Sequel: Blood



"Do I need a college degree to become a dominatrix?" Kory questioned, making Marrissa laugh. She giggled softly, before throwing her head back in anguish.

The two had been working for almost an hour, trying to perfect each photo they took of the guys. They had already settled with what they had for Johnny, Zacky and Matt, and sent them back into the studio to get Jimmy and Brian. Two white canvases were against the walls of an empty studio, a few lights by them. Currently, Marrissa was positioning Brian for her next photo, but Kory was having a hard time capturing what she needed of Jimmy's body, seeing as he stood almost two feet taller than herself.

Marrisa shook her head. "Trade me," she said, laughing.

Kory gladly cooperated, turning and making her way in front of Brian. She laughed as Jimmy and Marrissa shouted a bunch of gibberish as she positioned him. She took a few photos of Brian casually standing, trying to get the feeling of his build, before walking over to him. She crossed his arms, and stepped back, her mind wandering.

Brian noticed how she had taken her bottom lip in between her teeth as she thought. She moved him slightly, and stepped back again before snapping a few more pictures.

"Tilt your head up," she said, standing on her tip toes. She laughed softly, before shaking her head. "Not that much, you idjit!" She exclaimed, walking towards him and angling him to an even more uncomfortable spot.

Marrissa laughed, then. "Have you seen any episodes of the new season yet?" She questioned, still focused on her work.

Kory groaned. "Nope. It's kinda late in the season though, I might be able to find some torrents for it or something," she replied, shrugging. "I honestly wouldn't know what I'd do without illegal downloading," she said, chuckling softly.

"Me either," Marrissa said, sighing. "I heard it was really good though."

Kory nodded. "I imagine so," she laughed. Everyone was pretty silent for a while, nothing but the soft clicks of the girls' camera's echoing throughout the room.

They had spent a few more minutes on Jimmy and Brian, before deciding that it was best to do all of the group-shots the following day. If it was this difficult to do photos's only two at a time, they could only imagine what it would be like if they were all together.


Mason had given the guys the rest of the day off, once they'd finished recording Gunslinger, and the guys all resigned to Matt's house for dinner.

"Who're you playing with?" Jimmy asked, plopping down the the sofa next to Matt. He had assumed it to be some random person Matt had never met, like it usually was.

"Rissa and Kory," he replied, shrugging. He was more focused on the video game than he was on Jimmy's smirk.

It didn't take very long at all for Jimmy to suggest what everyone in the room had thought of. "Invite them over!"

Matt nodded. He wouldn't mind, and he was sure that the girls wouldn't either. "As soon as we finish," he said. "When's the pizza supposed to be here again?"

It wasn't very long before the girls had arrived, Marrissa pecking Matt on the lips.

Kory walked straight over to Jimmy, lying in his lap. "Matt mentioned pizza?" She grinned, and laughed softly.

Jimmy shrugged. "It was supposed to be here about ten minutes ago," he replied, sighing.

Her jaw dropped. "What? Red alert! I declare this an emergency!" She exclaimed dramatically, standing up abruptly. "I say we go protest and demand a free pizza!"

Jimmy stood next to her. "Let's go protest!"

Kory jumped onto Jimmy's back, her legs outstretched in front of him as he held her. "Onward, my trusted steed!" She pointed towards the door, and laughed as Jimmy began galloping outside. "We'll be back bearing pizza!" She called over her shoulder, still laughing.

Once she and Jimmy were in her car, they listened to Pantera, singing along very loudly and off-key. When they arrived, they were just as hyper as they had been in the car. Kory had talked to the guy behind the counter in a terrible Brittish accent, and Jimmy had had trouble not laughing throughout the entire conversation.

By the time they had gotten their pizza, along with a free box of assorted cookies as an 'apology,' darkness had fallen and it was getting colder by the second. Kory cursed herself for not bringing a jacket, but shrugged it off as they walked into Matt's house.

"Bow to me, peasants, for I am your queen!" she said, laughing hysterically. They all made their way into the kitchen, where Kory placed the pizza on the counter. She ignored the pizza she had wanted so much before, and began looking over the different cookies, trying to decipher which ones she'd be okay to eat. Once she had finally picked one out, she gave it to Marrissa. "Make sure this isn't raisin for me," she said, waiting patiently as Marrissa assessed the taste.

Nodding, Marrissa swallowed the last of the cookie before answering. "It's chocolate chip, you're good," she answered, the taste familiar to her. At the point in time, she could tell the difference between chocolate chip and raisin faster than it should seem normal. "But maybe you shouldn't have chocolate, you've already had an energy drink," she suggested, knowing that when her sugar high wore off, Kory would crash pretty hard.

Kory simply shrugged. "You know what I say to that? My friend, I say yolo," she replied, puckering her lips into a duckface and making a peace sign with her fingers.

Marrissa laughed, and shook her head as she waited to get her pizza. Once they had all gotten their food, they all made their way back to the living room. Kory was sat on the floor, in front of Johnny, her legs crossed over one another.

"Me gusta la pizza, isn't that how you say it? I took a year of Spanish in high school. Say you're impressed!" She laughed, and shook her head, "No, don't say that. It's probably wrong."

Johnny laughed at her. "Are you okay?" He asked, noticing her unusual behavior. She was an upbeat and hyper person in general, but today it was magnified by a million. He was pretty sure he wasn't the only one who noticed, either.

Shrugging, Kory finished the last bite of her pizza. "Ris says it's because of the Monster I had," she answered. She yawned then, her eyes heavier than they had been just a few seconds ago. She stood up, and took care of her plate, before sitting next to Brian, lying her head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" He asked, laughing as she snaked her arms around him tightly. He made sure to try and keep his distance, afraid of what he'd do if he was too close. It had been several weeks since she had last kissed him at the party, and he longed for her lips at this point.

Kory nodded. "Cuddle me," she said, her voice soft. She nuzzled Brian's shoulder, taking in the the familiar scent of cigarettes, faint cologne, and that certain thing that just made Brian, Brian.

He did as told, though he thought it to be dangerous. He wondered how the guys would react if they ever found out that he and Kory had a thing going on. They were all for Marrissa and Matt, but he also knew that Kory was a major contributor to the album, and she was also Mason's daughter which complicated things. His mind then wandered to what Kory would want. Would she even think about telling the guys? Or anyone, for that matter?

"What're you thinking about?" She questioned, her breathing beginning to even out. Her eyes were closed now, and she was barely awake.

Brian shrugged, uncertain of how to answer her question without his explanation sounding odd. "Just thinking," he replied.

Just moments later, Kory's muscles relaxed and Brian knew that she had slipped into unconsciousness.
♠ ♠ ♠
This should have been updated a while ago..but...yeah..
ANYWAYS, thanks for reading and don't forget to comment/recommend/subscribe!

Thanks to @ AlanAshbyIsSoPurdy for recommending
@ A7x_girl21
@ mrsmshadz
@ BabiiDoll13
for commenting.
Another update in just a few minutes!