Sequel: Ascension

Till Deceived Do We Part


Profanities left my mouth until Zane but a hand on my shoulder. Jake gave a very weak smile before turning to Flint who was bent down so his head was by Jake’s. After Jake mumbled something to Flint, Flint stood up straight and turned to everyone.

“Attention,” he said, his voice the same level as it would be if he was just talking. Everyone turned without even hesitation, their eyes now resting on Flint. Flint stood tall and proper, but this wasn’t surprising. Flint knew when to act in place, and when not to. Now was a time to. “A breach has occurred and until we know everything that has happened, everyone is a suspect. Besides that of your room, you are only allowed in rooms with video surveillance. If you go into any room, for any cause that is not cleared with myself or Jake, then you are going to be held in a cell until we can prove you not guilty. You get five hours of sleep every night in your room and one hour to get ready, then you must be out and under surveillance. If we can’t find you on any camera, once found, you will be brought to the cells. If you make any unknown calls, you will be brought to a cell. If you leave the premises, you will be brought to a cell. Also, if we feel you know more than you’re letting off, you will be put in a cell. Do I make myself clear?” He didn’t wait to see if anyone would answer. “These rules are enforced now. This is not a drill or test, nor is this a game. Any deviance and you will be punished. Now, everyone except Zane and Drake out.”He didn’t need to tell Jake to stay, he was after all, the one in charge. Everyone left orderly, all seemingly nervous. Who wouldn’t be? Even I was, but I think that is more of the outward call thing.

The door closed behind the last person, signalling Flint to relax. He did and sat down, near Jake. Zane also pulled up a chair, I, however, remained standing. I was too tensed to sit down. Too nervous, too angry. Angry didn’t even begin to describe what I was feeling. I was furious, and I was going to kill whoever did this.

“Sit down and calm down.” Came Flint’s voice. Now, usually I would have snapped at him... but he actually said it nicely. That’s a first. But I guess it made sense. Jake was hurt, why stress him more by bickering?

I obeyed, another first, and took a seat across from Jake and Flint, sitting next to Zane. Zane shot me a look, but that’s all it was. There was no smile. No warmth. It was just a look. More fury filled me. Zane was always happy, always, now whoever did this would pay.

“I’m gonna ki-“ I started, but Jake cut me off. His voice was quiet and weak, which is what scared me the most. Not the breach, not the fact that the person could still be here, but the fact that Jake was in a weakened state. That someone was able to get into a whole base full of assassins and still get to the leader. That’s what scared me.

“I appreciate the concern, Drake. However, I need you calm down. You think better when your mind isn’t blazing.” I stared at him before closing my eyes, taking a deep breath. When I couldn’t be alone or get lost in the depth of water, this was how I relaxed. I tried to imagine myself exhaling all my negative thoughts. Jake actually taught me this. Once sure I was as calm as I was going to get, I spoke.

“Okay. So how did this happen?”

Turns out only Jake knew, Flint hadn’t even been told yet. So there were no interruptions... besides a few profanities that we all let out.

Jake had started his day as he always did. Showered, checked the cameras, checked on the kids being trained, and then went to the shooting range. Now, he didn’t go there everyday, but today he was feeling stressed. And that’s what de-stressed him. So, upon going there, he got that feeling that all top assassins felt before something bad happened. The feeling of being uneasy and something being out place. As I had felt before the cop incident.

Because of this, he didn’t spend too long in the range. Now, something you have to know about the shooting range is that it’s way below the surface. This is so the sound of many shots won’t be heard by sleeping assassins who had been out all night, or people who have think and calculate blueprints. So, to get down there, you have to go down a winding stair case which is made of cement. Cliche, I know, but it’s how it is.

To sum this story up, three men dressed in black, cliche once again, attacked him. Jake shot one, and the blood was in the lab now, and wounded one of the other ones. However, the third one did a tole on him. From smashing his head into the cement to pulling out a knife, which is a dirty trick. Apparently the men didn’t want Jake dead, just wanted answers. Jake didn’t answer, of course. We were trained to endure all pain and not say a word. And if we did speak, it was all lies.

Now, Jake isn’t a coward, but he isn’t stupid. He ran, not out of fear, but out of strategy. He knew that they would follow, and once out of the stair case, he would have a better chance. That way he wasn’t cornered against cement walls by three, well two since one couldn’t use his whole left section, men. However, once at the top of the stairs they pulled a gun. Jake had been diss-armed in the earlier battle, so with nothing else to do, he talked. Not what they wanted to know, but he basically just talked, to distract them. And it worked... until the one man who had already been shot, got shot again. This time it was Zane.

Zane had been in the right spot at the right time, and he would have shot all three of them, if Jake hadn’t been where he was. Zane wouldn’t risk Jake’s life to take down the men. So, the men, upon realizing Zane, grabbed their fallen companion. Now, Zane could have easily went after them... but he did what myself or Flint would have done, went to Jake’s side. He had fallen down now, his ankle giving way that had been threatening him the whole time.

The men were out of the room within seconds, and after seeing the camera, one of the guards had went with him. He had been facing the right direction so we didn’t get his face, but it was obvious that he wasn’t the only one helping. There had to have been more inside help. There’s tons of security around the place, and one guard couldn’t get them through it all.

“Zane,” said Jake, breaking my thought. “I’m not sure if I ever told you this, but if something does ever happen to me, you would be Flint’s second in command.” Zane gave a small smile.

“I won’t get my hopes up, because nothing’s going to happen to you.” Jake gave a weak smile before turning to me. My breath caught now. His eyes looked so worn, so tired... so exhausted. It hurt to look at him, but I didn’t dare turn away.

“Drake, you’re one of my top assassins, we all know that. We also know you can have anger issues.” I didn’t say anything. He seemed tired enough, I wouldn’t interrupt him. “But regardless, I want you to be the leading on this mission.” What? I was stunned, Flint was stunned and even Zane was stunned. I never led, never. Well, I did once... but I didn’t like to remember my screw up.

“Jake,” started Flint, worry in his eyes. He was probably thinking about my screw up, as was Zane, I could see it in their eyes. Annoyance flickered through me. I may not be the best person to work in a group with, but I would never give up. And I tried my hardest. I hated to let Jake down, and I didn’t want to do so again. “Are you sure about this? Remember las-“

”I am quite sure about this. Everyone messes up at least once, and they’re never going to improve if not given another chance.” Flint opened his mouth but Jake beat him to. “Yes I know, why am I giving her another chance on something as major as this?” When Flint didn’t object to the question, he continued. “I was attacked. That sparks a fire in all of you. She’s going to be even more determined than usual, so why pass up the opportunity? I know she can do it, as long as she remains cooled down.” He turned to me. I hadn’t been able to tear my eyes away from him. “You are in charge. What you say, they do. Boris’s men are also going to be helping in this, so they are at your command. However, on the other mission which we will discuss in the meeting tonight, you are to listen to myself and Boris. Do I make myself clear?” I nodded, as did Flint and Zane as he glanced around. Flint stood up.

“We have a big day ahead of us, you should get some rest.” Said Flint to Jake. He then glanced at me. “Zane and I are going to the sparing room, up for getting your ass kicked?” Flint was back, and my attitude towards him was also back. I grinned; it was on.
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Another one will be up in a few minutes. Thanks for reading.