Status: Active

Ride Off Into the Sunset

Chapter 27

"Hang on Noelle!" Brian yelled as they came to another curb in the road.

Noelle held on leaning to the side the curb was going in before sitting up.

Brian chuckled. "Only a couple of times on a bike and you know to do that when you get to a curb."

"Force of habit?" Noelle asked making him laugh.

She held on as he followed the others to the park. They arrived everyone parked their cars near the sidewalk and got out.

Jimmy yelled and ran to the gates jumping on them forcing them open with a loud clang.

"You're so silly." Julia said laughing.

"Silly is another word for awesome." Jimmy said putting an arm around her shoulders.

Everyone walked down the sidewalk then walked off the path to where the spot was. While walking to the spot the walked pass the pond.

"Hey look at the size of that duck!" Jimmy yelled. "Look at that duck!"

Matt chuckled. "He's bigger than you."

"He's not afraid at all!" Jimmy yelled running towards it making his voice deeper. "He's not afraid at all!"

"He's not afraid at all!" Jimmy yelled as the duck flapper and swam into the pond.

"The only duck with a longer neck." Brian said.

Jimmy walked back to the others and walked over to Julia who was shaking her head and laughing.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"That's the biggest fucking duck I've ever seen and I wanted to catch it for you." Jimmy said.

"Why?" Julia asked.

"For Easter since it's coming up soon." Jimmy said.

"Jimmy it's bunnies and chicks." Valary said. "Not ducks."

"Well I don't know where to find a damn chick so a duck could substitute since it's a bird." Jimmy said.

"You're too much." Julia said as they started walking again.

"Nah I'm just enough for you." Jimmy said with a wink making Julia blush.

Eventually they got to the bush. "I'm not sure there's enough room for two more people." Matt said pulling the branch back.

"Let's all squeeze in and see." Julia said.

Everyone squeezed in laughing and making noises at being cramped inside crushed against each other.

"Little crowded in here." Johnny said.

"Maybe you should leave shortshit." Jimmy said earning a smack from Julia.

"That's not nice he can't help his height." Julia said making Johnny smirk and stuck his tongue at Jimmy.

"Anyone want a drink?" Zacky asked pulling out a bottle of tequila.

"Pass that shit around Zee." Matt said taking it and taking a big swallow before handing it to Valary.

The tequila went around till it came to Noelle. She was still a little hesitant but took a swallow then another.

"Slow down there." Zacky said taking it then pulled out a bottle of wine.

"You trying to get our asses drunk?" Jimmy asked taking the wine and chugging it down.

"Share that shit." Johnny said trying to get it.

"Try to get it midget." Jimmy said holding it up high.

Jimmy groaned as Julia playfully elbowed him taking the bottle took a swallow and handed it to Johnny.

"Why'd you do that?" Jimmy asked playing hurt. "I was having fun."

"Cause you wouldn't give him the wine and you're always picking on him." Julia said.

"You like him more than me?" Jimmy asked and pretended to cry.

"You stop that Jimmy you know I like you a lot." Julia said.

He stopped. "Why don't you prove it then?"

"Not in here please." Zacky said making them laugh as they left.

"Alcohol's all gone." Matt said.

"What do we do now then?" Noelle asked.

She didn't notice the others exchanging looks. "I think I drank too much I'm gonna go find a bush." Valary said getting up.

"I'm going too cause I'm her boyfriend." Matt said.

"And I'm going too cause I'm her sister." Michelle said getting up to leave.

"And I'm going just cause." Zacky said leaving.

"I'm getting the feeling they all left on purpose to leave us alone together." Noelle said.

Brian chuckled and pulled out a cigarette. "Nothing ever gets pass you sweet cheeks."

Noelle laughed softly then thought about it. "Brian can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He said blowing a puff.

"What kind of business was it to be exact?" Noelle asked noticing him tense.

"Why do you want to know that?" He asked.

"I guess I'm just curious is all." Noelle said leaving Michelle's name out of it.

"Curiosity gets you killed." Brian mumbled the cig hanging out the corner of his mouth.

"Well I'm not afraid to die in they case." Noelle said.

"You want to die young?" He asked.

"No but if it happens it happens." Noelle said. "Death is just natural everyone has to die sometime."

"You think you'll go to the happy place in the sky when you die?" Brian asked.

"I hope so." Noelle said. "I sure as hell don't wanna burn for enternity." She said with a laugh.

"Some people deserve to burn forever." Brian said.

Noelle turned serious remembering the night Brian told her he was going to hell when he died.

"Brian remember you told me you're sure you're going to hell when you die?" She asked.

"Yeah what about it?" He asked.

"What have you done that makes you think that?" Noelle asked noticing his demeanor change. "Please tell me Brian I won't judge you."

Brian thought about it before sitting down across from her so he was facing her.

"You're knot gonna like what you hear." He said. "You'll hate me when you hear."

Noelle held his hand. "I could never hate you Brian it's not in my nature."

Brian looked into her eyes seeing that caring, genuine look she always seemed to have in her eyes.

"Okay I'll tell you." He said. "The business I was involved in involved selling things."

"What kind of things?" She asked.

"Cocaine, marijuana, herion, meth, people." He whispered the last one.

"You sold people?" She asked.

Brian nodded. "They weren't just any people though they were teenage girls."

"Brian you were...

"A sex trafficker." He said.