Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

Do Us All a Favor and Cover That Thing Up.

Hermione half-smiled at me, and Ron just shrugged at Harry, who glared at me.

"Look, what exactlly did I do that has got your panties in a wad?" I asked him, I heard Mari stiffle laughter next to me.

"Your in Slytherin! And you talk to Malfoy!" he exclaimed.

Then Mariah stepped in. "So am I. And just because we talk to Malfoy doesn't mean we say exactly nice things."

"Yeah!" I said. "So why don't you just stick it down your pants and save it for later!" and I took his chocolate chip muffin of of his plate and stormed out of the hall, running into Proffesor Snape.

"Ahh Miss Serfass here is your timetable. I have arrange for Mr. Malfoy to be your guide."

"WHAT!?!?" I exclaimed, running back into the hall to Mariah at the Gryfindor table, completely ignoring the others. "Guess what Snape did."

"What?" she asked.

"Malfoy has to be my freaking guide!"


"That was my response. Here switch timetables." I said. It turns out we had the same schedule..."Which means we both have the same classes with Malfoy!" we exclaimed in unison.

Just then, the evil one himself came in.

"Well speaking of the devil himself," I mumbled. Of course he saw us and came strutting over.

"What are you doing sitting with the Gryfindors? Spare yourself of this trash, you belong with me." he smirked.

"What are you doing without a mask on your face?" I mocked. "Spare us of that horrid sight and cover that thing up!"

Draco glared at me and stormed away. Mariah and the Gryfindor's cracked up, and I faced Potter.

"Ya happy?"

"Yeah." he smiled.
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ya. Two days in a row!!