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The Way

Come On

"And when we come back we'll tell you which curly haired boy bander has decided to ask his non traditional girlfriend to be his forever." The telly nearly screamed at us when we turned it on.

You see, it wasn't a common occurrence in the Calder/Tomlinson/Styles/Edwards house hold for the television to be on. It was on because both Harry and I had gotten several texts, phone calls, and emails telling us to watch the celebrity news today, that it was on today.

"I wondered how long it would take them to know." My head turned to Harry's as his was locked on the screen.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart." He took my hand rubbing the top of it.

"For what?" I asked.

"That they know about us. That me asking you to marry isn't just between us anymore. That you have to live in the public eye, that everyone in the world knows our business. That-"

"It's all right. I knew it was going to happen." I interrupted him. "It comes with being with you." Then he took his hand off mine fiddling with his other one in his lap. When he spoke he was very quiet. I could barely hear him.

"Do you ever wish you'd found someone else?" He asked, his voice cracking from being so quiet. I took me a second or two to understand what he was asking.

"Never. I don't know what I'd do without you." I took his hands in mine.

"But-" He tried cutting in.

"But nothing, you're perfect to me." I cheekily quoted a lyric from one of the songs he used to sing.

"You didn't just do that."

"But I did. See and now you're smiling." I was proud of my efforts. We laughed.

Harry's POV

"A source says that while One Direction were on vacation with their girlfriends this weekend, Harry Styles has asked his girlfriend of four years to marry him. Yesterday we caught a picture of Lexi, with her sister at the store just down the road from the house she lives in with Louis and his girlfriend, and Harry. She went in and about an hour later the came out with plastic bags full of bridal magazines. You can even see the massive ring on her left hand. We have yet to confirm with Harry's representative if any of this is true. Looks like Lexi is a little over excited to be looking at wedding plans. We have a poll on our website for you to give your input. So we can know what your opinion, Log on so we know what you think." She spoke like she giving important news.

I've always hated these shows. Even before I was "famous". It just seemed ridiculous to me that some people could be so interested in the lives of other people. I turned the tv off as quickly as possible. I dropped the remote next to me on the couch, before falling back and sighing loudly.

"I just hate how they feel like our business is everyone else's." I hated to complain and seemed like lately that's all I seemed to be doing. Lexi stood up, her hand held out in front of her.

"Come on!" She bent down to grab my hand. Attempting to pull me up. When I didn't help her help me up she stuck her tongue out at me. "Let's go!" She exclaimed again.

Her positive attitude about things amazed me. She was always trying to get me to smile when things went good. She was good at distracting me from thing.

I gave in allowing her to pull me up. I was dragged to the door, where I was instructed to get my shoes on. She ran to her room, going in for a second, then coming out. She had to put her shoes on as well. Lexi pushed me out the door before reaching in, grabbing a set of keys, I guessed. She spun the keys around her finger.

"Let's go for milkshakes!" She threw the set of keys at me before jumping into the front seat. As soon as the car turned on, she cranked the radio turning it up almost all the way. She began singing along. But not the nice kind of singing she did when she showered, she was loud and off pitch. Her eyes kept landing on me for a second and going back to the road. I think she was waiting for me begin singing with her.

"TONIIIIIIIIiiiiIIGHT!!!! WE ARE YOUNG!!!!!!" I busted out, a broad smile across my lips. The song hadn't even been over when we arrived to the diner. We could have walked, but have a feeling Lexi wanted to drive so we could sing to the radio.

We walked in, hand in hand, to our booth. The booth we always sit in. She let her hand slip out of mine. Lexi went to the jukebox in the back corner. Putting in money and pressing the button for our song. The one we both had on our ipods. The one she showed me the first time I'd been here with her. Her all time favorite song.

She danced her way back over to me sitting across from me, taking my hands in hers.

"I love you." I told her. It was out of the blue, but not in the same way. Everything she did reminded me why I loved her.

"I love you too." Her voice became serious, her smile sweet and truthful. Her eyes glowed as she stared back over at me.

Our milkshakes came five minutes after we ordered.

"Come here?" I asked. She pushed her shake next to mine and moved over to my side of the booth. I put my arm around her shoulder needing her as close as possible. She picked her glass up bring it near her mouth. She took a long drink. Before setting it back down on the table she put her head on my chest. I bit my lip, she is perfect.

We kept like that for a while. I didn't want to ruin the moment of peacefulness. We were alone beside the workers. Something increasingly more unusual as time went on.

"Can I get you anything else?" The woman asked.

"I think we're good. But thanks." Lexi answered for us. The woman walked away from us. "You've got things tomorrow, right?" She asked after taking another gulp of her favorite drink.

"Yeah, I think a few interviews. Want to come?" I asked even though I knew how she would respond.

"What times, I mean you know I've got youth group later in the day, but if there's something earlier." She caught me off guard. Usually on Thursdays shes got youth group, and usually she spent most of Thursdays preparing for that.

"There's breakfast radio with Nick Grimshaw, actually at like eight. And then theres a magazine thing around like noon."

"All right, yeah. I'll come."


"I know I haven't come with you guys in a while."

"You don't need to get things together for tomorrow night?" I asked her.

"Nope, one of the grade twelves in the senior high group is coming to do a talk with the kids. I'm just in charge of games this week. Want to stop in for a second if you have time?" I'd gone once to her youth group. They were loud and had more energy then I can imagine having.

"I don't think I can, but another Thursday night?"

"When ever you've got time." She patted my knee. "Speaking of time, it's kind of late, we should probably go home."

When we got home, she kissed me sweetly before entering her room and closing it gently behind her. I heard her start the water in her bathroom for her nightly shower. Soon she began singing quietly one of our old songs. I stood listening as she sang the notes. Her voice sending shivers down my spine. She wasn't bad, and she'd gotten better throughout the years. After moving in together, I quickly found out she was singing her favorite of our tunes.

"Harry you all right? You've been standin' there for like fifteen minutes." Louis called from the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, I was just listening to Lexi sing."

"She's good."

"Yeah, you should give Simon a recording."

"No, she wouldn't like that." I shook my head going to the kitchen.

"Have you talked about it?" He asked.

"We have, after the first night we were here and we all heard her. She asked me not to, specifically." I sighed taking a sip of the tea he had made. "Beside, shes a youth pastor, something she loves, something she'd been called to do ." I reinforced my defense.

"Whatever you say..." Louis trailed off, walking off simultaneously. "Night."

"Night." Sitting in the kitchen I thought about Lexi. Eventually falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a cute chapter, nothing much happened, but cute none the less.

if you've got time also check out this story:

Shes super sweet and stuff, and really nice about commenting and stuff:D