Status: Active

Ride Off Into the Sunset

Chapter 30

Noelle squinted as sunlight shined on her face the next morning. Opening her eyes she realized she was in her bed tuck in sitting up she yawned and rubbed eye crust away from her eyes.

"Noelle it's time to get up." Cynthia said opening the door. "Great you're already up."

She walked over to the window and pulled the curtains back. "I'm making French toast for breakfast."

"I'll be down soon." Noelle said.

With a stretch Noelle got out of bed after making it she made her way to the bathroom.

As she showered she thought about last nights events and about what Brian had said.

"You're different one of the many reasons I like you." He had said.

Noelle never thought she was anything spectacular but compared to girls like Michelle she was different. She was shy, her style and personality was not outgoing and bold like Michelle's was.

"You accept me regardless of my past I feel like you're my chance at something different." He said.

Noelle didn't judge or treat people beneath her all because they may have had a bad past. She was one that believed in giving people a second chance.

"And this is another quality about you that he likes." She thought getting out the shower.

As she got dressed she thought about everything that had happened the past couple of days. Maybe all Brian needed was a second chance and he wanted someone to understand and give him that chance.

"That's something I'm giving him a second chance and a new start." Noelle said putting a barrette in her hair.

With a smile she walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Sitting at the table she started eating.

"So Noelle did you have a good nights sleep?" Cynthia asked with a hint of a smile.

"Best sleep I've had in weeks." She replied.

"I'm sure it was considering Brian carried you away last night." Cynthia said.

Noelle gulped. "How'd you know?"

Cynthia laughed. "I didn't hear when you left but when y'all returned those boots of his weren't exactly quiet." "I head creaking so I got up grabbing a baseball bat and cracked by door open to see Brian carry you into your roll and tuck you in."

"Cynthia I'm...

"Don't worry Ellie it's between us remember?" Cynthia asked with a wink. "So where did y'all go?"

"He took me to a hill overlooking the entire town." Noelle said.

"Sounds romantic." She said with a smile making Noelle blush.

At that moment the doorbell rang. Cynthia left the kitchen and went to the door.

Noelle looked up as Cynthia returned with a smile Jimmy behind her.

"Hey Jimmy." Noelle said.

"Morning gorgeous." He said.

"Help yourself Jimmy there's plenty." Cynthia said gesturing to the food.

"Thanks." Jimmy said grabbing a piece of French toast and sasuage and humming.

"Any reason you eat when you hum Jim?" Noelle asked.

"I'm just excited for you to see Julia this morning." He said.

"What's happened to Julia?" Noelle asked worried.

Jimmy laughed and squeezed her hand. "Nothing bad she just looks different is all."

"How different?" She asked.

"Why don't we go over and see?" Jimmy asked getting up. "Thanks for breakfast Cynthia."

"You're welcome Jimmy and you can call me Cyndi." She said then gasped on surprise when Jimmy hugged her.

"Jimmy you'll squeeze her to death." Noelle said laughing and shaking her head.

"Right sorry." He said setting her down. "You ready?"

Noelle nodded. "See you later Cynthia."

"Have a good day." Cynthia said as they left.

Noelle laughed as Jimmy ran around her. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Waiting for you to speed up." Jimmy said.

Noelle squealed as Jimmy picked her up and ran the rest of the way to Julia's house. He set her down as they approached the house.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

"A little dizzy." She said as everything came back into focus. "Let's see what you're trying to show me."

Jimmy grinned as they walked up to the front porch and he rang the doorbell.

"Hello Noelle and Jimmy." Helen said. "Julia will be down in a few."

"How you like her new look?" He asked.

"It's definitely attention getting." Helen said with a smile as footsteps were heard.

"Hi guys." Julia said.

"Julia you're hair." Noelle said eyes wide.

Julia's pixie haircut was highlighted with red throughout. "You like it!" She asked.

"I love it when did you get it done?" Noelle asked. "Who did it?"

"Last night." Julia said. "And Jimmy did it."

"Jimmy did that?" Noelle asked looking at Jimmy who had that grin on. "Can you highlight my hair?"

"Sure when you want it done?" He asked.

"How bout after school?" Noelle asked.

"After school of is then we'll shop for dye too." Jimmy said.

Noelle smiled and waved to Helen as they made their way to school. Her happy mood was scattered when Julia grabbed her hand and pointed towards the school.

Standing near the steps was Eden who's eyes landed on the three as they approached.

"Where were y'all yesterday?" She asked.

"None of your damn business." Julia said.

"Does your mom know you talk with that mouth?" Eden asked then noticed her hair. "What did you do to your hair?"

"She got it highlighted by me." Jimmy said putting his arm around Julia's shoulders.

Eden snorted then laughed. "No wonder you look like a bigger retard then usual."

Noelle's eyes flared with anger but she didn't have time to react when Julia punched Eden in the face.

"You shut the hell up you fucking cunt." Julia said.

Eden felt blood on her nose as she got up. "You're gonna regret doing that."

"Actually I feel really liberated doing it." Julia said giving her smile as the trio walked pass the bloody nosed fuming Eden.