Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

A Brotherly Sort Of Love

"Okay what's up Niall, you've been staring at Lexi all night." Liam asked

"It's nothing." But he kept his eyes on me.

"It's all right I'm sure they'll hear about sooner or later." I gained a confidence I hadn't had in months. I wasn't quite sure where I was going with it, but they were just as close to me, and Niall deserved to know. "I had a bit of a breakdown at the park when Harry and I went running." I looked at each of them awaiting their reactions.

"Lexi, it's all right you don't have to tell us." Liam's eyebrows were together in concern. As much as he wanted to know, he also knew that it wasn't really his business.

"It's fine. I guess you all just need to know that I'm fine now, or at least I will be." I tightened my grip around Harry's hand.

There was an awkward silence as Niall still stared at me. I stood deciding he deserved to know. He had look so terrified glancing back at us in his car when he drove us home earlier.

"I'll be right back." I gave Harry a kiss on the cheek as I stood. I walked to where Niall sat took his hand and pulled him up. I felt all eight pair of eyes on our backs as we walked out of the room. Then they burst into hushed whispers debating on what I was telling Niall.

"Niall." We stood across from each other in his room.


"I know you're concerned but I'm going to fine. I was just holding a lot in and Harry got me to reveal some secrets I'd been keeping from him. Don't worry, nothing is wrong or anything between him and I. The stress just caught up with me and I wasn't dealing with it properly. But I know that I was wrong in trying to deal with it myself, I need to rely more on Harry." I never looked from his blue eyes. Still I waited for his reaction.

"You're good now? That quick?"

"Well, I mean I feel better, like I can finally take a deep breath again. You never realize how constricted you feel when you keep something inside until you tell someone about it."

"You weren't cuttin' were ya?" I didn't know that they knew about that, I guess I should have figured, we all knew pretty much everything about each other. I shook my head.
"You'll kill me when I tell you" His eyes stared deeper into mine. "I wasn't eating, and I was running a lot and going to the gym." I held up my arms to flex my muscles.

"So I won't have to come to the park to rescue you and Harry anymore?"

"I'm afraid not, at least not in the near future... I'll be fine." I interrupted my own thought as I noticed his eyes and found a sort of happiness only Niall could possess. He looked giddy, but calm, his eyes glowed but his face remained the same, his mouth was excited but his cheeks were only slightly fond of whatever was going on.

"What?" I wondered as I found new mysteries to the different features of his face.

"Lex, I love you, you know that right. Like I never want anything to happen to you. You're like the little sister I never had, and I love you."

"Aw, Niall, you too are like an older sibling to me." I hugged him as if initiating out familyhood. "I love you too, and I'm sorry I worried you."

"I know you've got Harry and what not but like if you need to talk or something or whatever I will always be here for you." He kissed the top of my head in the most brotherly way. "I like the idea of having a younger sister. Maybe the guys will stop trying to protect me and stuff if I've got you to protect."

We laughed some more before exiting going back to the other who were also laughing,

Harry looked from Niall to me, not in a suspicious way though, it was like he was just putting things together. Like he had just figured out what I told him.

"Sorry boys but we're off." Harry announced to the room. I put out my bottom lip begging for more time.

"Just a few more hours, please!" I begged, having not seen my five best friends in over a month really made me want to be with them.

"So, you guys picked out the cake today?" Liam inquired.

"And I've seen the church and Lexi has picked out her dress."

"Things are sure getting together quickly." Louis stated. You could hear the fear of commitment in his voice, you could actually hear how afraid he was for his friend. The clearing of his throat didn't help matter either.

"It actually took me a really long time." My voice was strained. To me, Louis wasn't saying that it was going fast, he was saying that it was easy. Harry looked at me nervously.

"Yeah, Lex and I have been deciding things for a very long time. Slowly but surely everything has been coming together." He defended. As he spoke though he sounded more calm and it put it at ease, slightly. I lifted his arm to put around myself, he pulled me closer to him.

After talking about their tuxes and stuff we decided to play a card game. It was called kemps, I had learned it in high school from a kid named Noah. He had been my best friend throughout that part of my life, but when we went off to separate colleges we barely ever talked. It was a great game and I was glad to have remembered how to play.

"So now there can only be four cards in the middle, you trade out one of the ones in your hand hoping to get four fours or threes or jacks or whatever." I showed them my hand explaining to them I'd probably go for sixes because I had two of them. Then I demonstrated the trading process because one happened to be out. Harry switched his like a pro as I've tried teaching him before, we just never had anyone to play with.

"Then when you get your four of a kind, you signal your partner so they can say kemps. If someone sees you signal your partner they can call out 'stop kemps' and then they win that round."

"So if mine and Zayn's signal were to like out lips I would do that until he saw so he could say something?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, but don't make it too obvious because we might notice it and call you out."

"All right, sounds easy enough, re-deal." Louis was confident, but I knew Harry and I would trump then for the first few rounds.

Harry and I had our signals already planned as we had decided the other lads had to know how to play the game. I assured Harry we would win if he kept on my team. And sure enough we did.

"Let's play something else." Louis said after having lost not only to Harry and I but the Liam and Zayn as well as few times. We agreed because we had been playing for a few hours.

"Actually, I'm super tired." I look at Harry my eyes full of hope so that we could leave.

"We're picking flowers tomorrow right?"

"And were have to pick out Lux's Flower girl dress."

"Oh Lux id the flower girl?"

"You didn't tell them?"

"I guess I didn't," He wrapped his hand around the back of his neck. "Actually I think I forgot myself."

"But you did talk to Lou right?" I knew this was going to happen so I called to Lou and asked her myself knowing Harry would have forgotten. I pretended to be shocked that he hadn't as he slowly shook his head no.

"I will call her right now, and ask." His phone was already out, and I'm pretty sure Lou's number had been brought up I waited until he had hit the call button to tell the truth.

"I knew you'd forget so I called her after we talked that night we decided. It's all good she knows Lux is in the wedding and stuff." I giggled when I heard Lou ask Harry what he needed.

"It's nothing, just making sure we're still meeting you at the dress shop for Lux's dress tomorrow." He covered for himself.

The boys and I were in stitches laughing at what had just happened. Never before had I been able to fake Harry out like that. I felt proud and accomplished. Niall clapped my back and Louis shook my hand.

"That was great."

"He really thought he had forgot!"

"You got him so good!"
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wooo two updates in two days, possible update tomorrow.... thanks again for reading I really appreciate it.