
Chapter 26

“umm, hey… guys…” Gerard started sheepishly, and of course Mikey knew exactly what he was about to say.

“No Gerard. We can barely handle ourselves, she deserves a proper home and family.” He pushed glasses up his nose, crushing the small part of him that wanted to adopt her as well. “You can’t just adopt a child out of pity or feeling guilty, it’s a life changing thing.”

“But Mikey, she’s PERFECT. She didn’t even squeak loudly, and please? No parent want to adopt teenagers anyway,” Gerard pointed out, making puppy eyes.

“I’ll be her Dad!” Frank shouted, coming out of nowhere to pounce on Gerard and grin. “Oh please Mikey?!”

The younger way just gave them both a stern stare. “Ray?” he called.

“She called me a legend on the guitar, so you know what, I don’t care. But I don’t want to deal with bitchy on-her-period teenage shit! That is NOT my problem.”

Mikey clenched his teeth. Was he the only one who could see that this wasn’t about what worked for them? Amaya would need a home, school, friends, and parental authority of some sort. And they were NOTHING of the sort. “But guys, she’s a teenage girl! Not a puppy! BOB!” he yelled, hoping the drummer would take his luck.

“You know what, we might as well. We did land her in an orphanage, and look at Gerard and Frank, they’re already attached.”

“ARG! Why can’t you just see- fine. You know what? Fine.” The bassist growled storming into “his” room at Bobs house, ignoring Franks brief “he’s just bitter because he’s not getting laid.”

Mikey sighed and rubbed his face. He couldn’t get the icy eyes out of his head- not from talking to her, but the ones that had pleaded from around the side of a door, eyes that mirrored the look that Gerard’s had only recently lost. At least being with them would keep her from growing bitter and doing what his brother had done, keep her away from drugs and overuse of alcohol, and she was 16… it would only be for a few years. He continued to convince himself that this was the right thing to do, since Gerard was clearly going to get his way.

The only other thing to worry about was that “Tiv” person.
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its a bird, its a plane, no... its an UPDATE!
sorry for the wait, my dears