Sequel: Blood



It didn't take very long for Kory to pick out what she wanted to wear. A pair of tight, shredded skinny jeans that revealed random parts of her tan legs, a fitting white Theory Of A Deadman top, unzipped combat boots, and a black beanie. Her straightened hair fell loosely around her shoulders, and she finished her mascara before placing her glasses on the bridge of her nose. Marrissa walked into the bathroom then, starting the shower. "Morning," Kory greeted cheerfully.

Marrissa yawned, and stretched her arms above her head. She walked over to the vanity, where Kory was, and shuffled around by the left sink, where her makeup and hair products all sat. Once she found what she had been looking for, she tossed the small white box to Kory. "You can have it if you want. My mom gave it to me, but my hole closed up."

Kory opened the white box to reveal a purple metallic ring, meant to replace the one in her nose currently. She smiled softly, and thanked Marrissa as she got into the shower. She had finally put it through, securing the chrome one in the white box, when Marrissa asked a question.

"So, how do you think today's gonna go? It's Thursday and you'll be gone tomorrow, but now that you two are fine, will things be different?" Her voice was somewhat muffled because of the water hitting the floor of the shower, but Kory could still hear her clearly.

Sighing, she thought for a second before answering. "I honestly hope so. Things might be a little awkward at first but that's better than wanting to kill each other all of the time," she finally answered. "Anyways, I need to get going. I'll text you later. Love you!" She called as she walked out of the steam-filled room and into the cool hallway. She grabbed her lanyard from the bar, along with her purse, and walked out into the corridor.

Most everyone was still sleeping, seeing as class didn't start for another hour. She walked into the girls' dorm lobby, waving politely to Judith, the day-guard. The college spent more money on guards than they did actual resources, Kory was pretty sure. But it was all okay in her book, because she loved this place.

As she walked out to her car, she noticed the familiar Tahoe parked next to it. Nicole was leaning against the passenger door, looking professional as always. She perked up when she saw Kory, straightening out her blazer and clearing her throat. "Hello, Korrissa. Have you thought about my offer yet?"

"First of all, you're supposed to be my mother, not my drug dealer; act like it," she snapped quickly. "Secondly, I think that you've gotta have a huge ego to even think about asking me something like that."

Nicole stared at her daughter, images of Mason flashing in her mind - they had the same chocolate colored eyes, which both held stubbornness and anger when they met with Nicole's. "Look, I think that moving would be good for you. You'd get a fresh start, we'd get a fresh start, Korris--"

"It's Kory."

Sighing, Nicole nodded. "Well, Kory, think about it some more and get back to me when you can."

Kory scoffed as she watched Nicole climb into her car, driving away casually. She couldn't believe what had just happened, but maybe she could. Nicole was a lot of things, but she surely wasn't her mother and that proved it.


With Starbucks in one hand, Kory stormed into the studio. She was shaking with rage, and she placed her lanyard on the oval-shaped desk which was placed in the middle of the studio lobby, Clara sat behind it. Kory's heavy footsteps could be heard on the checker-board carpet that was consistent throughout the entire studio -- all except for the kitchen and the two larger studios (one of which Avenged was working in currently).

"Good morning, K--!"

"Shut up, Clara," Kory cut the chirpy secretary off harshly.

Used to the occasional rage-fits Kory had, Clara shrugged it off. "I love your hair!" She called down the hallway, hoping to cheer her up a bit.

As she stalked down the hallway, everyone that was in her way moving quickly without a word, her cell phone rang. She answered it without looking at the unknown number flashing across the screen. "Hello?"

"Korrissa, listen to me. I know you're really angry but I'm begging you to reconsider your decisions. It would be good for you to get away from the environment you're in," Nicole's voice came through then, knowing her daughter well enough to know she was beyond angry.

"What the hell are you talking about? There's nothing to consider!" Kory stood outside of the studio, not wanting to make a fool of herself in front of the guys. "I'm not leaving, and that's it! This is ridiculous. Leave me alone, Nicole." And with that, she hung up the phone and walked into the studio. She really couldn't wait until tomorrow with Marrissa.

Brian sat in the studio alone, headphones on as he listened to the two songs they had recorded so far. When he realized that Kory had walked in, he gave her a grin before she grabbed his guitar, which had been left on the sofa, and began stringing it. "Are you okay?"

Kory nodded then. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, stringing the last few strings to occupy herself. She had never wished to have more guitars to string before in her life, so this was a first.

"That's great. Now tell me the truth." Brian stared at her as she assessed what he had said. He was almost one hundred percent sure he had saw her lip quiver, but she reclaimed herself.

She shook her head, pulling her cell phone from her pocket and sending a quick text to Marrissa. "I said I'm fine," she replied, her voice much more convincing now. There wasn't much stopping her from telling Brian exactly how she felt, but the few things that were had been enough reason to keep her mouth shut.

The next few minutes were quiet, but not awkward. Brian knew that there was no chance Kory would talk to him, so he remained silent. But, still, he could see a million words hung in the air. She needed to talk, she needed a hug. So, he sat down next to her and kissed her cheek gently.

Her reaction wasn't what he'd expected. "Don't fucking touch me without my consent," she said, her voice low and unnerving. She hadn't meant to come off as rude as she did, but she was so overwhelmed and didn't know how to deal with anything. And, on impulse, it came off as anger.

So, when Marrissa's voice could be heard from the lobby, Kory sighed with relief and stood up, walking out into the hallway hurriedly. She wrapped her arms around her best friend, resting her cheek against her shoulder.

"Ohmygod, Kory, I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner. I had just got out of the shower when you texted me. Babe, calm down," Marrissa said, holding the younger female against her chest comfortingly. "Everything's gonna be fine," she cooed.

Kory shook her head. "Rissa, I don't know what to do. Everything's so messed up."

Marrissa nodded. "It is, you're right. But you need to calm down. We'll figure something out, okay? I swear. It'll all be situated soon." She opened one of the doors to an unoccupied studio, pulling Kory inside and shutting the door behind the two. They sat on the small sofa inside, Kory lying her head on Marrissa's lap. "Don't worry, okay? How about I make you some hot chocolate?"

Nodding, Kory sniffled and picked her head up so Marrissa could stand. But, before she had gotten back, Kory had fallen asleep, tears still staining her cheeks.

Marrissa covered Kory with a the blue fleece blanket that was always in the main studio, and kissed her temple gently. She wiped at her cheeks then. "I'll be worked out before you wake up, I promise."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to @ BabiiDoll103 for commenting (who's writing an ace A7X story you should go read).
@ gaby12345678
@ chief109
for recommending.
You're all the best. :)
xo ~Medusa