Fix a Heart

"I Only Want The Best For You."

After meeting the sweet Tony Perry, who had a fascinating obsession with Star Wars that I found oddly adorable, and spending the day with him and the power couple, I was tricked into meeting the other half of the band, the related side I should say, the next day. Jaime and Tony both did the tricking while Darah did the scheming. Apparently, the other guys were tired of not knowing who I was, since Darah and Jaime tended to talk about me a lot -- whether that was good or bad, I wasn't sure.

Anyway, I was shoved into the bathroom and told to get dressed in the outfit Darah laid out for me. I had no other choice but to oblige, but that doesn't mean I was happy doing so; especially when it came to what Darah had me get dressed in. Short shorts and wedges were never my kind of thing, especially when they were paired with a skin-bearing crop top. But I did it for the guys and for her, too.

I was shoved into the back seat of Hi-me's vehicle by none other than sweet guy Tony, who slid in next to me, while Darah took the passenger seat and Hi-me got behind the wheel. It wasn't too long of a drive to get to our destination, where we were gonna meet the brothers for some lunch, but it was while on the way that Tony shocked me by being very non-shy and blunt-like.

"Mikey's going to comment on your ass, just so you know." He blurted, turning from the window to look at me. "He has what we like to call diarrhea of the mouth, so if he offends you, I'm really sorry."

"Does that mean you've been looking at my butt, Mr. Perry?" I wondered aloud, after getting over the initial shock of his statement. I was peering up at him from under my dark lashes as an amused grin took over my features.

He shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly. "Well, you know, you just so happened to be walking away the first time I saw you."

"Don't lie, Tony Turtle. You know you've looked at dat ass more than once." Jaime exclaimed from the driver's seat, peering back at us through the rear-view mirror. "Tony's totally a butt man."

I raised a curious eyebrow at Jaime's statement, turning to face the Hispanic next to me with a questioning look in my eye. "So, what if the girl has like no butt, Antonio? Do you just shoot her down?"

"Its a no go," He answered, getting a goofy but extremely adorable look on his face.

"But what if she's really hot? Like a ten on the Richter scale, homes."

Jaime interrupted Tony's answer, suddenly announcing, "The butt is everything, Keller!"

Darah turned in her seat to grin back at me, rather coyly. "Good thing you have an ass like a freight train, baby!"

I did have a pretty big ass, which is why I busted out laughing at Dare's statement. It was a feature I got from my mother, along with my triple-D chest. I was curvy but tiny at the same time, which is why Darah liked to pick my clothes out for me; claiming something along the lines of, "you're like my very own self-sufficient Barbie Doll, baby."

Anyway, it took us like twenty minutes to get to where we were going, but when I looked up, I could feel my inner child coming out. I loved mini-golf and going to the batting cages, and the go-karts were a blast, too. I wasn't too fond of the water game, the one where you float around in a pool trying to soak other people with your water gun. It was a terrible game, but everything else was more than entertaining for me.

"Sports Connection?" I mumbled, curiously. "Why are we meeting them here?"

"We thought it'd be less awkward this way." Jaime shrugged as he parked the car and cut the engine off. "Besides, the pizza here is to die for, Kelle."

"That's cool," I shrugged. "But everyone of you are gonna get your ass kicked at mini golf!"

Darah nodded her head. "She means it, too. She's a pro at mini golf and a beast at the batting cages, so just be forewarned."

Together, the four of us made our way to the entrance and each paid for a wristband to get access to the park for the day, rather than buy tickets and run out later, before making our way to the pizza place to pig out. Turns out the two brothers were a little late so we ordered without them and waited patiently for both the pizza and the brothers in the circular booth in the back corner.

It was Darah and I in the middle of the booth with Tony on my left and Jaime on her right, looking much like a double date scene out of a movie. Jaime and Darah looked very much the perfect couple, complimenting each other in different ways. They both had equally as dark hair and nearly the same color of skin, and they both had gorgeous smiles. And I guess Tony and I looked nice next to each other since we both had tattoos and piercings and all, but Darah and Jaime took the award home hands down.

