Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way


Eleanor and I lived in a house now. After graduating we decided it was time to buy a house. But because our incomes wouldn't be able to cover the house we wanted, El went behind my back and asked Louis for help to purchase it. Louis went to Harry suggesting we all move in together. I hadn't wanted Harry or Louis to put any money into it. But the idea of being able to spend less time traveling to his flat or ours was extremely appealing. We had actually figured out how much time we had wasted each time Harry and Louis would be home. It was an overwhelming amount. So instead of wasting time driving living together seemed nice.

However, I was opposed to sharing a room with Harry. Even though when he would be home we would share his bed or mine, I wouldn't feel comfortable actually living with him and sharing a room. So we found a house that had three bedrooms. Lou and Eleanor, of course, would share a room while Harry and I had our own.

When we got home from vacation, Bo came over to stay with us. I was glad too, because Harry and Louis had to do some promotion for their new single. Eleanor went to visit family. Perrie also had some promotion to do, and Danielle had rehearsals.

"Things good?" I asked as we sat on the couch, coffee in our hands.

"Yeah, I mean you can only spend so many nights on people's couch's before they think you're freeloading." She sighed.

"You didn't have a home?"

"No, I never expected to stay as long as I did."

"Well, are you going to go back?"

"I don't know, I was thinking about coming home soon anyway. When Louis said he'd pay for my ticket back I jumped at the chance." She said honestly. "I missed you." I wanted to be angry with her, for leaving me here all by myself, to deal with our parents divorce, for abandoning me and leaving me to crumble.

"I missed you too." I put my anger aside, because she was here now and that's all that mattered.

"I'm sorry, I left you here, by yourself."

"I guess it's fine. You decided that leaving was what's best or you." I tried to comfort her, but myself. Convincing both of us that's what was for the best.

"No, it wasn't all right. I should have been here for you." I felt like if I had said anything I'd say something I regretted, so I shrugged.

"You're here now." And then we hugged. It the kind of hug between siblings after the end of a corny episode of Full House. When everyone is forgiven and the lesson has been learned. "So, what do you want to do today?" I asked after we broke apart.

"How about we just go hang out around the city." She suggested. "I mean, if you can..." She trailed off. I guessed she had been talking about how the world was so infatuated with the people celebrities associated themselves with.

"Yeah, we should be fine, Harry's not with us." I told her. We got up and got ready. Since the shop was only down the street

We had just got into the store when a little girl had walked up to me.

"Are you Lexi?" She asked. I knelt down to her level so she wouldn't have to look up at me.
"Why yes I am. Who are you?"

"Samantha!" She said enthusiastically.

"Well hello Samantha, how are you today?" Samantha had giant smile covering her face. I looked over in the direction from which she came, Her mum stood a few feet away watching us.

"Can I have a picture?" She ignored my inquiry of her well being.

"Of course sweetheart. Is that your mum over there, is she going to take it?" She nodded, I stood while she took my hand pulling me over to her mum. She takes the picture and thanks me."I've got to go now, Samantha, it was nice meeting you!" I waved at her while I walked away.
"Sorry about that." I linked my arm with hers as we traveled around the store.

"You know what would be kind of funny?" She asked as we stood in the isle across the magazines.

"What?" I looked up from the John Green book I'd been reading.

"We should buy a ton a bridal magazines."

Although it was supposed to be meant as a joke, I thought the idea was actually really good. I told her that.

"Hold out your arms." She demanded as she piled magazine after magazine in them. Then we went to the candy isle and bought four bags of those drops of chocolate.

I was surprised to see Harry and Louis sitting in the kitchen with mugs of tea in their hands.

"What's up?" I asked still half laughing at the last thing Bo had said. I was crossing the room over to where Harry was.

"We had a night off, and the interview tomorrow is in the area, so we came home." Louis explained.

"What's in the bags?" I think the influence of my sister compelled me to dump out the bags to reveal to him all the magazines.

"Getting a little excited are we?" Louis joked.

"It was Bo's idea?" I defended.

"You said it was a good one!" She shot right back.

"I know it's a lot, but it's mostly a joke." I looked to Harry, telling him so he wouldn't be as freaked out. His eyes were still wide with shock.

"Seriously I just, I got excited." I kept trying to explain to him my actions, and soon he calmed, laughing along with us when I showed a truly hideous dress.

"Now that was just torture to look at." Louis practically yelled. He and my sister had taken to drinking some beer, while I sat in Harry's lap looking at all the things that go into a wedding.

"If you had to choose everything right now, what would you choose?" He asked me staring deep into my eyes.

"From the magazine?" I questioned as my eyebrows knit together.

"No," He pushed the magazine aside. "If you could have anything, and you had to choose now, what would you pick?" I pulled my lips to cover my teeth. My lips moved off to the side as I caught my bottom one between my teeth. I was deep in thought, ignoring the the noise Bo and Louis were making. "Start with the people who will be there." He suggested.

"Well obviously our families, the lads, Eleanor, Perrie, and Dani. I'm guessing you'll want Nick there, and all of those guys."

"Not if you don't." He nearly interrupted.

"But of course they have to there, they're your closest friends beside the lads." He widened his smile.

"Go on, who else, now you can have anyone you'd like." He encouraged.

"Uhm, wait the band and everyone from your work, Simon, Paul, Sandy, Andy, Josh, Louise and Lux of course. Oh and we'll have to send an invitation to the queen." I joked.

"That's my girl, thinkin' BIG." He nodded while his smile turned into only a half grin. "What colors are you thinking?" He asked after showing his proudness. Then I smiles at him, his half smile turned back into a full one when he figured out what I was thinking.

"Well, I think there has to be some sort of purple in somewhere, possible on a bow tie?" I looked around pretending not to imply that Harry would in fact be wearing a purple bow tie.

"Flowers?" I hadn't even begun to think about that sort of stuff.

"I don't know, purple ones?" I half joked. It made Harry laugh so I went with it. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Anything and everything you want." My body was turned around in his lap, so I could be facing him. He put his forehead on mine before kissing me softly. I kissed back, unexpectedly, my kiss had filled the moment with a large amount of passion. His fingers tangled in my hair as my arms locked around his neck.

When we heard the grumblings and clearing of throats we broke apart.

"I didn't think you were like that sis?" I blushed.

"Oh they do that all the time." Louis drunkingly said, pointing at us for a more full effect. I blushed even more.

"Just go back to your drinking." Harry told them, tugging me into him. I pressed my face into his black t-shirt. He flattened out the hair on the back of my head before leading me to my room.

"That was embarrassing." I said while plopping down on my mattress.

"It's just your sister." He stood in front of me my left hand in his right.

"I know, but she thinks I'm different now just because I've gone to school for ministry. She thinks I have all these rules I need to follow." Harry cocked one of his eyebrows up. "You should have seen her face when I told we spent most nights together in the same bed."

"She just has this a skewed view of what we do."

"I guess, I just wish it didn't feel like she was judging me all the time." I brought my legs up on the bed with me, pulling them close to my chest

"Everything will be all right." He told me, like I would tell him if he were worrying about something.

The next morning I woke to a note pasted on my door.

/Sorry Lex, had to go. I missed New Zealand. I'll be back for the wedding I promise. LOVE Bo./

It was hard that she left so suddenly, but we spent such little time together that it was almost like she hadn't even been here.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Bo's visit wasn't really a success. Oh well! What do you think?

thanks for reading!
