Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

Of Course

He was on one knee out in front of me. We were surrounded by our closest friends. A ring in a small blue box was held out in his hands. His green eyes filled with confidence and hope.

"Of course." Was all I could think to say. He stood and my legs left the ground as my arms clung around his neck.

"I love you Alexandria." He whispered in my ear before placing a deep kiss on my lips. My feet touched the ground before he slid the ring on my finger.

"I love you too, Harold." We never used each others full names. But it seemed fitting for the occasion.

We were snapped back to reality as our friends surrounded us with congratulations and hugs. Eleanor was the most excited out of us all.

"He wanted it to be perfect, he kept showing me rings asking me if you'd like them."

"I would love anything you put in my finger." I said turning to him, kissing his blushing cheeks.

"He wouldn't shut up about it, this is all he's talked about since the last time you came for a visit." Louis revealed. Harry's cheeks continued to burn as Niall and Zayn let out more secrets about this night.

Soon everyone calmed, including myself, who had been on cloud nine since he got down on one knee. I sat into Harry's side, his arm comfortably holding me tight. The ring on my finger was hard not to look at. It was simple but it stood out in the most unique way. It was silver with two small diamonds and one rather large one.

I felt like I was in grade six again, saying my name with Harry's last. Lexi Styles. Lexi Sara Styles. Mrs. Lexi Styles. Alexandria Sara Styles. A.S.S. Laughter soared, my body shaking from trying to hold in the immaturity causing my laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Harry looked down at me confusion in his eyes.

"My initials are going to be funny now." I had a massive smile across my face, the laughter stopping. It took Harry a second to put it together, then he burst out laughing causing me to laugh along with him.

When we stopped he pulled me close to him kissing my temple.

It had gotten late as we sat around the blazing fire in the back garden of a house the lads had rented for us to stay in. We had all consumed as many s'mores as we could. A blanket was wrapped around Harry and I as we sat soaking in the heat from the fire. Eventually Louis and Eleanor left to go sleep. Perrie had to leave because she had a thing in the morning, Zayn decided to drive her saying he'd be back later.Niall sat quietly strumming his guitar. Danielle and Liam sat across the fire from us in nearly the same position.

Everyone, including myself, had thought they would be the first marry. They were both so mature and we all knew they wanted a family together. Dani never complained about Liam not asking, not nearly as much a Eleanor at least. She wanted so bad to be Louis', we all knew it would happen, Louis just needed him time.

I was grateful Harry still had another couple of days off, so I could bask in his loveliness. His love was one of the remaining earthly things I needed.

"I think I'm going to head to bed." Danielle stood up looking behind her at Liam, hoping for him to follow. Which he did.

"Night guys, congratulations again, so happy for you both." Liam said walking back up the trail to the house. Niall gave a fake yawn, telling us he'd never been more tired. He said good night as well, leaving Harry and I alone.

The temperature continued to get lower as time went on.

"Should I put another log on or would you like to go to bed?" Harry asked as the existing fire had shrunk to just a red glow.

"Another log, unless you'd like to go to bed?" I loved the smell of bonfires. Tomorrow I'd wake up with the smell of it on my clothes and in my hair. Harry wiggled out from under me to put another small piece of chopped wood on the fire. When he came back to his seat I moved so that I could look up at the stars.

Life couldn't feel any better. I'd chosen in that moment to take the time to thank God for all that I had going; my job, Harry, friends, family, the wood fueling the fire before us, the stars, air, the night sky, love, and laughter. The list went on and on. The only time I'd felt more blessed was when God had given me a second chance at life. A second chance to live for him and only him. A second chance to do things right. He saved me, and to me, that was the biggest blessing.

As the flames went out, my eye lids fell closer together until they were closed completely. I could hear Harry's quiet snore as his chest rose and fell rhythmically. I soon went into dreamland where nothing was quite as good as reality.

I felt his body wiggle out from under me, and then my body being lifted from the seat. My eyes opened just enough for him to notice and tell me to go back to sleep. I happily complied, closing my eyes again when my head was on a pillow and my body was pulled close to his body.

I woke up when the sun had already been up and was shining bright. I could see the back garden where we sat the night before, perfectly. I rolled over to face Harry, his eyes had already been open and he had been watching me.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"Just a few minutes" His voice was deeper then normal, it was the deeper morning voice everyone had. But I loved it so much more on Harry. He moved a piece of hair from my vision. I smiled, his touch still sent electricity down my spine.

"Want some french toast for breakfast?" I asked noticing my hunger.

"It's kind of late for breakfast."

"What time is it?"

"Almost two in the afternoon."

"Then would you like it for lunch?" I laughed, I hadn't realized we had stayed up so late.

"Can I help?" His eyes lit up, he loved to be in the kitchen cooking. And I knew he really liked it when we were in there together.

We stood in the kitchen waiting for the egg soaked bread to toast on the griddle.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him after it seemed the house had been a little too silent.

"I don't know, we've both been asleep until like fifteen minutes ago."

"I'll go look around, I guess." I left Harry to finish making the rest of our favorite meal.

The house we stayed in was massive, but there wasn't a whole lot of extra space with mass amount of people having a vacation. The first level had a tv room, kitchen, bathroom, and library. Upstairs was another tv room and several bedrooms. Each bedroom had it's own bathroom. The third floor was just one massive room with a few doors leading out to a deck. We had already spent a few days here and we only had a few left.

It seemed foolish to spend the whole day sleeping.

I went quietly up the stairs gently knocking of the doors of each of our friends. But nobody was in any of them. There beds weren't made and their luggage had still been out, so they didn't leave. I went back to mine and Harry's room to grab my phone to text Eleanor.

*Where did you guys go?:p*

I walked back down the kitchen, Harry was standing in front of a table that set and ready for a proper breakfast. I put my phone next to me while we ate.

"So you like your ring?" Harry had swallowed a piece of the syrup covered deliciousness. I looked down at my hand, only to remember what had happened last night. I smiled bigger as I spoke.

"Yes! Of course, I'd love anything you give me." The corners of his mouth turned up. "I can't wait to tell my parents." I said putting another piece of bread on my plate. Harry's smile faded. "What?"

"I kind of asked them if it were all right if I were to ask you. I'm sorry, if you wanted to be the first to tell them." I couldn't help but smile. My whole life, it seemed, I was waiting for a guy to ask my dad if it were all right to marry me. Harry's has been everything I'd ever dreamed about having.

"You asked him?" I asked again, just to make sure I had heard right.

"Yeah, that's what you wanted, right?" I was speechless. My whole life was coming together so smoothly. It was hard not be just absolutely happy. It didn't seem like I had anything to complain about, for once it felt like, it was more then thrilling. I nodded. "Are you happy?" When I didn't answer immediately the silence started to worry him, but I couldn't find words to match how I was feeling. Nothing compared to how I was feeling, nothing was good enough. I let out a small giggle before speaking again. A smile resumed on his lips.

"I'm really really really really happy." Harry held in his laughter in as he tried to speak.

"Wow, four reallys?" I nodded some more.

"It would be five, but you're not kissing me so..." I trailed off as he closed the space between us. Our lips connecting us in our favorite way.
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HEY! well, I hope you all find this all right. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think!