It was only after I was coming back from the ladies room that our pizzas arrived, at the same time as the sibling duo we were waiting for, of course. The cheese pizza was as big a contrast to the meat lover's pizza as the older Fuentes brother was to the younger one. They were as different as two siblings could be, yet similar in so many ways too.

One was as tall as a mountain, clad in tight skinny Jeans with a sleeveless tank and sneakers. He was wearing a colorful snap-back with his hair pulled back at the nape of his neck, and a pair of tinted shades hid his eyes from not only the sun but the world too. The guy next to him was much shorter, dressed in skinny Jeans and a short-sleeved tee with a black snap-back placed backwards on his head. They were both tan, though the shorter of the two looked more Hispanic than the beanpole did when I got a closer look.

I slid into the booth once more, climbing over Tony this time as I eyed the two strangers curiously. "What's with you guys and all the damn snap-backs? You having a bad hair day or something?" I asked the questions in a curious manner rather than a snotty way like any other person would, but the brothers still raised their eyebrows at me as if I had three heads or something.

The taller of the two spoke up before anyone else could, causing a smirk to rise on my face. "What's with your pink hair? You trying to look like Barbie or something?"

I could feel Darah kind of tense up next to me, getting ready for a fight to break out since I usually spewed out whatever was on my mind, and it usually wasn't very pretty, but instead of causing any trouble, I chose to keep the atmosphere calm and collected by asking, "It does look like Barbie's signature color, doesn't it?"

He just smirked in reply, sticking his hand out for me to shake as he introduced himself. "Mike Fuentes,"

I shook his hand with a similar look on my face as I stared him right in the eyes -- well, more like in the glasses, but you get my drift. "Nikkelle Mercer, call me Nikki."

"I get to call her Keller, though." Jaime announced. "Sometimes, Kelley. You know, whatever I feel like."

I rolled my eyes at my best friend's boy toy. "Like I said, call me Nikki."

"Cool. Well, this is my little big bro." He pointed to the shorter guy next to him, who smiled and waved at me.

"I'm Vic,"

"Hello, Vic." I grinned, waving back at him. "You boys hungry?"

The six of us crammed into the booth and started to chow down on pizza; Tony eating most of the Cheese Pizza due to him being Vegetarian, and with my help of course. I loved me some Pepperoni pizza, but there was nothing like a good o' cheese pizza to bring you back sometimes. Anyways, Vic crammed in next to Jaime while Mike slid in on the other side of Tony, grinning at me and cracking jokes like there was no tomorrow. We spent the rest of the day having as much fun as possible playing a couple rounds of mini golf and racing go-karts. And then there was the batting cages. The lovely and sporty batting cages, where I managed to kick everyone's ass with a number of successful hits.

"How in the world do you not miss even one shot?" Mike exclaimed as I walked out of the cages.

"I practice, Mr. Fuentes." I insisted, cocking my hip at him as I passed him. "Maybe you should stick to your drumming and leave the sports to me, okay?"

"I have to admit I'm pretty astonished as well." Vic murmured, grinning at me as his brother pouted.

"That's my girl!" Jaime exclaimed, giving me a high-five.

"You're so bad ass." Darah murmured, not even phased by the fact that her boyfriend called me his girl. She knew he meant nothing by it, as Jaime was completely devoted to her and the two of us were only ever going to be friends. Jaime was like a brother to me, a shoulder to cry on when I needed it; a person to laugh with when all I wanted to do was drown in self-hatred (though that didn't happen much these days); all in all, Jaime was the male version of Darah, a best friend that was there for me when I needed him.

"Seriously, Kells, you're awesome!" Tony exclaimed, picking me up off the ground when he gave me a hug.

"Aw, thanks, Tortuga!"
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