Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

They All Leave

We stood around the tour manager as he spoke to us.

"We've had loads of fans asking for Lexi to do the twitter questions with you, and well they've been coming in for so long we kind of a rig set up in case it was something you might want to do." He was cautious. After the first time he suggested something for me to do something with their job .

Louis eyes lit up at the thought of it, as did Niall's. Harry avoided eye contact as I looked to him for advice. Liam and Zayn stood peering down at me from their height.

"Come on Lexi, it would be so much fun and you'd get to see all your fans!" Louis was thrilled with the idea. The way he spoke made it sound like he'd never heard anything better.

"I mean, wait, fans?" I was caught off guard by more then just the going on stage part.

"Yeah, you've got loads of em, you should see all their signs for you."Niall tried using is Irish accent to convince me.

"They have signs?"

"Yeah, babe, they do." Harry broke his silence, making us all look to him. "Loads, they are massive fans of us." It was hard for me to believe I had fans like them.

"I mean, Harry's name is on them too, but like they really seem to like you Lexi." It seemed all the boys were in favor of it. Including Harry, who I knew didn't want is decision to influence my own.

"If it's all right I guess, it's be kinda fun. A story to tell the children I guess." I laughed, mostly joking, although it would be a good story to tell.

"Awesome, now uh I'll let you know when to go out, then Harry, you can help her on the platform and then help her buckle the latch, and then you'll be off." The tour manager was excited about this, like he'd been waiting for a while to have this happen.

I was excited for it too, who knew what they would ask, and who knew how they would react. That made me nervous, but I knew everything would be all right. I took in a deep breath in attempt to sooth the nerves flying through my stomach.

"It'll be awesome." He laid a kiss on my forehead. "I was just telling the lads the other day how cool it'd be to have you on stage with us, not necessarily performing, but like just there."

"Although you can indeed sing." Louis pointed out. I blushed.

"No, no it's fine I'm all right. I'll just stand there and look pretty and then say a few words."

"Guy's you should go to your spots, it's five minutes till show time." A man dressed in all black came over. He was looking down at a clip bored and he had a head set on. Flashes of my dream filled my mind. I took another deep breath as my hand found it's way to the silver cross on the chain necklace I wore always. Harry kissed my forehead yet again before leaving me there to my thoughts.

I sat on a random speaker off to the side of the stage. Watching them perform was one of my favorite past times. It didn't matter that'd I'd heard "What Makes You Beautiful" over a thousand times before. It was a crowd favorite and they always seemed to change it up a bit.

Before I knew it I was handed a microphone before stepping onto the stage. My hand was in Harry's as he lead me to the magic platform. Niall held out his hand to support me as I stepped onto it. Then Harry came on it and attached me to the stand to ensure my safety.

If it was possible, the crowd got louder as they saw me get on the platform.

The music started for the next song, I sang along but kept the microphone away from my mouth. Looking down at all everyone was crazy. Most of them had cameras and phones out trying to get a decent picture of them. Loads were waving up at them.. I watched as some saw me and then increased their waving velocity, I waved back. Seeing their reactions as I acknowledged their presence was cool. I think it helped me understand why Harry and the four others loved it so much. They made people happy and there's nothing greater than that.


"As you guys have probably already noticed, we've got a guest!" Niall told the crowd.

"Well, go one say 'hi'" Louis urged.

"Hello!" I turned in a circle waving at everyone.

"This is my lovely fiance, Lexi!" Harry came over to me wrapping an arm around my waist. My head fell to his chest in embarrassment. The audience "awwed"

"And because so many of you have requested for her to come do this, that's what we've done."
Liam spoke.

"I've come to answer some of your twitter questions with the lads and then I'm riding that thing back to main stage and then I'm going back my seat." The crowd booed.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad." I was slightly offended, I wasn't sure if they were booing me specifically or me going back to my seat.

"I think they don't want you to leave, not that you're here."

"oh." I left my mouth in a nice circle as Zayn introduced the first tweet.

"If you could leave vacation tomorrow where would you go and who would you bring?" He read.

