Dirty Magic

Many years ago majic creatures lived in harmony. They shared their lives, and hopes with one another. That is until the impure ones showed up. Their majic surpassed everyone else's and were considered a threat to all other majic creature so they were all killed. No man woman, or child was allowed to survive, and harboring them became a crime punishable by public execution. The High Ruler was taken from his thrown and put to death being a impure one himself.- From the Book of Truth Written by The High Lord. 1 A.C (After Cleansing)

It is fifteen years after the cleanse and their is a new ruler. The High Lord. He controls the realms, and reigns over them with fear, and pain. This is the best way to keep everything and their majic in control. Still dangers are lurking in the darkness with the uproar of old majic, and the emergence of bad blood. It is once again time to reinstitute the cleanse, but little does the High Lord know..history never repeats itself the same way twice.

High Lord Commandments
1. No one born of impure blood shall be allowed to live
2. No one is allowed to harbor or aid an impure one and is subject to public execution if found guilty of this crime.
3. All majic is a gift from the High Lord himself who allows us to use it. Thanks will be given at high noon by all subjects.
4. Majic and nonmagical creature will not procreate. If found guilty of this crime mother and child will die.
5. No majic markings symbolizing the old days will be allowed to be worn, or displayed on any surface in the High Lord's realm
6. Majical beings are not allowed to rally nor individually challenges the authority of the High Lord or his subordinates will be subjected to the removal of their majic definitively. If a human is guilty of this crime they will become slaves to the High Lord himself for the rest of their worthless lives.

"All hail the High Lord and may his bloodline forever reign."

Hang on readers for a tale of power, greed, and lust which takes our characters down a path of adventure, and discovery.