Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

I'm Not That Much Smaller

The finale happened, and all the kids really loved it. It was so impactful, I was hoping not just in my life, but the kids as well. A lot was said, there was great worship and great speakers. We played awesome games and generally had a load of fun.

"I'm so excited!" I nearly squealed into the phone

"I'm so close and yet so far."

"You're at the airport now right?" He asked.

"Yup. My planes leaves in like a hour."

"I just can't wait to hold you again." He sighed.

"Not long now." Two whole weeks with Harry.

"You'll be at the airport when I land?"

"Of course. Now Liam's telling me I've got to go, but I don't want to-"

"But we'll be in each others arms in a few hours."

''I love you."

"Love you too." I took my phone away from my ear, and plugged in my headphones.

I walked through the building, grabbing a coffee as I ignored the mass amount of people following me and begging for me to interact with them. I heard the faint roar of them trying to speak to me and quiet clicks of the cameras capturing my presence in front of them.

Killing time, I walked through the airport stopping at the random shops and having a quick look in side. At the book store I stopped at, I purchased my favorite book, Looking For Alaska. I then quickly walked away to find a seat to sit and read.

"Is that John Green?" A girl with red, curly, hair pointing every which way asked. I barely heard her so I pulled an ear bud out to respond.

"Yeah, it is. Have you read it?" I asked hoping she wasn't a crazy fan of Harry's.

"Oh yeah, I love that, what is it," She leaned forward to look at the cover. "Looking for Alaska, That's good. My favorite is The Fault In Our Stars."

"That one is good. This is actually my favorite."

She gave a weak smile and looked back to her phone in her hands. I wasn't sure if she was planning on showing me something, or she stopped the conversation.

I waited a moment to put my ea r bud back in.

"Listen, uh." She began fumbling with her words.

"Are you Lexi Edwards?" I nodded slowly, getting ready to take a picture with her. "You're the youth pastor at the Wesleyan church in town, aren't you?" I was fully surprised she hadn't been speaking to me cause I was Harry's fiance.

"I am, what can I help you with?" A burst of confidence I hadn't felt in months soared through my body, making me more happy then I've felt in weeks. Her glowing blue eyes dulled into a cloudy grey. The smile she had when she asked about John Green faded into a frown. Her thumbs twirled around each other in her lap. Her left leg shook the whole bench.

"It's just, I used to be a really faithful christian, reading my bible and praying everyday, but lately it almost feels like I've fallen off a cliff. I don't necessarily feel angry or sad, or upset, I just feel sort of empty. And when I try to pray to God I instantly forget about it, I like can't." Moisture collected at the corners of her eyes.

"I can completely understand. For a while that's how I felt."

"But I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be like this, I want to go back."

"I know, it's hard to get out of. Are you like depressed and like erh, doing things to calm your emptyness?" I tried to reword "self ahrm".

"No, but I'm nearly to point where it seems plausible."

"Babe, don't, coming from a person who been there and done that, it's not worth it. People call them battle scars and what not, but why have something when you can prevent them in the first place." I spoke to her, trying to help this poor girl as there's paps all around, taking pictures and trying to interrupt.

"I guess."

"Do you have a pen a paper?" She shook her head 'no'. "Well, I've got some. I can write down some bible verses that I live by. Things that help me go through each day without reverting back to my old ways. God can help you, he can save you. You're not alone." Then she collapsed in my lap. Her tears soaking my jeans. One of my hands clung to her back, rubbing it in small circles trying to soothe her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm out of town for the next two weeks, but I've put the address of the church in that paper, also my number if you find you need some more talking." I told her as my arms wrapped around her, hugging her. When we separated she had a nervous smile on her face.

"So, I know you've just helped me tremendously but like you're Harry's fiance right?" I nodded cautiously. Crap. I just gave my number to a crazy fan. I didn't let my disappointment show on my face. "Could I have a picture?"

"Of course." We stood and posed as not only did she get a picture with her phone, the people following me also got a bunch of pictures.

"Why was she crying?" They yelled out as she waked away. "Did you make her cry?" "What did you say to her?" "Are you going to see Harry?" It faded as I put the ear bud back in. I waited for my flight to be called.

I boarded the plane and took my seat. My head was slung back, my drifted shut and I fell asleep.


"Miss, wake up, the plane has landed." My eye lids flipped open and I very sleepily gathered my things. My phone startled me as it vibrated in my pocket.

"I just saw your plane land, Niall and I are waited for you over by where you'll come out."

"Hello to you as well." I smiled into my words.

"Hello, I can't wait to see you!"

"I know, I can't wait either."

We stayed on the phone with each other until I walked out of the hallway. Smiles had quickly covered out faces, as our hands fell from the sides of our faces. My pace quickened as I got closer to him. When his arms reached around me I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"I love you." I talked into his skin. His fingers clamped in my hair. Our separation didn't last long as our lips found each other and our bodies clung together again. His body and his warmth, the smell of his cologne filled my nostrils. My heart was pounding inside my chest as the kiss deepened. The rapid click of the cameras taking pictures of disappeared. The people, including Niall, disappeared. It was just Harry, me and this kiss.

I couldn't get enough of the taste of his lips. And the way he was kissing me back made me think he felt the same way. His fingers played my hair that had grown out longer since he left.

The sound of Niall clearing his throat brought us back to reality. A place I didn't to go. I just wanted to be with Harry alone, no earthly element effecting us or the things we were going to do.

"Oi, can't you see we're a bit busy." Harry turned to Niall.

"We got to go, remember the thing."

"What thing?" My eyebrows came together expressing my confusion.

Harry took my hand in his pulling me close to him. We got my bags and then headed to the car.

"Oi Lex, aren't you happy to see me?" His arms spread out to a very impressive wing span. I let go of Harry, but pulling him so he wouldn't be too far.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said before I turned around to hug Niall. His small muscles pulled me close to him.

"I've missed you Lexi, been workin' out?" He asked.

"Hasn't Harry told you? Yeah I have. Sorry did I squeeze too hard?" I flexed my bicep.

"No, you seem smaller."

"Oh, I thought my muscles were just too much for you to handle." We joked. "I'm not that much smaller anyway." I defended.
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What up fools, sorry it's been so long since I updated. It honsetly feels like it's been forever. So here you go!!!!
