Sequel: Ascension

Till Deceived Do We Part


I tossed my phone on my side table before leaning against my head board on the bed. My eyes closed and my body shuddered for a moment before it went still. What was wrong with me? I felt horrible, I felt worse than I ever had. I’ve had worse injuries, I’ve been through far worse than that battle, I’ve had bigger screw ups... so why was I now upset? Why was I almost wanting to cry, to get it all out? I didn’t cry, I didn’t even allow the tears to well in my eyes. I don’t cry, and no matter how bad I felt, I wouldn’t. If I cried, everything would catch up to me. Everything that ever went wrong would catch up, and I would turn into a blubbering blob. Not too mention anyone who had ever feared me or thought of me as a threat, would see me as a pathetic girl. I couldn’t cry.

Not only that, but I would be letting myself down. I promised myself I would always keep strong, to never let anything affect me... and I was planning on keeping that promise, no matter how hard it was.

Shifting around, I laid down on the bed, my eyes on the ceiling. Why did things have to be so complicated? At times I found myself thinking, wishing, that Jake had brought me to an adoption centre like he had intended to. But when I think about all the experiences and people I never would have met, I don’t regret it. I’m glad to be who I am. I may not be the nicest, sweetest caring person to meet, but I’m me. And obviously I’m okay if Dane is willing to be with me.

My eyes began to flutter and I allowed them to close. My mind, however, remained fully awake. Physically I felt exhausted, but mentally I felt awake and confused. I couldn’t get my mind off of what happened. Especially the fact that the man knew my name. It was nerve wracking, and for the first time in years, I felt an inkling of fear.

Whenever I wake up I’m always groggy... unless I sense danger. I have a good sense of danger too, so usually when I wake up groggy, I know that there’s nothing too important happening. So when loud music broke out and I was brought out my slumber, I didn’t immediately get up. Though, after seconds of this music, I turned my head to look in the direction it was coming on. Now, I mentioned I’m groggy in the morning, but also, I’m not very bright. So upon realizing the music was coming from my phone, the first thought that came to mind was that I liked this song.

The fact sunk in a few seconds later, and it sent me tumbling out of bed. I caught myself... hurting my arm in the process. I then raced over to my phone and glanced at the screen. One glace told me all I needed to know and I flipped it open, all grogginess gone.

Before I could say anything, he spoke.

“About time.” I smiled slightly before going back to my bed to sit down in the warmth the blankets still held. “How’s the emergency going?” What was I to say? He would see the injuries sometime. “You sounded upset in the voice-mail.” He paused. “You okay?” I didn’t say anything. So far in this relationship, if you could call it that, seeing as it had only been two dates, neither has asked such a personal caring question like that... and strangely, it touched me. But after a few deep breaths, I spoke.

“I’m alright, in ways.” There was silence for a moment.

“Uh-huh. Truth now, please.” That made my small smile grow.

“I...” I trailed off, I had no idea what to say and I was glad when he spoke, giving me a reason not to talk.

“How about you tell me about it over breakfast?” My first thought was yes. My second was what would Jake thing? Then the third was the police man. If he was out there, there were sure to be more. Could I risk it? Would Jake allow me to risk it? And if not, would I have the guts to sneak out? “What do ya’ say?” I found myself answering before I could give it any thought, give it any logical explanation.

“Alright.” Then I remembered something and added to my small sentence, if you could call it that. “I can’t stay out too long.”

“That’s fine. I have to meet Kaz later anyways. So, see you in an hour, at Denny’s?” I agreed and we both said our goodbyes before he hung out. Okay, now there were a few things I had to. Such as breath, which was my top priority. I managed to accomplish that and moved to my second item on the list; which was to get ready.

Zane was a lifesaver. I was currently driving to meet Dane, but not after talking to Zane. I found out after I had gotten ready that all of the assassins were confined to the base and weren’t allowed to leave. That of course, left me with a problem. So with the help of Zane, I managed to sneak out. He was reluctant and curious, but he also respected my privacy. But I owed him big time according to him, and I was curious to see when he would collect.

