good stuff.” He chuckled. “She promised that she would come to a show one day and here she is.”

The crowd screamed and applauded. A few guys even whistled at her. Veronica laughed, feeling her cheeks warm up.

“Did you come here with someone?” He asked her.

She shook her head, “No.”

“Who comes to a concert alone?” He laughed at her and she shrugged. “Alright, well you can stand on the side with Jason and we’re gonna play some songs.”

Matt let go of her and she walked across to Brian’s side of the stage. The guy she assumed was Jason motioned her over to stand next to him. She greeted him nicely, and prepared herself for the rest of the show.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her outfit
This takes place right before HTTK is released.