"Lexi?" The boys looked to me.

"Don't make me answer first, you go." I looked to Harry.

"All right, I would take Lexi and my mum and we'd go on a cruise of the Caribbean."

"Oh that's good. I'd take a couple of my friends from home and we'd go to Australia." Niall's Irish accent thick.

The looked to me again.

"Uh, I'd probably go with you guys and El, Dani, and Perrie back to the place we went to when Harry proposed, that place on the beach." I spoke truthfully. The audience and Liam 'awwed' and screamed because they seemed to think it was adorable.

"And that one was from Cayla Mari, section f, row 14, seat what is that 37?"

"That's a long row!" We looked around the arena, for the girl called Cayla. The whole audience roared trying to get the guy's attention. But we found her and thanked her.

"Next question please! Lexi you want to take this one?"

"Sure? basicallysara askes 'Being from the UK are any of you fans of Doctor Who? If you do who is ur favorite?'" I laughed, as did the boys, because they knew I was a massive fan.

"Lexi do you want to answer this one as well?" I gave them all mischievous smiles. Doctor Who was one of my favorite things to talk about.

"Why yes. I actually really like Doctor Who, it's like my favorite. Louis makes fun of me for it."

"No I don't!" Louis defended.

"Now, whose you're favorite?" Harry asked.

"I really love nine, played by Christoper Eccleston, and Rose, played by Billie Piper but I also really love eleven and amy, Like I love all of them basically. Oh and I love captain Jack!"
Never had I thought directioners liked it.

"And who are you terrified of?" Niall questioned.

"The weeping angles oh and the silence yeah totally can't sleep well after seeing them."

"Thanks you Sara, now we won't be able to shut Lexi up!" Louis shouted out at the fans.

"Haha, no I mean sometimes Louis and Harry watch it with me but they don't like it." I answered the for all of them.

"Thank you Basically Sara, section 1, row 7, seat 18."

"Thanks sara!" When they found her, her face lit up. Jumping excitedly.

Then we answered the rest, they even got me to sing with them.

"Make some noise if you think Lexi can sing!" Zayn yelled into his microphone. The whole arena was in hysterics, screaming and yelling, clapping and stomping, to make as much noise as they could. My jaw dropped, the reaction was insane.

"Wow, thanks but I'm not a singer, no, it's bad."


"You did great tonight." Harry came off the stage coming to me and wrapping his sweaty arms around my torso.

"Me? You were the one performing."

"But you came out and really, it was awesome, everyone loved you!" He tried to speak encouragement into me. And for a while I believed him and his words.

For the remainder I hung on those words. And for those weeks every seemed to go back to normal. I ate when everyone else, eating what they ate and not working out much, because let's get real.
I was feeling good. It all seemed normal again, not having to worry about others were saying and not having to worry about making any plans for the wedding yet. Not having to be on the phone making sure everything for the finale was going as planned also helped.

There was nothing in this world that I hated more then talking on the phone. I never knew what to say even when I had it all written out. Even talking with Harry was bad cause it never seemed come out in the ways I wanted, especial recently.

For the following weeks of that concert I went from hotel to bus to venue with them. I went with them to their interviews. They even had a day off where Harry and I just spent the day in our pajamas, quite literally not doing anything.

It all came crashing down when I bored the plane to go home on that afternoon. The whole plane ride home tears soaked my face and my hands shook. I was terrible, I felt so bad for the person next to me. She looked a bit older, and she was in a dress suit making me believe she was on a business trip.

"Miss, i'm so sorry you've had to sit next to me that whole time, I really hope I didn't annoy you too much."

"Sweetie, it's all right, is everything all right?"

"No, but it will be." I grabbed hold onto my cross necklace that was now tarnished and off color from the years of wearing. She hugged me with my hand awkwardly still around the charm and then she left. They all leave.
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All right sorry my updates have been odd lately, but are two chapters today and then I think I might begin posting two chapters a day... Idk. Won't get to update tomorrow cause i just won't be able to. But yeah. Thanks again for reading and don't forget to comment and stuff!!!!