Status: On Going. Very delayed postings due to life getting in the way.

Loyalty to the Unseen

Caladhiel, as princess of the light elves, spent her years growing up in the presence of two young Asgardian princes. As time went on a friendship was formed but can this friendship stay intact when life changing events occur? Something needs to bind this friendship and it won't be friendship.


This was first posted March 2nd, 2013 on FanFiction.Net.
  1. Introduction
    The Beginning
  2. No Magic
    Meet The Princess and Princes
  3. Lessons
    The Practice of Invisibility
  4. Love and Loss
    The Truth Comes Out
  5. Mori Lirva
    The Deadly Truth Comes Outs
  6. Loyalty Bound
    The Not-So-Much Coronation