The Boy Who Could Fly

Chapter 14

Jaime and I broke out into a jog as we neared the house, seeing smoke pouring from the window frames.

"Shit" Jaime said under his panting breath. I picked up my pace and it seemed I couldn't get to the door fast enough.

Jaime got there before I could but he didn't go in.

"Its fucking locked" He said, panicked. "Do you have your key?" He asked a little calmer. I shook my head. Why would I when I had a little trick up my sleeve?. "Move" I ordered and gently pushed him to the side. I went for the knob and it wouldn't move so I kept my hand on it. I focused my energy on the other side of the door, making the handle slowly unlock with a simple manipulation trick. I heard the click and quickly shoved the door open. I didn't look at Jaime's face, I didn't need to. I knew he was confused but we had no time.

I jogged through the hallway, taking a left into the living room. "Andy?!" I yelled out through the smoke filled room.

"Jaime do you see him?" I asked when I got no word from our house mate. My heart was pounding by now, These guys are all I have left, what am I without them?

"Maybe he left" Jaime said, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door. "No" I swatted his hand "We can't leave unless we know for sure" I took my phone from my pocket and dialed Andy's number. A few rings passed and I heard his ring tone go off down the hall. Jaime heard it to so he was quick to act and ran off towards the sound. I swallowed hard then turned to where the smoke was coming from, maybe I can stop the fire before it destroyed my house.

I put my hand out in front of me and ordered the smoke to clear a path. It obeyed and slipped to the walls on either side of the room to show me the fire on the wall before me. Like Andy said, it wasn't actually burning anything, it just made a lot of smoke. It obviously wasn't a normal fire, but things got stranger. The fire was sprawled out across the wall in a form of letters from a language not known to humans.


I shuddered. How did the Angels find me? I couldn't focus long enough to figure things out, the fire was making so much noise and it was giving me a headache. "Silence!" I shouted and the noise instantly stopped, leaving an unnatural amount of quietness. Finally I could think.

Angels can't find me. I'm sure news has spread by now that I'm no longer welcomed, or maybe they think I'm dead, no, they know I'm alive. But how? Whose side was Jenna on? "Don't speak, I'm thinking" I stated bluntly at Jaime who just walked in behind me. He spoke anyways though. "What. The. Fuck" He said in utter shock. I forwarded my brows then turned to face him. His eyes were wide and frantic then he pointed to the wall behind me. Oh, I forgot.

"I have something I have to tell you" I said softly and inched towards him but he instantly backed away. "Stay away" He whispered, so I stopped and tensed. "Please keep an open mind" I begged but he already got annoyed with me stalling. "Out with it!" He yelled, his voice cracking. "I'm an Angel of God…, former Angel" I said the last part in a whisper.

He sucked in a breath "This is a dream" He blurted out "Wake up, Jaime." He pinched his arm but it did nothing for him.

"I have to wake up, why am I not waking up?!" He yelled in frustration. "This is real" I broke the news to him. He became panicked and was pacing now. He turned sharp on his heel and his fist collided with the wall, putting a hole in it.

Andy ran into the room now but stopped when he saw the smoke hovering next to the walls on either side of the room. "What…" He trailed off and looked at me. I sighed and rolled my eyes and with just one snap of my fingers, the smoke was gone and so was the fire. "I knew there was something off about you" Andy said with a straight face. A hint of disbelief rolled over his eyes but it was gone just as quick as it got there. I nodded slowly then my eyes rested back on Jaime.

His eyes were glistening and he looked so lost. "How?" He breathed. "How? How what?" I asked, unsure of what he wanted to know. "How is this real? Why are you here?" He was seemed angry now. He had every right to be. "I'm here because I'm your guardian angel" I said slowly. Honestly I have said the words over and over in my mind. I've practiced countless speeches in my head, trying to find the right way to tell him, but there wasn’t one. So I just had to come out with it.

He blinked a few times "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, almost whispering. "I couldn't.., Heaven is strict" I was sorry for not telling him, but I couldn't, he had to understand. The look on his face was far from understanding, he looked scared.

I stepped forward cautiously and paused to make sure he wouldn't run off and when he didn't I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his body securely. He hesitated and then pushed me away "I can't be around you" He muttered then ran out of the room, not looking back. I looked at Andy who was a lot more calm than he should be. "Why aren't you freaking out?" I asked, almost accusing actually. "I suspected something was up... not this, but still." He said and looked at the floorboards.

"What was with the fire?" Andy asked after moments of silence. I shook my head then looked at the wall where the fire once was "It was a warning... Someone found me and they want me gone"