The Boy Who Could Fly

Chapter 11

"Vic, talk to me" Jaime whined from the dinner table. He's been bugging me about what happened that morning, and I'm done lying to him. So I chose to just keep my mouth shut. Suddenly his arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling my back to his chest. I sighed and returned my focus to the bowl of cereal I was about to pour milk into. "You can't ignore me forever" He mumbled with his lips pressed behind my ear. "I'm not ignoring you" I stated bluntly, my voice cracking. "Talk to me about what happened. You can't just hold it all in" He kissed the spot behind my ear slowly. I grunted in protest but laid myself back against him anyhow, taking in his scent. "I can't talk about it" I whispered after moments of silence. He sighed and I got the feeling he wasn't giving up. His hands traveled from my stomach to my hip bones that he rubbed tenderly. "Jaime" I whined and dragged his name out, he knew what this was doing to me. He chuckled softly against my hair and continued caressing my skin. My skin shivered and felt on fire all at once. It was actually pretty great. "I'll get what I want, one way," He paused, spinning me around to face him, "Or another" He pressed his hungry lips to mine, shoving me against the counter. I moaned against his mouth, letting his tongue dance with mine. I felt his fingers snake up my shirt making my lips quiver. He made a sound in triumph at knowing I was about to cave. "You guys really need to learn how to use a ROOM" Andy interrupted.

"Biersack!" Jaime snapped throwing his arm in the air. Andy just laughed and grabbed a muffin before walking out the front door.

Jaime turned back to face me again but I pressed my palm to his chest in protest, "I have work" I kissed his cheek then escaped his grasp "This isn't over!" He called after me before I shut the door.


I rushed through the flood of students who were late and trying to get to their classes… Yes that means I was late too.

I've never been late, I took this stuff seriously. I was just making it to the front steps of a tall building made of windows when someone's hand stopped me "Late, Mr. Fuentes?" A tall woman asked. I recognized her as the teacher I replaced. She was fired do to drugs but ended up getting a job as a tutor since she sleeps with a guy who has great authority.

"No, but I will be if I stay and talk" I smiled goodbye before turning to climb the stairs but once again she grabbed my shoulder "Tell me something before you go running off" Her voice changed, it was much more aggressive now.

"How does some 22 year old such as yourself become a teacher at a college" She held an accusing tone. I opened my mouth but shut it quickly. "By not being late" I finally said then ran off before she could say another word.

I stormed down the dimly lit corridor, attempting to compose my emotions behind a wall. I turned the corner seeing my Students waiting around for me to unlock the door to the classroom. When I came into view a few of them made sounds as if I was in trouble. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door "Save it" I stated letting them in before myself.

"Today is debate day, go at it"

They always broke out into debate anyhow, so it wasn't long til someone brought up a point that made others disagree.

"Maybe Mary was just a whore covering up her tracks" One of them spoke up. "That doesn't explain Jesus rising from the grave" A girl countered "Did anyone actually see him though" Said someone else. "Yes" I said in monotone while flipped through a few papers that were on my desk when I walked in. They fell silent "I didn't see where that was said in the Bible" Oliver said from the corner where he always sat. I looked up in surprise that he spoke but then it made me realize what I had just said "Mark chapter 16 in your Bibles, verse 14, 'Still later Jesus appeared to the eleven apostles while they were eating. He put them to shame for their unbelief and because they were too stubborn to believe those who had seen him alive." My voice once again going monotone, not missing a beat. I think I've read the scripture a million times… Literally. Little did the students of my class know that I was the Angel who rolled the stone from Jesus's grave and waited around to tell the good news.

They all began reading so I shot a glance at Oliver who was smirking at me 'What' I mouthed his way but he only shrugged.


*Third Person*

The busy hustle of a city road in the middle of Toronto Canada came to a halt. Everyone stopped, they were frozen in time. The wind was no longer there and papers that blew with it dropped under gravity's pressure.

Jenna strutted down the road, weaving around cars, her sights set in front of her. Her wings were spread out so far they grazed the sky scrapers on either side. "Gabriel!" She shouted to the elder Angel. When he turned she could see the flames in his eyes, they matched the ones on his wings that were much larger than her own.

"Why did you summon me?" He growled. She halted now, staying at a safe distance from him. "Why was I stopped from…, killing the traitor?" She hated calling him that. The words alone made her mouth run dry. "Who are you to question higher authority, Soldier?" He scowled. "Its my job and I was stopped from executing it, I demand answers!" She needed answers, she's had enough of the unknown.

The wind picked back up though time was still, blowing her blonde hair to the side of her frame.

"You want answers?" His face was soft now, he knew she was a good soldier and he could trust her. He saw a bright future ahead of her. "Yes, I deserve them" She held her head high to show no weakness, something she was far to good at was hiding those rising emotions. "If I tell you, you must keep your lips sealed" His voice was stern. She nodded in agreement.

"Victor is God's second Son"
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