Status: Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

The Way

You Did Not Just Ask That

We walked in, the boys went off to a meeting room for a quick meeting about the show. As soon as I sat in my chair Harry came back down the hall.

"Lex, they want you in there too." I was confused they never wanted me in there.

"Did they say why?" I asked going over to him.

"Not a clue." He put his hand on the small of my back, pressing me ahead of him in the small hallway. .

I walked in and a guy from management began talking. I cautiously sat in the seat the only empty seat. Harry stood behind me.

"We just wanted your consent that it was all right to talk about your engagement, so that Harry can confirm the rumors."

"Yeah, I guess it's all right." I looked to Harry for his opinion.

"If it's all right with Lex it's all right with me." He told them. His hands rested on my shoulders.

"So Lexi you can just hang out in the live lounge." The man told me. I agreed. And then the boys were given a few more instructions and reminders. We then all left the room, Harry's arm wrapped around my shoulders. I leaned into him. As we got closer to the booth Nick came out of no where, a massive smile on his face.

"I got your text the other day, but I didn't believe it. Cangrats bro.!" Nick came up to him grabbing him and pulling him into to a hug. I was partly captured, not able to escape in time. "And Lexi!" He yelled after he released us. "Darling that is a beautiful ring." He said hold my hand up to his eyes.

"Yup." Harry said awkwardly before giving me a small peck on my cheek before following Nick into the radio booth.

During the radio show I sat watching and listening to them talk.

"We all know it gets a little crazy when Harry Styles and I are here in the booth together, but we're not alone this time, we've got the whole band today!" Nick said into the microphone. Louis screamed into his microphone as the Niall laughed into his and as the others tried to say hello. "If you've got questions for any of these guys text in to 81199. Is there anything off limits?"

"No, I think we're good to answer anything today." Liam tried answering for everyone.

"Well why not, the sun is shining." Nick laughed into his mic enforcing Liam's words.

"Look, Paul he's over there shaking his head." Niall pointed in the direction of the camera. The boys and Nick laughed. We all knew the mix of those six guys was deadly.

Another song played and then they answered weird questions about stupid things.

"I'm not one to admit it when I've been specifically asked by my bosses to ask about your personal lives, but I firmly believe I'll be fired if I don't, so, hows things with the gals? Niall, the Mrs. all right?" he joked. The boys laughed, Niall the loudest.

"Yup, things are good, she's actually pregos." He answered keeping up with the joke.

"But seriously, anything big happen in the lives of you and your girlfriends?" Grimmy asked.

You didn't have to be there or see it or know all heads in the studio had turned to look at Harry. The tension in the room pulsed as we all awaited for Harry to answer.

"Basically, I've asked Lexi, my girlfriend, to marry me."

"So what your saying, Harold, is that the rumors of you getting married to your three year girlfriend are true?" Zayn asked simply trying to confirm verbatim that Harry was getting hitched.

"Yes, yes, the rumors are true. Lex said yes, so she and I are planning on getting married."

"Have you got a date yet?" He followed up.

"Nah." He shook his head. "We uh, haven't planned anything yet. You'll be first to know though Grimmy." Harry answered him.

"Now that we've got the business out of the way, lets play one of your classic songs, in honor of Harold Styles' engagement to his girlfriend, we'll play... let's see, how about this." The opening notes of They Don't Know About Us start. "It's They Don't Know About Us, by One Direction."

After the Breakfast show we were rushed to an unmarked building. As usual the lads went into a conference type room, where our lunches had been delivered. But I hadn't been hungry so I just played with the food, moving it around on the dish. I came with them into the meeting room, this time without being asked. Again I had to give my consent for the confirmation of my engagement to Harry.

"Also while I've got you here." The man from before was speaking directly at me. "I was just wondering how you felt about doing an exclusive interview thing with the other girlfriends, with Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle." Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry dropped their forks. Their jaws hung open like they couldn't believe what their management team had just said.

"You did not just suggest that." Louis said defiantly. The man looked confused.

"Seriously, did you just ask to use our loved ones as publicity?" Liam nearly yelled.

"It was just an idea." The man put his hands up as if to surrender.

"But no. We've taken a lot of crap from you, but our loved one's are off limits." Niall's accent became stronger the more angry he got. I understood where each side was coming from. It would make good publicity for Harry and I to play at our engagement as much as possible, but like at the same time I felt used.

I started shaking my head back and forth.

"Yeah, I don't think that's anything I or the girls would be interested in." I put my thoughts into words. Harry rubbed my back sending comfort through the situation.

