Status: Derek,Hale,LeonDesdichard

Why Me?

Scars, Graffiti, and Fighting

¥¥¥¥¥CHAPTER ONE¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

%%%%The Fight That Caused It%%%%

Man I wish that I could skip but its literally almost as if Peter has the school completely wired, cause even though he's the fun uncle for some reason he cared about school.

Probably most of it was due to two things:

One being that he was very stubborn as well as that he had become broody due to it seemed as if everyone that got too close around him seemed to die. Therefore if he didn't go to school Peter obviously knew that he would spend that entire day brooding.

And the second being that his uncle had known and knew for a fact that both his mother as well as did his entire family including Laura, would want him to have a good education.

7:45 a.m. Monday - The First Day Back Since Derek's Retreat.

As Derek was on his way towards his homeroom class which was of course with the " oh so delightful" teacher Mrs. Potts, he heard a sound only quick enough to get out of the way.

Immediately a fist collided where his head had been seconds before then Derek knowing already who it was turned around looking his challenger in the face and said:

" what do you want Reece?"

To which Reece responded by saying

" a beat down or are you going to run away again like last time Hale?"

Derek's hand clenched and unclenched as he tried his best towards an attempt at controlling his anger, which he was barely managing.

And then all of a sudden Derek felt rather than what he should have heard as a metal bat collided with first his ribs at least 25 times turning his rib age into mush. Then everything went black but not before Derek looked up to see an entire crowd of at least seventy-five people standing there, not doing anything, even the teachers just stood there,

Just stood there and watched...

1:00 p.m. Monday

As soon as Derek awoke from his unconscious state he felt first the immense pain in his abdomen due to the ribs that were obviously broken, as well as the pain in his head as HW felt the back of his head and his hand returned with blood.

As he tried to sit up he felt the hand of one said nurse Mrs. McCall Derek thought he remembered hearing on one occasion, due to she was just using this job for money for medical school.

"Hey don't move until I tell you to, now lay back down," Mrs. McCall sternly said to Derek as he obliged her surprising himself even.

Unfortunately due to himself being a younger werewolf his healing powers weren't up to par with say Peters healing powers so he'd have busted ribs until at least 2:30 maybe 3:00 today.

"What happened Derek?" Mrs McCall asked Derek and for the first time since his family had all practically died, he saw not pity but saw, compassion, an image that made him break.

Tears came to Derek's eyes as he felt both embarrassed and ashamed at how he was crying in front of mrs McCall. But then all of these thoughts were erased as he suddenly felt himself being pulled into a strong warm embrace.

" shhh, it's okay, Derek," mrs McCall told him quietly as she rubbed his back in soothing circles as Derek tried to stop crying.

A few moments later Derek rubbed his eyes getting rid of any traces of the tears that had been shed over things he'd held in for so long that he actually now felt better that he had cried about it afterwards.

"I'm just going to go home," Derek told mrs McCall as he got up off of the small couch in the nurses office, as he put on his jacket, suddenly feeling cold.

" I'll tell them that I forced you to go home," she said smiling at Derek, which Derek returned with a half-smile.

" thanks," Derek responded genuinely, as he headed out the door towards the parking lot where his camaro was parked, and was immediately enraged at what he saw.

His beautiful black, sleek camaro that had been his last birthday present from both his father and from Peter had been graffitied. The words had been done in huge, easy to read block letters, in both yellow as well as in reds and oranges.

The words " Hale Scum", and the word " FREAK" was there, but that's not what got Derek Hale's blood to begin to boil, immediately causing his eyes to shift and his own face to change.

What had really gotten to him was the words graffitied on the entire length of the left side of his camaro. There were two simple and drastically mood-altering words that had been graffitied there.

These two words were in red and said " PSYCHO'S BROTHER," and these two words was what broke the straw on the camels back for Derek.

Immediately Derek began to stomp towards the school, intent upon breaking any and every single persons neck that had happened to have any part in the defacing of his car.

That is until he felt a restraining grip upon his shoulder and he looked to see the face of Chris Argent, which immediately caused him even more anger.

"Don't do it Derek,"

Chris Argent said to him both calmly but also full of... Was that more compassion?

" you Argents killed my entire family!" Derek said attempting to hit mr Argent in the chest but he ended up just having his wrists restrained by Mr Argent as he slid to the ground too weak to stand up any longer.

"We didn't kill your family Derek, remember we have a code that we go by, come on let's get you home,"

Chris Argent told Derek calmly and slowly, but as he managed to get Derek to his feet, he heard Derek yell

" no one else knew though!"

But this was the only thing thing that Derek said as he allowed Mr Argent to slowly lead him to his car, a sight which caused even Mr. Argent to gasp out as he saw a word that he knew one person always used, the word Psycho was a word that he knew his son Jared constantly used. As well as did he remember that before the Hales' house had been killed as well as before Jared had figured out his friend was a werewolf that they'd been very close friends, could it be... No, they went by a code, even his son did, but he still had to wonder.


