
Move In

"Yes Mom, I'm all settled. The apartment is mad nice, like wicked nice Mom. It will be perfect, and close to school, so even if I wake up late I can make it on time. Alright, I'm going to go for a run in Millennium. Love you."

After I hung up with my mother, and walked into my kitchen where the only items on the counter were my mixer cup and protein powder. As I mixed the powder and water together, I thought out an outfit to wear. My blue Nike running shoes, Nike Pro spanks, Black Nike sports bra and my old schools LAX piney. I did high kicks to my room to start stretching out, and quickly got dressed.

I grabbed my iPhone with my Beats headphones and walked out my door and down the hall. It was half a mile to Millennium Park, and I planned on running around until my legs couldn't handle any more. I started one of my running playlists to help me clear my mind when I heard the ding of the elevator. As I walked out, I thought I ran into a brick wall.

As I looked up, I saw a blonde haired guy holding a case of beer in one hand, and what was a grocery bag that was now on the ground. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I helped him pick up his groceries and went on my way.

I didn't know it, but I had run for two hours before I got back to my apartment. I thought about everything that had happened in the last year. My first year at school, being framed, and the lawsuit. It reminded me that I needed to call the girl who's friends framed me in her name. I still stayed in contact as I knew that it was not her who framed me, but her and her friends did have to pay the consequences since they did not cover their tracks at all.

I took a quick shower while my Jacuzzi filled up, and I quickly slunk down into the hot water. I dialed the number for Lindsey, the girl who's friends framed me, and hit call.


"Hey Lindsey! How's New England treating you?"

"It's pretty good Lex, just getting ready to move back to school for the year. It's going to be different this year without so many of the girls." Most of our friends transferred because they didn't like the school, or they were asked to not come back. A prime example is one of our friends lit her ex boyfriends car on fire because he would not give her a line.

"I bet. I'm jealous that you guys start class on the fifth! I start in two days."

"Yeah, it gives us a chance to party our welcome back before classes start. Although I'm not sure that we will be partying as much without our girl to get us booze, and he's gone." Him, the reason for the framing. This girl hooked up with him, and had a crush on him. Weeks after they hooked up, I drunkenly hooked up with him, and it was a huge thing. I felt like absolute shit, but we talked about it, and are better now. Her friends were more pissed because they "waited" to tell her, but they guy and I both know that someone told them and they lied about seeing me leave.

"Ah, I hope Northwestern is like that! Well I just wanted to check in with you, hopefully all is well with your family, and have a safe travel to school!"

She replied with the same thing, and I felt a bit better about the situation again. I was never the same after the incident, and was always trying to do nice things for the girl. I really rattled her world.

I rose out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel. As I walked into my bedroom, I smiled. It was the perfect set up. My queen sized bed was in perfectly made with my college afghan my grandmother made, with a University of Kentucky bear that was a gift from my Pepaw. Since the hot August sun was beating down on Chicago, I put on a pair of khaki shorts from Gap, and a tribal print crop top.

I knew that I had to get a spare key made for my apartment, but I didn't know of anywhere reliable to get a key made. Maybe a neighbor would now? I put my long brown hair up into a bun, grabbed my keys Longchamp, sunglasses, and keys and walked out into the hallway. I turned to the left and knocked on the first door. No response. I went down to the next door, and again, there was no response. That's when I heard a door open.

I turned to face whoever was walking out, "excuse me sir, can you tell me where a good place to get a spare key made is?" Thats when I realized that I was talking to the guy that I bumped into earlier.

"Yeah, two blocks down is a hardware store, they do a great job. Hey, are you in 235, Mr. Palermo's old apartment?" He was dressed in workout clothes and locking his door.

"I'm not sure who Mr. Palermo is, but I definitely live in 235. Thank you for letting me know where the hardware store is. I'm Lexington." I extended my hand out so he could shake it.

"I'm Patrick," he smiled and started to slowly walk towards me, "are you new to the area?"

"Yes sir, I'm a transfer at Northwestern, I moved in a few days ago." I turned so we were both walking the same way.

"Woah, no need to call me sir, thats my dad! Do you know anybody in the city?" Wow, this guy was really nice.

"Sorry! I spent a good portion of my summer with my family in Kentucky. As for knowing anyone in the city, that would be a negative. Northwestern had a great facilities management program so I choose it over the other schools I was looking at."

"I know what it's like to move to a place where you know absolutely nobody. If you ever need help with something, just knock, I'm 238. I travel a lot for my job, so if I don't answer I'm probably not around." He gave a courteous smile and hit the elevator button for us.

"Thank you, I may take you up on that. Oh, one more question. Do you know where the United Center is? I applied for an internship there and wanted to check the building out."

Patrick looked shell shocked. "Um, yeah. Its a ten minute drive from here. Just take a left once to leave the parking garage and at the third light take a right. You really are new to the area."

"Yeah, I never visited the school before I came so I hope it works out." I smiled and walked out of the elevator and walked towards my car. "Thank you for all of the help!"

"My pleasure Lexington, stop by anytime!"