After a moment of silence I picked my white plastic fork up and resumed playing with the food. The others in the room followed. We continued in silence. When a young girl came in the room and spoke it startled us all.

"We're ready when you guys are finished." She looked down at her clipboard before leaving the room again.

Louise came in and began putting a little makeup on them. She even put some on me, which i felt weird about.

"Lexi?" The man asked.

"Yes?" I couldn't turn my head due to Lou putting some lip gloss on my lips.

"Umh they may ask you a question or two... also their going to photograph you and put you in the magazine." My head whipped to him.

"Peter, this isn't all right. You can't keep springing these things on us." Harry spoke for me.

"No, Harry, it's all right, I guess." Though it was getting a bit out of control.

"Lexi they're just going to keep asking you to do things to boost my job. They can't keep asking you these things, it's not fair." His voice was pained. He was hurt for me. He was speaking to me like I was the only one in the room.

"What's one time, I promise I won't agree to it ever again." I spoke to him, and only him. He let out a sigh. "Everything will be fine." Our chairs were the massive ones you'd see behind giant desks in a CEO's office. The were spun to face each other. Our knees were touching, his hand was on my bicep. Our faces were inches apart. Our foreheads touched before our lips met.

The room was empty, except for us. It was just him and I. His hand went into my hair. The kiss deepened when we forgot about everyone else. Someone cleared their throat and it all crashed back to reality. Our lips separated, his hand fell out of my hair, finding my hip and staying there.

My eyes went around the room, all the eyes were on us. My face felt hot, I looked and Harry's face was red.

"You guys ready or should we leave?" Louis asked, joking. The others let out nervous laughs.
I stood up pulling Harry up behind me and leading them all out of the room. We walked farther down the hallway to a sort of set. A white back drop with six seats. A man next to a big camera starts yelling out directions.

"Have a seat guys, Alexandria, I want you in the middle." I opened my mouth to speak up about my name but Liam had beat me to it.

"Actually her name is Lexi." But the guy took no notice calling me by my full name for the rest of the shoot. He began taking pictures as a younger woman was settled opposite us.


"Hi." We chorused, I began waving for whatever reason, Liam and Zayn saw me waving and began waving as well. Soon everyone is waving at her. When we stopped she asked her questions, which were just more of the same crappy ones they always got. It was fun, though giving my own input. After the interview the lads wrapped their arms around me as more pictures were taken. Then Harry and I were instructed to be in a few pictures together.

"Pull her close to you!" He yelled to Harry. "Now Lexi I want you to wrap your arms around his neck." I did that." Now look to the lens, smile big...bigger." My smile was as wide as I could make it. I felt Harry's tongue lick me.

"Did you just lick me?" I squealed, the boys watching were laughing.

"Just trying to lighten the mood." He explains.

"Now Harry take your arms away from here, Lexi put you arm around him and rest it on his waist. Harry put your arm around her shoulder, you other hand in your pocket." Everything felt so mechanical. So robotic. Completely unnatural. He snapped a few pictures. "No, no, no, you guys I've tried this before, but it never worked. Just act like you normally would if I weren't here."

We shuffled around, ending up in similar position as before, but it was more comfortable.

"Are you done moving?" He asked.

"I think so." I said looking to Harry, but at the man. I heard a few clicks before Harry's lips ended up on mine. We smiled into the kiss. Not pressing to deep into it in fear of making too much of a scene.

Louis hollered at us, we separated. Our eyes still locked on each others. He put his head into the crook of my neck burying it in my hair.

"I love you.'' He whispered.

"I love you too." I pressed my lips to his ear.

There were a more clicks, the guy was taking pictures of us. It felt almost the same as when we were out in public and stupid middle aged men took pictures of us when we went out. It didn't feel good.

"Have you got all you need?" Harry asked lifting up his head to the photographer. Without another word, the mass of us went out to the van.

I was dropped off at our house so I could get ready for youth group.

"I had a great day." I put my arms around him again. "See ya later." I waved goodbye to everyone walking up the stone path to our door.

I shut the door to our home as the world began spinning around me. My vision had become unclear as my brain pounded inside my head.

When was the last thing I ate? I asked myself. When I realized I hadn't eaten all day I want to the kitchen to grab an apple I only ate half of on the way to the church.
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Awwww, cute chapter, with hints of something that will pop up later!!! Thanks again for reading, I really do appreciate it. I hope all of oyu are enjoying it!!!
