Status: This is a personal dream I'm turning into fic , Enjoy~

Cry Me a River


Sora don't know how many hours had pass or how she even gonna try to sneak out of his room now , Tonight was the best night Sora could had ever imagine, to ever had, ever in her entire life. All kinds of Feelings bloom. Her body trembled at anything. that surprising kiss for the first time, the body heat, how his hands roamed her body. Rivaille's voice gonna be inside her head all day today. At least is Sunday. Sora looked around the room and came to realize something very familiar. // wait, wait , this is my room What?! did I just lost track of the world when he just kissed me? it felt that way actually... //

Sora Laughed at her own thoughts making the Corporal laying on 'Her Bed' cuddle a bit more. // oh my...all the way here, from the kitchen? and I didn't pay attention? that's a long hallways , did anybody saw us?// And the doubt started to raise, yesterday was enough drama at lunch time , this gonna be worst drama, since after that kiss we both disappear half the day, the whole day!

Sora looked at the clock, is already 4 in the morning. Everybody must be asleep, Rivaille needs to go to his own room before anybody sees him, how am I gonna wake him up? He looks so cute ... and sexy. Sora bit her lips and the first idea to wake him up was to kiss him. Rivaille get's kissed on the cheek very softly. // he smirked ? // " oi, awake?"

"good morning " and he stretched and yawned all over the place.
" you pretended to be asleep? you should ..." Sora try to start the conversation with whats the situation , but she gets pull back in bed. but in a hug Sora's heart beat raised, Rivaille's clinged and landed more kisses " if you want me to leave I leave, see you later my princess " Rivaille whispered as he put his pants on. and with a kiss he steps out. Door closes behind it..

I got ready for chores, and waiting a couple of minutes I step out of my room. Now on my way to the Kitchen to help with breakfast, to my surprise I find Eren waiting for me at the end of the hall.

"oh!, hi Eren, you stalking me, now " I tried to joke to brake the tension in his eyes, but it fails. He looked back at me weird and I laughed nervously, when suddenly he approached me. Pushing me aside and pinned me in between the corner of the column and the wall. " Eren?!" and he placed a finger on my lips to shush me. Eren was way taller than Rivaille. Even thought we both Titan-shifters I feel somehow intimidated, he approaches my neck and placing his lips on me, he whispers "now, you, are, mine."
♠ ♠ ♠
eehhhhhh!!!???? D:

dun dun dunnnnnnn