Part of me felt guilty about getting Zane to help me out, for if I got caught, he surely would also. Then his punishment would be on me. But Zane once told me, when you grow up you take responsibilities for your actions. Whether that be stealing a cookie, disobeying an order... or getting an assassin pregnant, it’s your own course of action, and if you’re willing to take it, then you’re willing to pay the price. It had to have been the wisest words Zane had ever said, but he had only said them to annoy Flint. Flint had punched him in the stomach for that, so Zane retaliated. He didn’t hit him, shoot him or stab him... he actually just began to explain all the mood swings his soon-to-be-mother-of-child was going to get. Worse punishment Flint ever got, but it was hilarious to watch. I had never seen Flint pale before and go silent. I wish I had had a camera at the time. Too bad.

I pulled the car into the parking lot and got out, not even hesitating this time. Though when I saw my reflection in the window, I did. You could see some of the stitches on my head, and my arm was still bandaged and huge. My face also held some scratches and bruises, those I figured I got most when I blacked out. My chest was also bruised and red... but that wasn’t noticeable.

I walked into Denny’s and when no arm slunk around my waist, I asked for a table for two. The woman seemed taken back by my appearance but quickly hid it when I shot a small glare. She led me to a table and set down two menus.

When she walked away I was left to myself, yet again. I was surprised that I was here first, Dane was always before me... I wonder if something is wrong. After assuring myself I was being stupid, I ordered a chocolate milk. I would wait for Dane to order food.

“Sorry,” a voice suddenly said, and soon my eyes were on Dane as he slid on the other side of the booth. “My car wouldn’t start. Had to call a taxi.” He said as he slid off his jacket, his eyes had yet to look at me. I managed a small smile before speaking.

“No problem.” He smiled his award winning smile and looked up. But as soon as his eyes met mine his smile slid, replacing it with a frown. Though nothing could make Dane look ugly... a frown did not suit him. I had never seen him anything but happy, until now.

“What happened?” He asked, worry etched in his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” I blinked a few times. He was mad at me for not telling him I got beat? Why? Okay, call me clueless, but this was my first relationship. I didn’t know that you were supposed to tell them something like that.


”I’ll kill whoever did this.” He growled then paused. “Who did do this?” A psycho cop who knew I was an assassin and tried to do who knows what to me.

“So, why won’t your car start?” I asked, a lame attempt to change the subject. He opened his mouth but the waitress came. She set down my drink and turned to Dane who was frowning deeply.

“What would you like, sir?” He blinked rapidly, as if suddenly shocked by a new person. He mumbled water before turning back to me. I had already began to sip my chocolate milk, my eyes on him. He waited till the waitress was gone before speaking.

“Andrayka, who did this? Have you been to the cops? You need to file a report!” Yeah! And when they send me to the hospital, who is for sure going to take my blood sample, they’ll realize it’s the same blood at many crime scenes. Yeah, that would work so well. Catch my sarcasm.

“Maybe you just need an oil change, that won’t cost too much. Cheaper than taking it in.” I said, still talking about his car. He scowled for a second, another facial expression I had yet to see on him.

“An-“ I cut him off this time. No point in letting him finish his sentence, I already knew the basis it would be on. And if I hadn’t answered his questions yet, I wasn’t going to now... right?

“So, does this count as that other meal you owe me?” He didn’t even smile. I was sure he would crack a smile, but he didn’t. He remained impassive as he stared at me. I wasn’t sure if I should be happy that he cared so much, or upset that I couldn’t make him smile. Why couldn’t I want to make him upset? To make him feel pain? At least that I could do well.

“I know that-“ he shot me a look when I opened my mouth, shutting me up. That’s a first, no one has ever been able to shut me up with a look. “You don’t like to talk about your personal life, but look at you! I want to know what happened, Andrayka. Is this anything to do with the family emergency?”

“No, yes... sorta. I dunno. Dane, it’s complicated.” I mumbled, my voice sounding really lame. I didn’t know what to say? Why hadn’t I thought of that before I left the base? My gut was lurching, and I knew it wasn’t from the injury. It was from having Dane frowning on me... and I didn’t like the feeling.

“Start from the beg-“ he was cut off not by me, not by the waitress... but by my phone going off. His eyes travel downwards to the pocket it was in, as did mine. I grabbed it, anything for a diversion. My eyes scanned the caller ID, and I immediately felt a rush of fear. It was Zane. Had something gone wrong? Was he calling me to tell me I was caught? Or was he just trying to collect what I owed me? I hoped for the latter.

