Status: Active

Ride Off Into the Sunset

Chapter 37

"What do you think Jimmy's planning?" Julia asked as they sat in their seats first period.

"Who knows Jimmy's unpredictable." Noelle said opening her book.

"So what did you do last night?" Julia asked.

"Well Brian came over and took me out then he took me to a fight club." She said.

"Fight club?" Julia said surprised. "You didn't fight anyone did you?"

"No Brian wanted me to learn how to fight in case there comes a time when I need too." Noelle said. "Punched the bag so hard it came off the hook and hit Brian in the face."

"Damn what made you mad?" Julia asked. "Whatever it was must be bad cause you never get pissed or you don't show it."

"Brian was taunting me so I would hit the bag harder then what I was doing but that wasn't what really got to me." She said. "I thought about my parents and all their demands of me."

Julia thought about it. "Well it's really not surprising they tell you what to do, you do it, and just keep it all in and that builds up over time."

"I know Jules it kinda opened my eyes too." Noelle said. "Why do I do everything my parents tell me then keep what I'm feeling in?"

"Cause you want to please your parents." Julia said. "You go about making them happy but in the process you're not happy."

"That's what Brian said but what can I do to please them but at the same time I'm happy doing what I'm doing?" Noelle asked.

"I think it all ultimately falls on you Ellie." Julia said. "You're legally an adult and old enough to make your own choices and if your parents really care about you they'll support and respect your choices."

"What if they don't?" She asked.

Julia snorted. "Then they can go suck an egg."

Noelle"s eyes widen. "Jules since when did you start talking like that?"

"Since we started hanging with Jim Jam." Julia said with a smirk.

"He's definitely a bad influence on you." Noelle said. "I still in awe your parents are okay with him."

"I know even if they weren't I still would." Julia said as the teacher signaled the beginning of class.

They went the entire day without seeing Jimmy both still wondered what antics he planned on doing next. They sat down for lunch still no sign of Jimmy.

"Wonder where he's at." Julia said.

"Ditto." Noelle said then rolled her eyes seeing Eden approaching.

"What do you want now?" Julia asked. "Didn't break your nose in enough yesterday?"

Eden glared. "Heard you had to serve detention today due to you not going yesterday."

"What's it to you?" Julia asked.

"Nothing except your parents must be so embarrassed by you and your behavior." Eden said with a sneer.

Julia stood up her fist clenched. "I think you need a little more eyeshadow."

Eden's eyes widen and she walked away without another word Julia sat down with a satisfied smile.

"You got her pissing her pants now Jules." Noelle said laughing.

"It's good seeing the bitch quiver." Julia said as they finished their lunches.

Noelle sat in sixth period trying to concentrate on the lesson. Just as she fell asleep the fire alarm went off. Everyone got in a line and walked out to the front lawn.

The alarm went off and the principal and secretary walked out I annoyed.

"The alarm was pulled as a prank who pulled it?" He asked.

"It was me!" A loud voice said.

Everyone looked to see Jimmy standing on the roof of the school wearing a big grin.

"It was me I James Owen Sullivan pulled the fire alarm and I'm...not sorry!" He said and started cackling.

Noelle and Julia looked at each other and shook their heads in amusement at Jimmy's antics.

"Mr. Sullivan for your prank you will be serving detention today." The principal said.

"At least I get to spend it with the fairest in the land." Jimmy said. "Fair Maiden Julia Nicole Chandler!"

The students started laughing Julia blushed from embarrassment but got Jimmy's eye. He winked at her she looked down ale waved back with a smile.

"What a day." Noelle said entering the house.

"What happened?" Cynthia asked.

"Jimmy pulled the fire alarm so Julia wouldn't serve detention alone." She said.

Cynthia chuckled softly. "I'm not surprised he did something like that." "Seems like he'd do anything for you two."

"That's just the good person he is." Noelle Salisbury the doorbell rang. "You expecting anyone?"

"No." Cynthia said confused.

Noelle went to the door and opened it finding a surprise. Brian stood there dressed in a black button up shirt, black jeans, and his hair was slicked down.

"Brian what are you doing here?" She asked.

He gave her that smile. "Thought we were having dinner."