Status: Derek,Hale,LeonDesdichard

Why Me?

Why Me?
Teen Wolf Fan Fiction
Derek Hale Centered

Derek Hales sister Laura had lived, but she was placed in an institution because of what happened in the aftermath of the eleven people, her families, death.

And even though she is completely sane she is still in that place after two years, as well as losing Paige, but luckily Peter was still there.

They'd repaired the house, but the marks left by a fire never truly vanish as Derek's constantly reminded every day by the people he'd thought to be his friends.

Here's an example of how these events caused Derek to have an especially hard time on one occasion.

Oh and there's one other thing, for some reason his shifting abilities have seemed to want to screw him over recently,

probably due to the fact that he couldnt control his anger very well currently, and it was originally before already easy to make him angry.

Now it was as if he was sitting on top of a mine which would cause him to get angry at times for just the stupidest reasons. He'd have to learn control before Peter got back.

On more than one occasion Derek's eye color had changed from his normal color to a cold steel blue, as well as that on one occasion his fangs had come out during a meeting with particular supposed friends,

and he had even had to bolt from the fight last week. Which earned him taunts, jeers, as well as attempted bullying by his old "friends". Here's where our story begins: