Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way


"I'm thinking maybe some sort of chocolate." Harry told the consultant.

"We've got over thirteen different kinds of chocolate cake." She told us. "They are all matched with the purple forks." Harry picked up the closest plate and began eating the piece. I took one near the one he took. Taking a small bite I decided I didn't like it. It has a rough texture, not like the kind cake was supposed to have.
I scrunched my face up in disgust. Harry offered his plate to me. I took another small bite.

"This one is good."

"I know." Harry said with his mouth full of food. We put his cake and my cake on separate tables. And moved on to another slice. Harry kept taking massive bites to taste each variation on our favorite flavor.

"Now this one has a dark chocolate flavor with a caramel, whipped cream frosting." I took a little bit of the frosting on my finger and stuck it into my mouth. It was good. By far the best.

"My vote is for this frosting."I announced to the room. Harry took the fork stabbing the cake and trying to feed me a part of the whole combination. I melted, it was the most perfect combination of things.

"I really like this, but are you sure you don't like this one." He picked up his favorite. It was a milk chocolate cake, with small bites of real chocolate in it. It had plain whipped cream frosting with a drizzle of caramel over it. It was good as well.

"Can we try a slice of this cake." I gestured toward the plate in Harry's hand. "And this frosting." I pointed to the plate in my hand. The consultant looked to all the cake in front of us.

"Here you go." She handed us a plate with the desired flavors. It was an even better combination.

"Oh, this really is good." Harry said with his eyes closed as he chewed.

"I agree, I really like this one." I had only taken a small pinch as Harry had taken the fork, but it really was better then the others. "So is this the flavor of our wedding cake?" I asked him. He nodded with a massive smile on his face. He wrapped one arm around me waist, pulling me into him, kissing me on the lips. I kissed back. The taste of the cake was still there on his lips.

"You taste like cake." His eyes were glowing.

"So do you." I giggled. I wrapped my arms around him laying my head on his chest. I closed my eyes as I suddenly became really tired.

Though it was only a little passed noon, I'd felt like I had gone a whole day, and there was still more to do.

"Tired?" He asked rubbing my back in small circles.

"Mhm." I nodded into his chest. Every time I moved his shirt released his scent making me even more tired.

"Why don't we decide on a design thing for the cake and then we'll go for some proper lunch and then take a nap." He suggested.

"But we've got plans to see the church and reception hall." I whined into his shirt. Quite honestly, as tired as I was, all I wanted to do was go for a long run as the gym.

"But-" He tried but interrupted him.

"No, we'll finish our plans. I'm not that tired anyway." I lied. But I had to try or I doubt he'd let me go to the gym later.

"Lexi, we can reschedule, it's not that big a deal."

"I'm fine," I lifted my head to look at him. My eyes wide and a broad smile across my face.
"Now, come on we've got a cake to design."

The consultant had watched us as we talked. She pretended not to listen, but she had. When we turned to her, she asked us to follow her to an office. There she pulled out three or four books, we were told they were full of ideas.

"Now what were you thinking in terms of how it would look?" I hadn't a clue. So I looked to Harry to see if he had any ideas. He was looking to me a smirk on his face. We burst out laughing because both of us hadn't any idea how to design a wedding cake.

"Uh, I guess it'll be tiered?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I mean it can basically look like anything you want." The lady told us. I opened the book, looking through the different variations of the same thing.

"Yeah, it'll have have tiers." Harry confirmed. I mean of course it would. I half looked at all the pictured before finding one I liked. I asked Harry what he thought.

"It's perfect." Then he put a firm kiss to my temple, soothing the head ache I hadn't realized I had.

"All right, so you'll have the milk chocolate cake with the chocolate pieces with the caramel whipped cream frosting. In the seven tired style and with each of the tiers a different shape. The top tier will have the penguin toppers and each tier after that will have a varitaion of purple stippling until the bottom tier is completely purple." She repeated the order back to us.

"Yes that's perfect." I told her, very happy we had another thing planned. Harry handed over the deposit and we left.

We headed out of the building and towards the car.

"Can we walk?" I asked him, tugging is away from his car. "It's not far." I lied, but I needed some way to burn off all the calories from the cake we ate.

"All right." He agreed, taking my hand and tugging me closer to him. I lead him to the church.

"It's really pretty, and Pastor Dan is going to marry us?" He asked after turning several times looking around at how beautiful it was.

"Oh, yeah I still have to ask him, but yeah." You knew you would forget something. The voice yelled. "I'm sorry." My mood plumeted, I felt so terrible I had forgotten the most important part. I took a deep breath and pretended everything was fine.

"We could call him later, or go to the church." He suggested.

"Yeah, or we could go to the reception hall and then go home." And that's what we did. My mood and energy falling steadily with each step. By the time the lady at the hall had finally showed us how the room would be set up I was out of patience and needed to just go to bed and sleep, or run, but I doubt that would happen. Unless...
I waited until we were in the car to ask him.
"Harry when we get back to the house wanna go for a run?" His eyes widened as he stared at me.

"You run? Since when did you start being all fitnessy and stuff?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I guess when you left I found a lot of down time and," I shrugged again.

"Yeah, sure, I mean if you're not too tired." He poked the side of my stomach.

"No, yeah I think it will wake me a bit."


I ran next to Harry, my short quick strides matched his long slow ones.

"So how long do you usually run?" He asked between his short breaths.

"A little while." Which meant two or three hours, at least. I sped up a bit.

"Hey, Lexi!" He called after me. I need to speed up though. I needed to feel the burn that came with running. "Lexi!"

"Come on!" I turned to face him as I continued running, now backwards. "Catch me if you can." I turned back around to run faster. He sped up, grabbing hold of my waist and lifting me off the ground, he spun me around kissing me deeply on the lips. I collapsed in his arms melting into them, falling in love all over again with Harry.

"Harry?" I said my head hitting his body as tears fell from my eyes. "Harry, I'm messed up again, I messed up again, Harry. Things aren't good." My breathing picked up, but not from the run, from the stress and anxiety from screwing up. "Harry, I can't do this, I can't... I can't." His grip tightened as my tears covered his shirt. "Harry, I haven't had a proper meal in weeks and I go running everyday for over two hours and I just can't do it anymore, I can't Harry help me, please."

"Lexi, it's all right, it will be all right. Everything will be fine."

"And the press kept calling me fat and all your fans were telling me I didn't deserve you and I just couldn't handle it anymore."

"Lexi, shhh, sweetheart, shhhhh sh sh sh, Lexi I've got you, nothing can hurt you." He carried me to a near by bench as the tears didn't stop.

"Lord, help us. Lexi is hurting right now and we can't do this without you. We need you right now. Please lord help is sort this out and make things right." He was praying for me. I silently began thanking God for Harry. Thank you, thank you. I kept saying.

"Thank you Harry." I sat up looking at him, his face was wet from the tears he let escape. "Harry. Thank you." I said again. He was still mumbling something as I spoke to him.

"Amen." He breathed. When he opened his eyes and looked at me, the pain in them was too much to bare. "Lexi, I am so sorry you were feeling this way, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you, I'm so sorry I didn't know what was going on.

"I love you." I told him using my shirt to dry his face.

"Lexi, what made you think you couldn't talk to me?" I shook my head.

"I guess I didn't want to bother you while you were away." I'd been doing a lot of shrugging lately, this was no different.

"Lexi, you have to know that you can tell me anything." You could say we attracted quite a crowd here at the park. Not only paparazzi but normal people had come over to watch what was going on. He took my hand pushing me up from his lap and pulling me along the path to make it home. As people kept following us Harry called for one of the lads to pick us up. We met Niall on the edge of the park.

"What's going on? Lexi are you okay? Harry why does it look like you've been crying?"

"We'll talk later, after we get back home." He told Niall as he and I climbed into the back seat. I sat cuddled next to Harry's side.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading bros!

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