The Boy Who Could Fly

Chapter 16

"Can't we take a break?" Oliver whined, taking the book from my hands and shutting it. "Its only been 15 minutes.., I thought you needed help studying?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. A mischievous look spread across his face as he smirked. "I do need help" He whispered then lightly rested his fingers on my hand that was rested on the couch. I could feel the blush burning on my cheeks and I wished I could better compose myself but I couldn't, which was odd.

"Lets continued with the lesson" I said and turned to the book on the coffee table. Oliver grunted and pulled my face towards his. "I didn't come here to study" He said sternly. "Than what-" I was cut off, his lips crashing onto mine. The fluttering in my stomach was out of control and my cheeks were on fire. I never kissed anyone other than Jaime, and this felt wrong, but why wasn't I stopping Oliver? Instead of shoving him my lips began moving with his in desperation like I had longed for it. I didn't want this, I knew that. But my body had other ideas as my arms snaked around his neck and he lowered my back to the couch to straddle my waist.

Before anything got the chance to become too heated, the front door slammed shut. I peered over the arm rest on the couch to Jaime's shocked face, his mouth wide open. My heart sank. "Jaime" I said, gently pushing Oliver from me. Jaime raised his hand though "No. I don't wanna hear it" And with that he was running up the stairs straight for his bedroom door. "You need to go" I told Oliver "Now"

Hurt was in his eyes at my words but I couldn't focus on that, all I was focused on was the heartbreak I felt for Jaime. I felt guilty. I was caught doing something I knew was wrong but did it anyways. I didn't look at Oliver again as I left the living area.

It was locked when I tried to turn the knob "Please open the door" I pleaded from the hallway "Please, Jaime" I was feeling my hands shake. I needed him, I can't lose him. Why was I so stupid?

The knob clicked and slowly turned as he opened the door. The look on his face was less than impressed. I was glad that I couldn't see the hurt there anymore. "I was stupid" I whispered. He nodded "Yeah. You are stupid" He said and leaned on the door frame. A dry chuckle faltered through my chest. "I can say that in all honesty what just happened, it meant nothing to me. Its nothing like when I'm with you" I said. His eyes burned into mine then a glint of hunger rose in them.

Something was different about him. I don't know what happened while he was gone, but he changed. His hands grabbed either side of my face, pulling me to him so our lips met. That familiar fire that only he gave me erupted on my skin making me feel hot. I clutched his shirt in my hands tightly and pulled him closer. "I missed you too much to be mad" He whispered against my lips when they parted. Shock was what I felt next. I was convinced he hated me for lying or was too freaked out about who I really am to be near me. "Wait so.. You're okay with what I am?" I asked puzzled. He smirked and looked down then bit his lip when he looked back up to me. His expression turned serious "We have a lot to talk about, Vic"

I nodded, my face still in his hands. "You act so.., normal. I actually forgot you're an Angel.." He trailed off, studding my eyes for a second. The sound of a flower vase hitting the floor made me jump a mile. Jaime and I quickly looked down the hallway, only to see Oliver was still here and looking freaked out. "I thought you left" I held an accusing tone but he dismissed my words. "You're a what?" He whispered in disbelief. My eyes went wide and Jaime's hands fell from my face.

Oliver turned and bolted down the stairs before I could even come up with an excuse. "Wait!" I called out but he was gone. I ran down the stairs after him and saw through the window he was getting in his car. I reached the door that was left wide open and approached his car that wouldn't seem to start up. He was panicked now, like he was in a horror movie and I was the monster ready to kill him.

"Oliver just hear me out!" I yelled, my voice cracking. My secret can't get out. He swung the door open and peered his head above the roof of the car to see me. "My car is practically new. You're making it stall aren't you?!" He accused but he had a right to. "Just listen to me" I pleaded, giving him his answer. He shook his head in anger. "You know, I knew you were too perfect to be real!" He shouted. Now it was my turn to shake my head. "Look, despite what people think about Angels, we're not perfect. I'm not perfect." It was the only thing that came to mind to say. I couldn't find an excuse to tell him. He scoffed "I'm leaving" He stated then went back into the car. I let it start and he drove off quickly. Even if he told someone.., who would believe him? Right?

I sighed and shoved my hands in the pockets of my jeans. It was cold tonight so the chilling wind left bumps on my skin. For the longest time I just stayed put where I stood out in the front lawn. My thoughts were running all over the place and it was hard to just catch one and focus on it.

A pair of hands appeared from behind me and rubbed my bare arms affectionately, causing enough friction to make the goose bumps vanish. "Come inside" Jaime whispered against my hair before placing a kiss to my head. "No one was supposed to find out" I said slowly. Jaime came closer so my back was to his chest and he could rest the side of face on my head. "Things don't always work out the way we plan" He said then continued "Everything will come together in the end though"

"I don't even know what my end is anymore" I said quietly. What was I going to do now? I can't go home.. I know I don't want to go to Hell. Where do I belong? I had the whole future planned out in front of me and in a split second it was taken out from under my feet. Jaime chuckled, making his chest vibrate softly. "No one knows what the end looks like. It’s a surprise" He had a point in a sense. But he's human, its different. "Lets go inside" He said, taking my hand to lead me to the front door that's still open.

I stepped into the house before him and once the door was shut I turned around. "So you're… not upset?" I questioned in a curious manner. Shouldn't he be mad or outraged? I lied to him. I was with another person.

He shook his head. "I was upset, that’s why I left. But I had time to think things through and realize I still want you regardless of who or.., what you are" He seemed unsure but confident nonetheless. "So we're good?" I asked. He nodded then took a step towards me so our lips could meet. I savored his lips on mine. I missed them so much and felt lonely without him nearby. He seemed to be doing the same as well, latching onto each feeling we gave each other like we had been apart for decades.

"Stay away from whoever that was" He said out of breath when we parted but stayed close. His warm breathing hit my already hot face. "What happened wasn't supposed to happen-" He cut me off "I know" He said then tangled his fingers in my hair. "There's something off about him though.." He trailed off then continued "Something very off. I don't like him, I don't like the vibe around him. Something is wrong with him and he's going to hurt you" Jaime said and seemed so sure of every word. I on the other hand looked at him like he was mad. "He's just a student" I assured him. Jaime shook his head and dismissed our conversation by kissing my lips once more. It was quick but it was enough to send my emotions swimming.

He pulled away from me and walked past, going for the stairs. "I'm so ready to sleep in my own bed tonight" He announced loudly and stretched his arms out into the air with a yawn. My mind was on a different planet though as I thought about what Jaime said about Oliver. What he said described the feelings I first got from Oliver, dark, evil, something not right. Could something actually be up with Oliver though?

"Vic" Jaime called from the stairs he was halfway up by now. "I'm not sleeping alone, am I?" He was being playful in his tone and I liked that. "Of course not" I laughed and with that I followed him up the stairway.