“Hello?” I said, flipping it open. Dane was frowning even deeper, his head now resting on his hands, his elbows on the table. His eyes were locked onto me, though occasionally he would glance at the phone. I tried not to be nervous. What if Dane was to suddenly say something, and Zane heard. Out of all the people at the base, Zane would be the most likely to keep my secret. But he was really loyal to Jake, which is what worried me. I didn’t want to make him choose between his loyalty and our brotherly relationship.

“Can you get back soon?” My heart started to thud faster.

“Why?” I asked, trying to keep my voice composed, trying not to show the emotions I was feeling. If I did let off any despair Zane didn’t mention anything.

“There’s been a breach. Everyone has to be in the main room in ten minutes.” A breach? How did that happen? This wasn’t good, something big was up. And here I was going on a date with a man I wasn’t supposed to. This wasn’t good. But what was I to do now?

“Thanks.” He knew that was my way of saying goodbye, so we both hung up. Damn it. How did a breach happen? We had the most secure perimeter ever, so how did someone get in? The logical explanation would be they didn’t do it alone, but who would do it? No one dared to defy Jake for obvious reasons. The last time someone did they got their heads blown off. Literally. Jake took a XM177E2 + M203 40mm Grenade Launcher and the mans head went kaboom. Was extremely gross, with the brain and skull pieces flying around. Though afterwards Flint said he’d give ten bucks to whoever could find the biggest piece of his head, whether it be brain or skull. You think watching someone get their head blown off is gross, try watching assassins digging threw blood and guts looking for the biggest chunk of gore. Now that was slightly disturbing... though I did find it highly entertaining. That’s bad, isn’t it? Isn’t there some rule about respecting the dead? Hmm. Ah well, whoever made that up probably never met an assassin.

“Let me guess, another emergency?” Came Dane’s voice, sounding slightly icy. I froze now. I had never heard him use that tone, especially to me. It actually took me a second to remember how to talk.

“I’m sorry,” I said weakly. “I’ll cal-“

”Are you going to tell me what happened?” He asked, damn. He just wouldn’t let this one go. I wanted him to, badly. Well, I could always alter truth with lies, as long as it’s plausible. It shouldn’t be too hard, but I still felt horrible. And no doubt I would feel worse.

“I’ll tell you when I call you, okay?” He hesitated.

“Promise?” Then to my surprise, he held out a pinky. That made me laugh, and it felt wonderful. It was like all my problems were being laughed away. He gave me a smile and pushed his pinky closer to mine. I couldn’t help but laugh again and hold out my pinky. After the pinky promise and promising to call him as soon as I got an opportunity, I left. Okay, well, and after a kiss. But that wasn’t such a big deal...

It took my some time to sneak back in, but I managed it. Let’s just say one of the guards on duty had owed me a favour... a huge favour. So now we were even, almost. I almost toppled off the window sill as I slid into the room. My arm was pulsating and I had to take a moment to rest and to catch my breath before I pushed myself up.

When I was out of the room I quickly headed to the main room. I had made it back in twelve minutes, a new record. Though I half expected to get stopped by a real police man. I didn’t, luckily.

I only took a minute to reach the room and I didn’t hesitate to go in. I was already late. But when I stepped in I knew it hadn’t started yet, thankfully. I was about two steps in when a hand went on my shoulder, on my good arm, and turned me. I expected to be Zane, but it was Flint. He was actually frowning, worry etched on his face. Had he known I was gone?

He nudged his head to the side and started walking. I took the hint and followed. We had to weave around the assassin, but most, when they say Flint, moved right aside. He led me to where a figure was sitting, Zane standing by it. I frowned, where was Jake? I glanced at Flint who was walking over there. He was ahead of me, so when he reached the seat that held the seated person, he put a hand on his shoulder and mumbled something in his ear. It was then that I realized who it was; Jake.

Why was he sitting? He never sat down at meetings, never. Zane met my eyes and they held the same emotion Flints held; worry. What was going on? I quickly walked around to where Zane was, getting a full view on Jake.

I couldn’t help but gasp as I saw him. A bandage was on his left cheek, hiding a bullet streak, where it had skimmed his skin. His left wrist was bandaged tightly, so was his right ankle that was being elevated. His eyes held exhaustion and grief as he sat there, breathing deeply. That’s when the anger hit me... someone had targeted Jake. The man who was in charge, the man who saved me... the man who was my friend. They were going down.