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The Way

But How?

"Lexi get out here!" Eleanor yelled from the out side your changing room.

I took a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror. It was gorgeous, the dress I were trying on.

"Yeah come on Lexi. It can't be that bad." Dani was right, It wasn't bad at all. It was perfect.. exactly what I've wanted. It had all the parts I wanted. It was white, but not perfectly white, just barely a different white. It was long and flowed around each of my curves. The waist was high, with a flowered belt. The gown had no straps, with a sweetheart neck line.

I crossed the small changing room to the door. I almost didn't want to show it to them, it was just so perfect. Another deep breath. I turned the door handle and opened it. Their jaws hung open.

"Lexi it's perfect!" Danielle squeaked.

"I'm not sure I like the hem." Eleanor was looking near my feet. I couldn't see what she was looking at. "It's just so, strange." I looked down again to figure out what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about? That's the dress she's been talking about for months now."

Danielle tried backing me up. Eleanor's eyes squinted. She tilted her head to look at it from a different angle. As much as I wanted her to like it, it almost didn't matter. It had been more perfect then I could have ever expected.

"I just- I don't know." It was later in the day, and we've been shopping for the whole day. This was to be the last place to look at for the day. And the last place for a while, as I knew I wanted then here with me, but they all had their own lives and were busy and stuff.

Eleanor let out a loud laugh.

"I'm pulling your leg Lexi! I love it, you look so beautiful in it. It goes well with the shape of your body. Harry it going to love it." I tear formed at the corner of my eye. I felt it run down my face, sliding do my neck.

"Are you crying?" Perrie exclaimed. I nodded as more tears fell. The lady helping us put a veil on my head. I stood looking in the mirror thinking about the wedding, and Harry and how blessed I was.

"I just- I didn't think Eleanor liked it and I loved it and I wanted it to be it, but-" I turned to look at Eleanor. "I wanted you to approve. As my friend I want to you- I need you to like it." We got the dress off before my make up ran all the way down my face staining the dress.

I took the three of them in my arms, squeezing them with all I had. They took my measurements and I decided on a veil before we left.


I sat facing my computer talking with Harry about various things about the wedding. As usual he seemed really bored.

"Anything you want." He'd say again and again. I held up the name cards I liked.

"But I want us to start making decision together." I said, my arms falling in my lap in defeat.

"But I want you to have everything you want. You know I don't know have any sense of what looks nice. That's all you babe." I looked at him, my eyes full of tired.

"If you want everything I want then you'll want to have an opinion on some of these things, it's your big day as well." His shoulders fell as he exhaled.

"Show them to me again?" And then I held up the small pieces of paper. I put them close to the lens so he could see the details. "They're just going to have their names on them?" He asked.

"Yeah." I confirmed, smiling behind the paper, happy he had finally wanted to help.

"The one on the left." I took it away to look at it again. It had a silver border near the edge, and the names would be in a curly font, also silver. The paper itself had been just plain white. The card was made of tough paper, 'quite durable', I remember the sales person telling me.

"I like that one too." I set them down putting the one we had chosen in a pile of all the things we had decided on that night.

"Can we just talk now?" He whined, but it wasn't an annoying whine. It was a "Today was kind of horrible and I missed you, can I please talk to you about it" whine. We both had a whine like it. We both knew what it meant.

"Of course, I'm sorry. What's up?" I pushed all things dealing with the wedding away. Devoting this time to him.

"People keep chucking things up at me on the stage. One nearly hit me again." It had become some what of a problem. "And the smoke machine got in my face again."

"I'm sorry babe." I was trying to keep myself from laughing at his misfortune.

"It's not your fault." He told me.

"I know. What can I do to make it better." He crossed his arms in front of him, slumping down his posture.

"Tell them to stop."

"You know they don't listen to me." But I grabbed my phone anyway. I scrolled through my apps, finding the twitter one, opening and typing a tweet.

"Maybe they will this time. Oh and I can give you the stage guys number so you can tell him off for making that thing blow up in my face." He kept going. His phone made a noise next to him.

@LexiEd: Leave @Harry_Styles alone! #stopchuckingthings

And then it made another noise.

@LexiEd: Seriously! Not cool guys. How would you like it if things were getting things chucked at you while you were on stage? #stopchuckingthingsatHarry

Harry laughed as his eyes read the tweets.

"Now what this stage guy's name?" I looked sincerely at him.


As we got closer to wedding, Harry was further away in distance. Our time zones were slowly becoming opposites making it really hard to talk to each other. The harder it was becoming, though, the more often we talked. We texted nonstop and were on the phone with each other for at least an hour each day. Skyping every few nights.

It was hard, but it was becoming easier.
Things starting to come together, Harry was coming home for a few days so I could show him the church I liked and the reception hall I wanted.

And cake tasting. One of the things Harry was firm on from the beginning, the one thing I hadn't really had an opinion on and the one thing I didn't really want to do.

"You could bring Niall, he and I have got similar taste." I suggested as the idea of tasting over thirty different kinds of cakes and frosting's made me sick.

"I'm not just going to the thing because cake, I want to spend some time with you." He begged.
"Besides, since when don't you like cake?"

"I'll come, don't worry. I miss you." I said changing the subject.

"I miss you too." He said not pressing the issue of cake any further. "All right well I'll see you later all right! I can't wait to be home and in your arms again!"

Little did he know I was sitting in his dressing room waiting for him. I fiddled with the bottle of water I was trying to appease my hunger with while I waited.

"You got a food basket." I heard Paul tell him from outside the door. It opened and Harry green eyes lit up. A smile instantly forming on his face.

"But how-" He asked. But I ran to him putting my lips to his, interrupting his thought.

"It doesn't really matter, I'm here to watch the show and then you get to come home with me!" I was so excited to have him home again. It had been four months already. I didn't even know where we were in the world. It didn't matter, as long as we were together.


"We just want to thank you all again. It's truly been fantastic performing for you all. We love you and would not be here without your hard work dedication!" Liam yelled to the crowd.

"Just a massive thank you to all of you out there, here supporting us. We love you and are so happy to be able to do this, bein' on stage here in front of you. We love you!" Niall's Irish accent rang throughout the arena.

They bowed, running off the stage. Harry's arms clung around me, holding me tight. It had been so long that I didn't mind he was extremely sweaty. He pressed a hard kiss to my temple before running off to grab his things so we could leave.
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Two updates agian today coz I missed the one yesterday