Status: Updates when possible

Never Let Go

Couches and Comfort

When Jamia made it home that evening she couldn’t hide her shock at seeing Gerard, who was firmly planted on her couch with a half full beer in hand. Both men were slouched, feet resting on the coffee table while their eyes remained glued on the television, either unaware or uncaring that she had arrived. She studied the two men silently from the doorway, waiting for some acknowledgement that she existed. It didn’t take too long before she realised that it was useless to wait for them to use the manners their mothers had taught them. She wasn’t too fazed by the rude behaviour. It only served to reinforce her belief that the two of them would be good friends if they spent enough time together. While neither of them were talking it was easy to see they had become comfortable in each other’s company at the very least. Their mirrored body language was enough to tell her that, which was relaxed and carefree as they paid no attention to anything but the TV in from of them.

​​​‘Hey guys’ she greeted the men, her tone full of cheer as she alerted them of her presence.

​​​They both looked at her for two seconds before returning their gazes to the television. She wasn’t impressed by Frank’s half-hearted grunted reply which muddled with Gerard’s slightly more friendly ‘Hey’. She stared at them incredulously, astounding at the blatant lack of care they showed. She lets out a sigh, praying this it wouldn’t end up with Gerard staying late into the night so the two men could drink themselves into a stupid mess, landing her with the job of picking up after them and their idiocy. If that’s what they wanted they could do it elsewhere. She was not cleaning up after their mess.

​​​‘So, what are you guys up to?’ She asked, forcing herself to remain friendly and calm.

​​​‘Blade Runner’ was Frank’s short reply.

​​​‘Will I make some dinner?’ she tried again, hoping to get some conversation going that consisted of more than one word replies.

​​​‘Nah, we ordered pizza earlier. There’re a couple of slices left for you if you want it, it’s in the kitchen. I left it in the box for you.’

​​​She rolled her eyes to the heavens, shaking her head in exasperation. She supposed she should be grateful that they had thought of her at all.

​​​‘Fine. Whatever. You guys better clean up the mess, ‘cos I’m not doing it’ she failed to keep the irritation out of her voice, not that she cared when the two men were being rude themselves. She began to wonder if it was a good thing to introduce the two men.

​​​‘I always do the cleaning anyway’ Frank muttered without hesitation, ignoring the cold stare from Jamia. In his defence, he was the one that cleaned up every day.

​​​This earned a childish snigger from a slightly intoxicated Gerard, who in turn earned a death glare from Jamia. He stopped abruptly when he caught the look on her face, turning his focus back on the television in an embarrassed silence. She was about to turn around and walk away when Gerard spoke suddenly.

​​​‘Hey, Lindsey is playing another gig tonight. You guys want to come along?’ he offered.

​​​Jamia was about to ask where the gig was being held when Frank answered.

​​​‘Sure, I don’t see why not. You wanna go?’ Frank looked at Jamia as he spoke, waiting for her ​​reaction. She was surprised by his desire to go out, but it was far from unwelcome. He had been so tired lately that he had taken to never going out. One evening spent in someone else’s company and he was ready to go back out into the real world to take part in one of his favourite past times. Jamia felt an unexplainable sting of jealousy. How could Gerard get Frank to loosen up in one evening, when she had been trying unsuccessfully for a month? It hurts her pride, but she shrugged it off, reminding herself that it didn’t matter if Gerard was the one who could get him to be his old self again, as long as someone had done it.

​​​‘Uh, sure. That sounds great actually. What time is it at?’ she asked.

​​​‘They’re due on stage at half nine, so we should probably be there before nine if we want to get a good spot in the pit.’ Gerard’s tone suggested that he didn’t care too much, but there was a little smile on his face that betrayed his excitement.

​​​​​Jamia could see that he was supportive of Lindsey, proud even, of what she did as a hobby in her spare time. It was sweet to see how he didn’t need words to make his love and admiration of Lindsey obvious. The light in his eyes and the smile on his face made it clear how he felt. She wondered if other people could see something similar in Frank when he spoke about her, or if they were together so long that she was no longer something that excited his emotions. She knew in her heart he loved her, but she couldn’t help, but miss the early days where his feelings were more obvious. He used to be made fun of by his friends when they first began dating due to the fact he would blush whenever her name was mentioned. Of course she knew that time and familiarity changed those things and not always for the worse, but there was something so gratifying about being about to bring out a subconscious reaction in someone without trying.

​​​Jamia checked her watch, shocked to find it was nearing half seven. She hadn’t realised just how late it was after she got distracted, courtesy of a colleague who insisted that they have a coffee together. It had been fun, the two of them gossiping away for what had only felt like an hour. She had rushed off in the end, afraid that Frank would be at home alone, moping about or possibly playing his guitar and enjoying his solitude. Little did she realise that he was far from both.

​​​‘I’m going to go get ready then’ she informed the two men, who nodded at her in an eerily synchronised motion.

​​​She quickly jumped into the shower before she changed into something that was more rock gig worthy. She wore a pair of dark denim shorts over ripped tights and knee high laced boots. Her fitted black band t-shirt was paired with a leather jacket. She lined her eyes with charcoal black pencil and her lips were smeared with clear gloss. When she was happy with her appearance she joined the men in the sitting room. Frank eyes her up and down when she made her entrance. Her stomach fluttered when she saw the appreciative smirk on his face.

​​​‘You look good.’

​​​His tone was low, the same one he used when he was turned on. Even Gerard gives her an appreciative glance, a little surprised smirk on his thin lips.

​​​‘We should probably go’ Gerard breaks the short silence.

​​​Both men finish their beers quickly, Gerard beating Frank in the unspoken contest. Gerard stands up, grabbing his jacket which had been carelessly tossed over the back of one of the chairs. Frank picks out his leather jacket which had been neatly hung on the coat rack beside the door.

​​​‘Is everybody ready?’ Frank asked while shrugging on his jacket.

​​​Frank grabs a hold of Jamia’s hand before opening the door, leading the trio out of the apartment.

​​​‘You guys are in for a good night’ Gerard promised, his excitement palpable and infectious.
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Sorry for the delay, please forgive me!