Status: This is a personal dream I'm turning into fic , Enjoy~

Cry Me a River


I tried to get up , I really did but he had placed his arm around me , not looking directly at him for one second, I wont I refuse to let him notice my feeling again. and I hold my breath thinking what to do next.

"is everything alright Soramarou" I swallowed my heart , he said my whole name , he's angry at me

"umm. Sir ,.. Toilet- " and I tried again to get up.
"you can hold it" and now I swallowed my lie.

"Sir, your hand- ... "
"yes what about it? " and he randomly looked at his other hand , and he's attitude started to bother me but now he had leaned his head closer to mine , I still refuse to look at him , I'm actually surprise of myself strength at this point.

some how I manage to get my 'fear' control " sir please" as I tried to get up I feel few drops of warm liquid on my shoulder. is he drooling on me? //Stupid Sora, he's crying, oh yea , oh wait , oh no//

" is this tears? , Sir are you ok?" I hear words come out of my mouth full of worry and caring //dammit I'm so weak ...for him...//

"Erwin's said for me to take..." his hand moved to meet mine and finally had a glance of his face. making my heart beat so fast my chest was about to burst.

" Responsa-... " he continued to say , but all I remember was my plate being taken from my hand , and balanced over my head while a pair of very soft lips kissed me with lust // yes Lust..// my head moved left and right but his followed mine with not one inch apart. // I fight it, yes I did.... ok no. I tried //

My mouth was shut tight. but he won, he's tongue made his way in between my lips and all over my teeth, what is this feeling? and I started trembling and breathing so fast I couldn't think , I even forgot where we were , the day got so hot and dizzy. .. and in a blink of an eye...

I got completely swept away.
♠ ♠ ♠
did I dream this? where am I ...?
nope. this was not a dream Sora.