Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

They Never Taste the Same

Harry's POV

She was hiding something. I knew it, it was why I couldn't fall asleep last night. But she wouldn't lie to me.

"Mate you don't look good." Zayn clapped me on the shoulder and handing me a cup of tea.

"Did you not sleep well?" Louis asked holding out a banana for me. I took it, peeling it and began eating it.

"No. I called Lexi yesterday, she said she's never felt better."

"Isn't that good, I mean isn't it good that she feels good?" Confusion was evident as Niall spoke, that and the way his eyebrows were raised got me to realize how terrible I sound.

"I mean, look at these." I got my phone out to show him the pictures. The pictures of Lexi out running, her clothes hanging off her like she had bought them too big. The way the her collar bones stuck out of her chest. "Louis showed me them yesterday, and I talked to her and nothing..."

"Maybe she's just trying to shape up for the wedding." Liam came and sat next to me on the couch.

"I don't know, look at the dark circles under her eyes." Zayn and Niall zoomed into the picture to her eyes. They passed it too Liam to see.

"I don't know. Don't you think she would tell you?" Zayn asked.

"She told me she would tell me, but she sounded different, like she was holding something back."

"Don't beat yourself up then, go take a nap. You look terrible." Liam ordered me. And very suddenly felt like the most spectacular idea on the face of the earth. But I still felt uneasy about the situation.

I collapsed into my bed. My eyes fell shut instantly. And off I went, I fell asleep. I didn't dream about anything, there wasn't enough sleep for me to dream.

I was woken by Louis jumping on my bed, yelling at me to get up.

"COME ON BUM! YOU'VE GOT THIRTY MINUTES TO BE READY FOR THE MEAL BEFORE THE SHOW!" He kept yelling, trying to get me to open my eyes.

"Can't I just stay here and order room service or whatever." I attempted to ensure a few more minutes of shut eye.

"Nope. Paul says you've got to get out of bed now, or he will pull you out and throw you into the shower." I didn't believe him so I rolled over, pulling a pillow over my face to cover my eyes.

"Is he out?" Paul yelled into the room.

"No, he just rolled over and is trying to get more sleep." Louis yelled back. I then started hearing footsteps get closer, they were heavy, belonging to the one and only Paul Higgins. I shot up out of bed and ran to the bathroom before Paul could grab a hold of me.

The water was hot against my skin. It felt good. I felt good, until i squeezed some shampoo into my hand and the smell wafted to my nostrils. It smelled like Lexi's hair. Lexi and boom I felt terrible again. I couldn't help her, she didn't want my help.

I washed the soap out of my hair and off by body and then got out. I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. The dark circles hadn't washed off my face. Lou would have some work to do after all.

"Call Lou, I'm going to need a bit of makeup before we go out." I yelled to Louis who I knew had been waiting for me. The door slammed as Louis ran off to get her. I walked out of the bathroom feeling like a zombie. Did she not trust me? My mind raced, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

The next thing I know I'm calling her.

"Lexi, I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course, what's up?" I could hear the effort in her voice to sound normal.

"It's just I care about you a lot and like, I just wanted to make sure you're all right, cause like you don't look all right and you don't sound all right, and I just fear that you're not all right." My breaths became short.

"I'm all right Harry." Her breath was also short, but not in the same way. I could hear the rhythmic thud of her shoes hitting the ground as a conversations around her fainted away.

"Are you running?"

"Yeah, I told you, I do this now." There was something else in her voice, besides the effort. It was strained and hard to trace. Tired but not at the same time.

"Yeah, but isn't it like four in the morning there?" It took her a moment to respond.

"I guess so, I honestly hadn't any idea what time it was. I woke up and went to the gym but it was closed so I just decided to go to the park." Then I heard the rustling of leaves. "It's actually nearly five." She stated as though that was somehow better.

"So you just woke up and went to the gym without checking the time?"

"I was having troubles sleeping and thought a good work out would tire me enough." She tried to defend. Her reasoning was almost making since.

"If everythings all right, I guess I let you continue on your run. I love you." I reminded her.

"I love you too, talk to you later." As I put my phone away Louis and Lou came in my room talking about my problem.

"I'm sure she's just a bit nervous." Lou tried telling me as the makeup brush swooped under my eyes.

I was partly relieved after Lou had said that. But I also didn't feel like I could feel anymore concern for Lexi, she looked different, but she was perfect the way she was before. Maybe it's nothing. I told myself. Which made for a good argument as I convinced myself she was fine.

I followed the other lads for the remainder of the day, keeping mostly to myself, but letting the them know I was fine.

"So, Harry how are things with Lexi?" The man we met for the meal asked. I looked up from my salad.

"She's good, things are good."

"Has she been asking you about wedding things yet?" The man followed up.

"Uh, no, not yet, I'm not sure she's even started thinking about that stuff yet." I thought out loud. At least she hasn't brought anything up. I looked back down the the colors of the food on my plate. I didn't really know what I was eating, it all tasted like leaves to me.

The man asked the others about personal things as well. Before we left I ordered a chocolate shake.
We left out the back of the restaurant because fans and paparazzi had crowded the front entrance. I put the straw to my lips as the van pulled off onto the road.

I tasted the chocolate mix, but it didn't taste like the ones from the dinner.

"They never taste the same." Louis told me as he watched my hands fall to my lap.

"I know." The really never did. They weren't the same, and even though I knew that, I still ordered one. It was almost like a slice of Lexi I could bring with me. At the same time it wasn't, like it was comforting, but it was also a reminder that she wasn't here, that we weren't together.

But we would be soon. So soon, and the I couldn't wait. It was a surprise so she didn't know about it. We were given a few days off next week and I was coming home to her. A smile spread across my lips at just the thought of being with her again. It couldn't come soon enough.
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Thanks for reading!!! Things are picking up so yeah. THanks for sticking it out!


also happy holidays and such, won't be back for an update for a few days, may get a double update if that's something you'd like.