Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

I Just Don't Know

We walked silently up the stairs and into our room. I slipped off my dress before going into the hot shower to wash off the product that was put on me a few hours ago.

I was nervous, taking as much time as I could. As much as I knew we needed to talk, I didn't want to. I was afraid of what Harry was going to say.

I turned the water off, and wrapped myself in a towel.

"But you should have seen the way she looked at him." Harry was speaking, he was trying to keep quiet.

"Mate, she wouldn't have said yes, if she still loved him. She's here with you still." I felt bad, I hadn't realized he had thought I still liked him. A man that caused so much pain and damage.

"I don't even know." I put my clothes on. Storming out of the bathroom to confront Harry. I was angry at him for not knowing. I thought I had done a good job of making him know how much he meant to me, but I guess I hadn't.

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" I yelled. "Louis, out!" I flung my pointed finger towards the door. He backed out of the room.

"Don't talk to my friend like that." His voice was raised, but not as loud as I had been. He still held fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I heard you, and I feel like what you were talking about with him should have been what we talked about." I wasn't full on yelling still, but the anger was still evident in my tone.

"You were taking so long." His voice was still loud as guilt came done on me.

"I know I'm sorry." I was instantly quiet, the guilt holding me back from getting too excited. My eyes were locked on the window just past his left shoulder. A lightning bolt struck off in the distance. And then large rain droplets fell from the dark clouds as large tears ran down my face. "I don't love him." At this point our group of friends were rushing in the house, trying to bring in all the things from the party.

"I know, I was just stupid, reading too much into things."

"You're not stupid." I said, going to him. "Usually it's me reading too much into things, I was honestly just happy he wasn't yelling." He held me, my tears soaking his t-shirt.

"I know, I know." He was stroking my hair down as we held each other.

"I love you."

"I know."

"I'm sorry I didn't make it more obvious."

"I love you." We were talking quickly, not letting much time for silence.

"I love you too."

"I know." His lips met mine. We stood, my tears eventually stopping as the kiss depend.

We didn't fight much. Both of us not worrying about things too badly. We were alike in that way. I thought that was one of the reasons why we worked so well.

My hands traveled up his back and joined at the nape of his neck. His stayed on the small of my back, holding me close to him. Our lips moved against each others.

"We're going to watch-" The door opened, Zayn had been speaking but upon seeing us, stopped mid-sentence.We didn't break apart or open out eyes. He tried getting our attention by clearing his throat. But still we didn't break apart. "I guess if you want to come see the movie, I'll just." Then a second later the door clicked shut.

It was then that we broke apart, laughing till more tears fell, but the good kind. I held my side as it cramped from laughing hysterically.

"Did we just ignore Zayn?" He asked looking down at me, his smile wide with his dimples leaving near holes in his cheeks. I nodded laughing more. He put his face close to mine, our lips meeting and kissing again. A second later he pulled away from me, his lips still upturned.

"You want to go watch the movie, don't you?" I asked, knowing the answer. All had been forgiven, we both loved each other, and that's all that we needed to say to know we were forgiven.

"Kinda." He bit his lip. I took his hand to lead him down into the living room. He stayed close to me.

"HEY!" Louis yelled, drawing out the 'ey'.

"The lovebirds decided to join us." Zayn said. Harry and I collapsed on the couch next to Niall, who held on tightly to a bowl of popcorn. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So things are all right?" Louis asked. The others tuned to us in confusion.

"Yeah, things are good." Harry spoke for us, he rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb. A new thing he had just stared doing, a gesture I very much liked. It comforted me, sending warmth through my body, making everything in the world comfortable. Making me love him in a new way I hadn't before. I rested my head on his chest, and whispered into it.

"I love you." He kissed the top of my head returning the love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Opps, so thanks for the comments, and of course I'll check out anyone's stories, just ask! All right, kind of a short chapter my bad, might update again, we'll see.

Thanks for talking and stuff in the comments. I'm thinking I'm going to start writing the third part of the this series soon, so yeah.

thanks again for reading!
