Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

But it Wasn't Ours

We arrived at the arena. Louis, Zayn, Liam were waiting outside the door. All three ran to me pulling me into their arms and crushing me. With in seconds Harry and Niall joined.

"Lexi I'm so excited you're here!" Liam was the first to speak.

"How have you been?" Zayn questioned.

"Have you missed us?" Louis interrogated
"Great! Yes but not you Louis..." We let our laughter explode. It was really great being with them. I really just didn't feel any of the responsibilities I had back home. Of course when I was at home everything there reminded me of the things I had to be doing. The things I should be doing instead of feeling stressed.

But now I had two weeks off and I didn't have to think about nearly anything. I was with my fiance and four of my other best friends in the world, being waited on nearly hand and foot, and nothing could be any better.

"You look diff-"

"Yes, I lost weight, it's no big deal, I've been lonely so I started working out. It's no big deal." Suddenly I snapped, basically yelling at them.
"Sorry guys I didn't mean that. Can we just talk about something else."

Liam lead us inside the backstage of the arena, we stayed in a group as I was given a tour. They showed me the random rooms no one was using, and the kitchen, which was stocked with pretty much anything anyone would ever need or want. I was shown the the little hang out area where yet more food was set out on a table. Then to the makeup area where Lou and Lux were sat watching a children's program.

We stopped by Paul's station and met up with a few others before Harry took me back to his dressing room.

"And this is where I've asked the boys to leave us alone for a little bit." His left eyebrow was cocked up. To anyone else it may have looked like he were suggesting sex, but I knew that he wasn't, not matter how badly we both wanted it.

We both knew we wait.

He sat on the couch and waited for me join him. I laid my head on his lap. I grabbed his right hand to hold close to me. His left, found it's way into my hair. He twirled it around his fingers. I usually hated it when people played with my hair, or touched me for that matter. But Harry was different, his touch, the way his fingers delicately moved through my hair and rub the top my hand.

The rhythm he picked for both twirling my hair and rubbing my thumb pushed me to sleep. I turned on my side, my head facing his stomach.


I was waiting in the garage of a small home. The sun was shining bright through the dark windows that had turned colors over the years. A woman was near me, she had a head set on and a clipboard in her hands. Others were there as well, but I didn't seem to know any of them. They were in tuxedos and satin dresses. I looked down and saw I was in a dress, it was white and made of lace. I then glanced out through an old, dirty sliding door. There people in rows of chairs, all cramped on the this long thin patio. Half the people's chairs ending up in the yard next to it.
I followed the isle to the front where an old bald man stood in a black suit, with what I assumed to be a bible in his hands. I looked for Harry, but he wasn't there. My breathing became very short as anxiety stepped in when the lady with the head set had told me it was my turn. the others, who seconds before were filling the garage, had disappeared.

There was something missing, but I hadn't known what. I was pushed to begin my walk down the isle. As I walked I looked at the unfamiliar faces. I don't know any of these people. More panic came as breath became more scarce. Half way down the Isle the man I was supposed to marry, which wasn't Harry, stood. His eyes showed he was happy, but I didn't know why. My legs gave out on my as I collapsed to the pavement ground. The man in the purple bow tie at the end of the isle ran to me, asking if I was all right and helping me. There wasn't much I was able to say.

"It's not right, I can't do this, it's not right." Tears streaked my face as I was helped back to the garage.


"Lexi." I was shaken awake to the sound of a familiar voice. I gasped, leaning up to take his neck in my arms. "Lexi." He held on tight to my waist, as he buried his face in my neck. "I was just going to wake you to let you know we were performing in about a half hour."

"It was terrible." I ignored his words as the dream ran through my mind. "It was a wedding but you weren't there."

"Lexi, it's all right, I'm right here."

"But you weren't, it wasn't ours. There was no one I knew there, and it was in someone's back garden. Harry, promise me it won't be like that."

"Whatever it was, it's not going to be like that." He stroked my head, flattening my hair.

We were interrupted by by loud knocking.

"You're time is up! We've got a thing that came up and we need you out here Harry!" It was Louis sarcastically, yelled through the door.

"We'll be out in a minute." Harry yelled back, after letting out a massive sigh.

"Paul says now!"

I reluctantly sat up, so he could stand. Then he offered his hand out to help me stand. He held it as we walked to the door, Louis had a massive smile, ear to ear. Harry just shook his head back and forth at his best friend.

Louis lead us to the first sitting area. Niall sat with a guitar in one hand and some sort of fried food in the other. Liam sat with one hand in his lap and one holding his phone, he was staring intently at he screen. And Zayn was off in one of the corners of the room on the phone talking with his mom or Perrie.

"You didn't have to come out here Lexi." Paul said walking into the room with a few people I'd never seen before following him.

"It's all right, I'd rather stay with Harry." I moved closer to him as his hand tightened around mine.
We sat as Pail started briefing us on who the random people were.

"And they will be just asking a few questions, Lexi feel free to pitch in if you'd like."

"That's all right, I'm good just listening." I told the room. Harry released his hand and began rubbing my back in a circular motion. I comforted me.

"Now look at them." A woman gushed as I leaned into his body. All eyes were on us. I blushed putting my head onto his chest.

"Ya ya ya, they're so cute. Now lets answer some questions." Niall rubbed his palms together and leaned into the circle."
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Posting two chapter today! Don't forget to check you're reading them in the right order