Little Laura

The Tea Party

Laura danced throughout the magnificent splendor that was her miniature home. It was almost like a real house only Laura-sized. The tea party was set: Snuffles on one side of her, Mr. Happy across, Pauli on her other side and Baby Henrietta in her booster seat.

It was the most perfect thing ever. And so she smiled that great big smile that Mr. Happy was happy for.

“Laura, I think you should move everyone around,” Laura turned her head sharply to the waiting area of her tea room.

“Look, you are a doll, you don’t get a say,” She had had it with stupid Mr. Happy always wanting to change everything. Ever since she had wished on that stupid comet, Mr. Happy wouldn’t stop his pestering.

“All I’m saying is that I should be on your right”

“And all I’m saying is shut your trap or I’ll shut it for you!” Mr. Happy stood quiet on the spot.
Laura walked towards her small kitchen. Uncle Ronnie had built an island in the middle for her to prepare her tea. She set the five teacups in front of her and opened the pantry to take out the biscuits. She then kissed each cup and walked back to the tea room.

“I got the tea you guys!” She was delighted. Today marked the day that she had begun her tea parties. Today’s special was imaginary tea with a touch of love… except for Mr. Happy. Laura had had enough of that jerk, he was getting poison tea.

“There we are,” she said with a bright smile on her face. She was thinking of how much easier life would be for her after that nuisance was to go away. “Here’s your tea Snuffles, here’s yours Henrietta, and yours Pauli dearest, and here’s yours Mr. Happy.”

“Oh Laura, that’s so sweet but I’m on a diet.” The bear replied turning his nose up and away.

“I insist,” Laura urged him. “It’s quite delicious today.”

“Oh shucks,” he said. “You know my weak spot little lady.”

And so he drank the imaginary liquid with the imaginary poison while Laura sipped hers. Her world would become so much more enjoyable with him gone.