¥¥¥¥Of Scars And Graffiti¥

2:00 p.m. Monday

As Derek walked out of the completely repaired Hale house err... Mansion I guess you could call it, he headed towards his camaro. A bucket of soapy water as well as a sponge for each bucket one with the handle looped over his left forearm, the other in his left hand.

While in the other hand he had at least five towels along with his cellphone in hand.

Upon reaching his car he first after retrieving the hose required for him to even attempt attune feat of removing the words written both upon the sleek black camaro as well as imprinted into his brain as well.

Just as Derek was about to start he heard his phone going off, with TRAPT's song Headstrong going off:

" Back off I'll take you on,

Headstrong I'll take on anyone

I know that you are wrong

Headstrong, I'm headstrong

And this is not where you belong

I can't give everything away

I won't give everything away.

As Derek answered it he knew who it was already, Mr argent had more than likely called Peter already, and had told him of what had happened earlier.

Hopefully Mr Argent hadn't mentioned about how he had nearly gone into the school wolfed-up to take his revenge out on his clueless wannabe bullies.

" Hey what's up with you Peter?"

Derek asked His uncle calmly, almost even rudely, but in Derek's defense he had had a day, first of all being beat with a bat, as well as having his car completely and utterly trashed was hard.

" Don't give me that Derek, why did Chris Argent call me earlier just to pretty must command me to call you because something had happened, I know that something had happened, now spill it."

Peter finished with a sigh on the other end of the phone,

knowing that it must have been pretty bad if Chris Argent had chosen to call him about Derek.

Rather than informing Peter about his lack of for a better word handle on his shifting from a human to wolf, Derek decided upon setting his phone to speaker.

Then after he told Peter to hold on he removed the bloodied up V-neck that he had on and then after grabbing a sponge.

Derek began trying to get the words off of his car starting with the words "PSYCHOS BROTHER," and then decided to begin with how his day had gone.

"What happened today Derek?" Peter asked him again this time more adamantly,so finally Derek responded by saying, or rather yelling out:

" a really bad bloody damn day Peter!" Immediately Derek regretting yelling out at Peter because Peter immediately sounded both angry as well as worried as he spoke into the phone:

" I'm coming home Derek," a response that which brought a chill into Derek's bones as well as into his own blood,

for Derek before his powers had been messing up had been getting into fights as well as into trouble while Peter had been gone. And every adult, storekeeper,

or anyone else for that matter for some reason would report to Peter then and there for some reason when he would do anything bad, knowing Peter he'll have written every single thing down.

Punishment was sure to come, the only bad part was that with Peter being an alpha,

any punishment of his didn't go away until a very long time.

Dropping the sponge that he'd been holding Derek immediately told Peter quickly

" you don't have to come home Peter, everything's fine," to which his uncle responded by stating both very clearly as well as very calmly,

" I was already on my way there Derek I'm about to head into the Drive, so I'll see you in a sec," Peter finished before hanging up.

The only word that Derek could think of to sum up everything that had happened today was shit which he audibly said out loud in a whisper which was well placed.

Because immediately as soon as Peters car came into view he visibly saw Peters facial expression change.

from that of contently worried to that of utterly and completely full of both vengeance, rage, as well as even that of... Was that despair?

Peter then literally just stopped the car right there and then got out of his car and ran towards Derek at an inhuman speed probably mostly due to the fact that Derek looked like he'd been run over by a truck and then some.

" What the hell Derek! What happened " Peter asked not wasting time on the fact that his nephew looked almost, hopeless for anything good to happen.

People both vandalized my car beat me up because i didn't want to get into more trouble because I know that all of these teachers as well as townspeople all call you when I do get into trouble he said to Peter who merely smiled in his direction with a half smile.

"Speaking of trouble," Peter began and Derek immediately realized what he had done to himself, he'd set himself up for punishment.

" oh shoot," Derek stated out loud in no particular direction of who it was aimed at. Yeah oh shoot described it perfectly Derek,"

because Derek had done so many terrible things during the four days that Peter had been gone it was almost impressive.

" but it can wait til later" his uncle stated with a small smile towards Derek after which he grabbed the back of Derek's neck affectionately, only to pull him into a hug, which Derek gratefully accepted.

For in reality Derek realized that the only people left alive that in actuality cared about him were two possibly three people. The third just looked after his neck from time to time.

These three people were his uncle Peter, his sister Lauren, as well as Mr Argent, for though Chris was an Argent he still seemed to for some reason care for Derek.

Then after releasing Derek Peter bent down and retrieved the second sponge from the bucket full of soapy water and began to help his young seemingly older nephew get rid of any evidence of the graffiti.

Peter then decided that he wouldn't punish Derek till later that night when he'd had time to both calm as well as to cool down.
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